06-15-2015, 09:50 AM
this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
So as disgusting as the severed tail is, and as ticklish as the little fox claws are, a part of her is very flattered, and very pleased. She doesn’t even turn her nose up at it. Instead, a curious little pleased smirk slowly spreads across her face and winks cheekily at Vyx, as if to say good girl. See, Scorch? Her little band is growing. Publicly, she must give a slight reprimand and then they can move on. Politics, you know. “Just don’t make a habit of it,” Lagertha says in an offhand way, and then waits for the meeting to end before corralling the little vulpine creature as the rest of the sisters disperse and head back into the depths of the jungle, or to wherever they’ve volunteered to go.
She flashes Rhy a smile and then indicates that all is well. They will talk again about certain things once she’s determined whether or not Vyx would be helpful and/or on their side.
Then, the General turns back to the fox - or black mare, if she’d happened to decide to shift back. Lagertha doesn’t have a problem speaking to her alternate shape, after all, her closest friend is often a lioness, and that is far more intimidating than a fox. “Good to see you again, Vyx. I see you finally bested one of the Howlers…. very impressive! So did you have a particular useful thing in mind, or did you want a task?”
She completely forgets to ask if the shifter has any questions about the Jungle. But that’s Lagertha for you… more work than play these days. Her work will not be done for awhile, it seems. The chess pieces just aren't moving the way she wants them to.
carnage x grim reaper; amazonian general