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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm just a poor boy; Kovas, Imperial, any

    I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy.
    ( because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low )

    The trek is long, and hardy. As Pangea lies far across Beqanna, through the the rugged mountain range, and the dueling grounds lies, the wasteland planted pleasantly beside a spiraling coast. But sure enough the pair arrive upon the blood drenched soil of his homeland, welcomed by the pleasant aroma of the sweet rotting of flesh upon a corpse.

    He had been watching the boy, Kovas was his name during the journey. And with his great strength the boy seemed to have managed the voyage with sheer strength, but as any child after a trek he looked exhausted, seeming to walk in a quite sluggish manner. Although nothing was said throughout their journey, no introductions, it was unnecessary. But now as he peers down at strongly built boy, his crimson gaze showing some form of fake sympathy he expelled his poison dripped words, "I have many names." He pauses, to taste the boy's name upon his lips. "Kovas. Some call me the ghost, Shadow walker, or Waylan. But in your case boy, you may call me father." Father, the most poisonous for of them all is emitted from his velvet lips. His gaze unmoving and as cold as ice, his expression malicious and venomous.

    His blood red eyes lift to the land before them, a land of murders and psychos. "Kovas, this is Pangea, your new home, our home." He ends his silver tail stirring at his hocks impatiently as he strode forth deeper into the decaying canyons, residue of sand stone cliffs that have fallen due to erosion lay like remains upon the Pangea's floor. 

    "Come, meet your younger brother." He states, as he strode further into the land, slowly finding his way to the obsidian coast, where his sister, and lover resided. And like a shark, he hunts for her and his son, until he finds them nestled amongst the salty brine of the sea water. His painted child, snuggled up beside his blue mother, the dolphin shifter. "Imperial, get out of there." He commands, it was not time for childs play, didn't his own son know better? He should be training, building up his strength rather than pathetically walking the coastline with his sweet excuse of a mother.

    His ruby gems remain cold as they fall upon his own son, his own blood. "Imperial, this is Kovas. Your brother and sparring partner." He emits with rugged vocals.


    any way the wind blows        doesn't really matter to me

    @[Kovas] @[Imperial]

    a quote can go here

    Kovas' breed was known for its stamina. But he was only four months old, not even a yearling yet. So even he was winded by the journey. His mother never made them walk so far before. Yes, they did travel but it took many weeks to get into an area that was unfamiliar to Kovas. But with Waylan... or rather, his father, it didn't take that long to get into a new area. Hot breath came from Kovas' mouth rapidly as he looked over at the coast line. He had never seen such a wondrous place. The water seemed to go on farther than Kovas could see, he even lifted his head in an attempt to find land past the water. But alas, he found nothing. It was a little daunting. Just as it was a little daunting to be around Waylan. Kovas wasn't very small for his age, no he was pretty tall. But there was something about the stallion that Kovas just couldn't place. Still, he was kind enough to take Kovas out of the Orphanage, so he couldn't be all that bad.
    "This place looks really pretty." Kovas commented, taking in the sights around them.

    That's why it took him a little off guard when Waylan said Kovas now had a little brother. "I have a little brother now?" Kovas echoed his thoughts, bewildered that a stallion would take on another foal that wasn't of his own blood while he already had a child. Kovas didn't leave Waylan's side as they journeyed further towards the lapping water. As they came to a stop, Kovas slowly moved forward to sniff at this new brother of his. The Clydesdale didn't know what to make of him, he seemed pretty small and--wait what? Sparring partner? Kovas looked up at Waylan and then back at Imperial, his new younger brother. If they were supposed to spar like adults, Kovas was sure he'd hurt Imperial... or worse. "Hi Imperial." Kovas greeted the younger foal.

    another quote can go here.
    At Night she Walks the Beaches...
    Shortly after he had disappeared upon seeing his son and the disgrace placed upon the new foal he had risen.  Legs all wobble as he bared the strength to carry his own weight.  She gathered him quickly, fed him and warmed him as a mother should.  She did not see his imperfections as his father had.  As far as she was concerned he barred none.  As his strength came they walked slowly down the coastline in peace...

    Their peace was short-lived.  Upon the haze on the horizon she saw his figure coming.  Unusual to see him coming from far off for usually he just 'appeared'.  Lobes flattened upon her skull for she knew he was up to no good.  If he planned to have harmed them surely he would have crept in closer under cover to strike.  The boy had been off a bit calculating the waves to and fro.  Careful to not make contact with the liquid.  She called to him and he trotted to her side in curiousity.  As his father neared he saw another colt to his side.  Replaced already by another stronger foal.  He looked to his mother in confusion...

    She watched as the figure, or figures neared.  Her brother spoke of the foal and introduced the two colts as brothers.  She snorted in distaste.  Obviously this colt was not by blood his own.  She interrupted the introductions, "What poor sack of flesh have you convinced to be your own?  Does Imperial displease you so that you have replaced him within a week's time?". She looked down upon the rather large colt beside him.  He has yet to realize what he has gotten into with being by Waylans side.  Soon he will know he is owned.  A slave to the Ghost of Pangea... 
    artsfon stock photos

    OOC: I'll do an Imperial post next but wanted to include momma in this one.  Yous can post though first if you have something to add Wink. Imperial will mainly be confused but will interact with Kovas Smile

    I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy.
    ( because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low )

    He remains silent under the pathetic uproar of his sister. What in hell was this women thinking? Of course h loved his son, although he was rather weak, and clumsy at that, he still loved him. Imperial was his gem the picture of imperfection compared to his last scum of a child, Tyrion. His pathetic boy was crippled, and walked with a limp, what a pitiful creature, a creature with the incorrect combination of genes, but damn it was all with it to get into his mother's pants. The cold heart, of Karsi always left him to be beggar for love. But as Despayr speaks, questioning his unconditional love to his son, his blood, Imperial. He can't help but laugh, a malicious crocodile grin finding it's way upon his lips.

    And within seconds he disappears from their sight, the sweet cackle of his wretched vocals leaving clues to his whereabouts. And so he circles her, like a shark in search of a meal, and he waits, like a snake awaiting to strike. He waits for his son imperial to move towards Kovas, and with the simple movements of his painted blood. He lunges forward, striking her upon her barrel. Ripping off flesh, piece by piece, blood beginning to soak the obsidian sands, and that sweet sound the pitter patter of blood that quenched his blood lust, forced him to a halt. His crimson gaze overlooking his dirty work, a gash nestled within her side.

    It was a reminder, that he was far more powerful than her, and he could choose to steal Imperial away from her if he so wished. The boy would be healthy enough to flourish upon vegetation, very soon. And when that day would arrive, Imperial will be taken to train under his father. 

    A crooked grin is forced upon his lips as he inclines his muzzle to whisper into her ear, "Do not question me." Grinding his teeth in a warning, he appears once more beside Kovas, as if nothing happened. In a land without rules caused many things to be ruled by violence, including his very own family.


    any way the wind blows        doesn't really matter to me


    Doesn't the blue flame burn hotter?

    Standing beside his mother he watched as his Father and Kovas approached. More steady now on his feet then he was even a day earlier.  Father spoke and he listened. The introduction was short as his mother protested.  Her words sharp and unkind.  He didn't understand fully the gravity of the situation unfolding.  This foal didn't look so bad...

    As he was about to return the greeting, not more than a step forward was taken before his Father vanished.  A cackle here, then there was heard behind him so he turned in confusion.  Blue eyes searched for his figure as he backed into the large colt.  Feeling the bump upon his flank his ears flattened upon his skull.  Wide eyed he kept watching the activities before him...

    He watched as his mother flesh was torn from her frame.  Seeping crimson trailed down her white hide landing on the sand beneath her.  Hunks of flesh laying open appeared from seemingly no where.  She cried out in pain and anger.  Useless kicks to air as she tried to defend herself against the ghost.  Imperial wanted to run to her side but he had froze in place.  He couldn't help her even if he tried.  He was just a child, weak and vulnerable.  His thoughts raced as he witnessed the cruel punishment she endured.  Was this the world he lived in?  Kill or be killed...?  

    A sudden burning grew within him.  A need, a desire of which he hadn't felt before.  For what exactly he was unsure of yet but as his Father reappeared beside Kovas, his brother, he looked to him for answers.  Answers he didn't have questions yet for...



    I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy.
    ( because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low )

    It isn't hard for his red gaze to meet his own son's. The boys looked surprised, perhaps even a bit fearful towards him. But Imperial, his blood seems interested in some matter, but yet too concerned over the victim, his mother. It was unfortunate he would have to break the boy's eventually, stripping them of everything until they lack any emotion, so it was easier for them as it was for him. He wanted his boys to share in the art of killing, while also enjoying it as he did ever so much. But it would be hard for him, you see he cared about them, his boys. It wasn't love, but it was a passion to make sure they were successful, that they stayed on course.

    Returning his gaze to despayr, blood trickling down her side like waterfalls of crimson, staining the ground elegantly with blood. His work, was clean, and masterful. Something he wanted his boys to recognize for it would soon be their art, their work. He wants them to enjoy it has he did, and he wanted them to understand it, to know his methods. "What do you see boys?" He expels his rough vocals, directing his wickedly handsome head towards the bleeding flesh upon their mother's hide."Was the cut made precision? Will your mother bleed out?" He lists, with wretched words.


    any way the wind blows        doesn't really matter to me

    @[Kovas] @[Imperial]

    Okay so, I'll be making as training post very soon for both of them Smile
    At Night she Walks the Beaches...
    What was it that made her protest against him?  She knew what he'd do and for some reason she couldn't help herself.  Was she as twisted as him really and just fighting it?  What would happen if she just let go?  Her thoughts raced as she stood there before her son.  Open and bleeding.  She could feel the blood trickling down her leg but pain... No she felt none. It was more a sensation at her side.  A reminder of what he was capable of and damned it if she kind of didn't want more.  Her teethed gritted at the thought.  He was slowly breaking her down.  Soon to bend at his will.  She shook her crown to rid herself of all the thoughts.  Two toned eyes stared upon her brother as he bragged of his handy work.  Unmoving, waiting for what was to come next...
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