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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like a Rose in the Rain [Lucrezia]


    Magnus had stepped down, the last ruling original founder had stepped down and Tephra was officially in a new age. It was an odd thing, being the final founding member of Tephra still around. Not to say that Offy, Isling, and maybe even Maliz were not still around, maybe even Topsail were still in the depths of the lands sitting back to watch while a new generation takes their vision to new heights. However Nymph had never reached the same height as the fellow founders, his friends, so he couldn’t sit back and watch, he wasn’t ready to sit back and retire.  If the blood bay hadn’t vanished into the darkness, hadn’t had a a quarter life crisis, then maybe it would have been him, maybe he would have been called to lead Tephra. But that was not his story, and he was not leader, it was not his time. No, it was time for him to work, and show his worth, and his time would come.

    Right before the meeting Magnus had given him the rundown of their alliances and told him to talk to Lucrezia. He was more than willing to work his way up, but when Magnus handed off the “crown” so to speak he knew his tactics had to change. The bay had taken a walk in the forest to gather his thoughts and give Lu some time to adjust to her new role and decide what direction she wanted to take. Now, however, it was time to move, time to get to work, and he could only hope his new captain would agree.

    The summer air was hot in Tephra, though what else would you expect in a volcanic land. The vegetation was beginning to grow crisp and yellow as the sun tried it’s best to burn the green flora of his home. It was his home, no matter how active he was, no matter if he came and went, Tephra was his home and he was glad to finally know that. The wind carried the slightest hints of sulfur from the volcano that day dormant beneath their hooves. He walked the lands keeping an eye out for the new queen-bee.  Eventually, he did find her and he approached, giving a slight bow of his head in greeting. Her tannish coat and feathered mane and tail gave her a natural earthy look, though if her personality matched her calm coloring-- well he had no clue. They had never met, not that he can recall, though that didn’t mean they hadn’t been in the same place at the same time. He had traveled all over Beqanna before and after the reckoning. There were few he didn’t at least recognize from before the reckoning from  Chamber, tundra, or the valley. And his travels looking for Kildare and Kimber took him across many lands and allowed him to meet many others. But any which way he but it, he was sure they didn’t know each other, other than maybe recognition.

    ”Lucrezia, I was meaning to find you before the meeting, but I feel it was good I didn’t, as things may be different now. Hopefully, you haven’t been too bombarded with favors and concerns in your first few days.” He paused and smiled, knowingly. He knew from his time beside Kildare that peace and quiet was really not a privilege that rulers often had. He paused to let her reply before getting into why he was here. ”I’m Nymphetamine, I wish to help strengthen our friendships, and keep the status quo with our enemies….” He smirked at that, before continuing. ”I once lead the diplomats in Chamber under Kildare, and would be more than glad to do so for you.” He was formal in his reply, but not too stiff. He had to feel her out first before he would joke with her as he as accustomed to doing.  

    He was ready to get to work, he felt that things were really about to change among the lands, as the fae had come to them once more and told them so. That there was more, there was also rumor of a mutiny at Ischia. Tephra had to be prepared and he hopes to help them be at the forefront and not scrambling from their laurels.  Nymphetamine stood proud and ready… he just hopes she was ready to let him prove it.

    Like a thorn to the Holy Ones

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    The crown had been given to her to hold now. With it came the responsibility and power of the very place she called home. Those within the kingdom had did not disagree with her to be the next ruler of Tephra. And why should they? She had proven herself since the beginning of the time she had called this volcanic land her home. Magnus would not so easily offer her the crown if she had not been the right choice. He had stayed and protected this very place from the beginning, and creating a place where all could be safe.

    Lucrezia had the same dream. She still wanted to continue the legacy Magnus had left behind. These residents that called this place home deserved to have their peace and a place they could safely come to when needed. Tephra was good and warming—almost too good that it would be a likely place to come and destroy for what it all stood for. Of course anything was possible to happen, but she would never let Tephra fall down like her own kingdom had once before.

    Tephra would not be destroyed by hungry thieves and the fairies of Beqanna again. This time she would be prepared for all things that came to threaten the very place and people she was responsible for. Lucrezia was ready to rule with a strong iron fist, but also with a governance of morality and virtue.

    She is not found alone for long today. The sound of approaching hooves against the crispy, dry grass draws her attention to the source—a bright bay stallion. Lucrezia does not recall his name, only simply he had been at the meeting when she had been passed the crown and announced the next ruler of Tephra.

    His greeting is quick and already aimed at drawing his point for approaching her. “Hello,” she simply says with a smile and allows him to continue. When he does she cannot help but smile at his determination and driven desire to serve. Loyalty and duty sang strong within the bones of this one called Nymphetamine. However, her smile fades when he mentions the Chamber. It brings a sour taste to her mouth. A thousand memories that linger in the back of her mind come forward. Memories of running around the dark pine trees, conversations with her father and sister, and hearing the heart in the very center of the kingdom.

    It is almost like she can hear it now. The beating has never left her head—it is soft but so alive.

    Lucrezia swallows, finding her words once more. Her smile does not return but rather holds a more neutral expression and tone in her voice. “The Chamber,” she says flatly, “I did not think I would ever hear of that place again.” A hellhole, she wants to say but keeps her own emotions and thoughts to herself. It was a past she must leave behind—it would only bring her down. “I do not recall a Kildare ruling the Chamber. I remember my sis-Straia,” she corrects herself quickly, “ruling the Chamber.”

    Lucrezia wonders what has happened to her dear sister now. The one she thought she would always find a helping hand in when she needed it. She had been terribly wrong on that, especially when she came to go see her in the Chamber one last time. Lucrezia has never looked back on that day again. She cannot anymore.

    “Was Kildare ruling before the Reckoning came?” She wonders, curiously, because the past has come to haunt her and she knows how desperately the Chamber and Valley would fight to have another kingdom in their grasp. “What exactly did you do as leader of the diplomats in the Chamber?” Lucrezia asks. She will poke and jab all she likes on this subject. No one could tell her no now. Her word was final, despite having a council and all. Yet, she must remember she cannot fall into temptations. Lucrezia lets herself relax a little while her nutmeg gaze remains entirely on the bay stallion.
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here
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    She was quiet at first, observant, a listener. She sat back and took in his words, all the while holding a polite smile on her delicately featured face. His years discussing intricate treaties and terms of alliances had made him rather well versed in the meaning behind body language. Her Smile was welcoming, but she had no real joy in his company. Why would she, they were strangers, polite was expected, acceptable, appropriate. She was intent and he appreciated her giving him due consideration. As far as first meetings go, this one was off to a good start. But then the blood bay mentioned Chamber and her face fell, it was momentary, and she tried to hold her face in such a way, but the forced nature was obvious to him.

    Her mouth seemed tight, and her eyes were not welcoming, or at least that was how it was perceived by his eye. While he was right most of the time, he was far from perfect, but he swore she seemed just slightly tenser than a moment before. She mentioned not expecting to hear of Chamber again… and he wondered why that was so. The Reckoning wasn’t all that long ago. The history of the old lands wouldn’t just vanish. She continued after a pause, she was mulling something over in her mind and Nymph (ever the gentleman) gave her that moment. Though what she said next was shocking to him. She didn’t know the name Kildare, maybe he was biased as he knew Kildare well and the once king had been such a large part of his life. His features broke into a small smile, that built to a laugh, or more so a chuckle. How could someone who was leading a relatively new land not know it’s history? Not know Kildare and his part in Tephra (even if it was second hand through Malis). He choked back his chortle and cleared his throat. ”I’m sorry, I forget not everyone knew Kildare… Yes, Kildare took over Chamber after the great Chamber-Gates war. Straia handed him the throne when she was forced to step down as part of the peace treaty. Kildare worked to change the direction of Chamber, from a land focused on evil and power to on focused on loyalty, stability, and integrity. He altered the alliances, to that of the Valley and Tundra. That alliance was so strong it held after the Reckoning…. but you know that part already, I assume. Anyway, the Chamber that existed the night before the reckoning was not the same as the one Straia left behind. Kildare was a just king, up until the Reckoning stole his memories” He didn’t hide his dislike of the Chamber under the vision of Straia. But he held the utmost respect for the Chamber he had worked to build, and for Kildare.

    His history with Chamber was complicated and messy but it had all worked out for the best in the end, and he wouldn’t trade it now that he knows the turnout. Chamber had given him plenty friends, purpose, and the closest thing to love he’s ever known. He watched her process the information, checking for signs what was behind her calm eyes. She asked what he did as the head diplomat for Chamber, she had reverted back to the main reason they had gathered. He smiled and nodded, willing to keep on track, where she seemed more comfortable. ”I traveled to our allies and helped keep our ties strong. I passed along information as needed. Checked on those we were neutral with to see if anything had changed to cause them to sour on us, trained younger diplomats, Oh, and I did my share of spying on our enemies. I recruited for Chamber, aided in steals, and if called upon I fought in a number of battles under the Banner of Chamber or our allies. You know, normal leader duties.” He rolled his shoulders in a shrug of sorts, He didn’t feel like being a braggart, so he stated his tasks simply, but he was good at his job, he had been the only diplomat of chamber for a number of years, so he had been extremely busy, and still he performed his tasks to the highest of standards.

    His mind worked around the pieces of information he had picked up from their short conversation. The way she cooled at the mention of chamber and knew nothing of its final history, the way that she had no knowledge of one of the more notable leaders from before the Reckoning… her coy curiosity about the status of chamber and his tasks while there. She had her own history with chamber in some way. He could call her out, but the risk outweighed the reward at this point. He wasn’t about to risk getting his foot in the door, for the missing piece he didn’t know. But he would press for how this unknown history would affect him from now. ”Is there a concern relating to my pre-reckoning roots? I would be surprised given Tephra’s origins.” Nymphetamine took careful attention to his tone, it was innocent and curious, he was sure to make sure it wouldn’t be taken as an accusation or an accost to her leadership or person. Lucrezia was his leader, and no matter what was in the past he wanted to see Tephra thrive, equally as much as she. The blood bay had extremely strong ties to this land. He had helped gather the pieced of those who were among the allianced, he had taken his loved ones here once they had gained this land from the mountain. He had discussed the best way to organize their new home… It was his home by design and by spirit. He would always want what was best for this place.

    Like a thorn to the Holy Ones

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    The Chamber was a thorn within her side. She had preferred to leave the old world behind, with all of its history and memories it held. Lucrezia wanted nothing of her past to do with her. However, she must not forget that the old world can never be completely gone as much as she wishes that could happen.

    And she is reminded of that today.

    He laughs at her like she is an unintellectual being living in her own bubble world, but she is not. Lucrezia grimaces at this stranger before her. He founds it amusing it seems. She would have laughed too but Lucrezia will not be taken for a fool, not when she is leading Tephra and all those that live within here. Despite his pleasure in this moment, she bites her tongue and allows him to speak.

    Of course, he speaks of a history she does not know about. She had only been briefly here when the world had torn her home into a massive flood. Then the Mountain had come and destroyed the very world she had known it to be. That’s when she had found Magnus, and from there everything fell into place.

    “Interesting. Magnus has never mentioned him before. I only knew of Offspring and Eight,” she comments when he is finished. Her grimace earlier had faded into a simple expression across her lips now. “I never knew about that part,” she confesses because it was true, “I was not around when that war happened. I should have been because my home, the Deserts, was in danger and I did not save it.” It pains her sometimes to think she could have been there but her life within that world was over, and she was here now. “I think I would have liked Kildare.” Much more than she liked her family ruling the Chamber. “I grew up in the Chamber when my father, Rodrik, ruled and then my sister took over. I suppose it serves her right to be taken off the throne just like she took my father off,” she laughs softly. Her laugh loosens her muscles, allowing her to fall into a more relaxed stance around the bay stallion now.

    She wonders why the notion of knowing that Straia got what she deserved both felt right and wrong. Truthfully, Lucrezia loved her sister still. She would have done anything despite all her sister’s lies and broken promises. Her simple hatred for her sister was built on childhood memories and stubborn thoughts. Above all, she knew they were family and always would be no matter what events separated them in the very end.

    Nymphetamine answers her next question easily. It is similar to the rule she had played in the sandy kingdom, but not nearly as much as he did. She served here a little now as Head of Peace, but at last she had been crowned the kingdom shortly after her promotion. “Obviously you are well suited for your chosen path,” She laughs, teasing him a little, “A diplomat and a war veteran in one is hard to come across.” It was ever rare to find someone so willing to play both parts, but this stallion was no stranger to the ways of kingdom. In fact, she knew nothing else beyond the simplicity of a kingdom-driven life. She was shaped and groomed to fill all roles in any angles no matter what came her way.

    “No,” she says honestly and quickly. Lucrezia could not and would not judge his character so quickly. He may have past, as she did too, and should not hold him up for what belongs in the former world of Beqanna. “I just do not trust those who were like my father or sister. Tephra deserves the upmost in every way. In order to thrive the threats must be eliminated.” She speaks from the heart because it is all she can do now; all she has promised to do from the day she came to Tephra. “If even Magnus could trust you then I suppose I can too in time.” She smiles at easily this time.
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here
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    The blood bay was who he was, he was snarky and brazen and he rarely apologize for it. He was sometimes far too emotional and often spoken too frankly for some. But he had learned the need for such frankness while dealing with other leaders. He also knew that his snarky nature was not appropriate when on official matters. Nymphetamine was adaptable and that was his biggest asset. This interaction was no different. His dark eyes watched her light ones. She was tense, and anything he said seemed to make her worse, she didn’t show understanding behind her tight lips, and piercing eyes. All he had intended was to explain, to help her understand that he wasn’t some evil Chamberling… obviously not, as the remnants of Chamber, valley, and Tundra had merged to create Tephra. This, was a failing negotiation and he had to turn it around.

    The once necromancer heard her words, but only half listened. He was intent to find the right approach to win her over. After a moment or two the idea came to him, and he hoped she would see his true colors. He turned his attention back to her words full heartedly. He took in her floating tone, with its occasional sharp edges as when spoke of family. He watched the way her own laughter at the fate of Straia, her sister, relieved the tension he had failed to release. A smile and a sigh escaped his lips. Maybe they had some common ground after all. Nymphetamine was no real fan of the the raven queen. He had bitten off more than he could chew when he took on spying on her. He was lucky the turnover of Chamber’s throne happened the way it did-- otherwise who knows if he would be here talking to Lucrezia. THe past was what it was, and anyones feelings about Chamber, or the Jungle, or valley, or Deserts really had no meaning now. All those old memories and emotions just added up to nostalgia for an old home in which they could never return, or needless tension from some old grudge that no longer had any relevance. At this point he was ready to just lay it out there. He wasn’t sure why this meeting had turned into such a wreck, but it had, and the just had to lay things out on the line. She had spoken of the founders and of her childhood and family in Chamber. She then jested at his versatility, and surely his abilities as a warrior were rightfully joke-worthy. He showed up- but battles were not something he showed out for. By the end her smile seemed sincere and she spoke of learning to trust the bay when the awkward-tense beginnings. The time she spoke Nymph remained silent, until she was done. And he could say his piece without interruption.

    ”I feel I could really do some good for Tephra, given the chance. I’d live to talk to you more about what you would like to see done, and how we can work together to see Tephra ready for any challenges that these new lands may bring. But before then...let me apologize, I feel I have been too sensitive about things from the past. See, Kildare recently passed away, and I fear I was a little over reactive when I thought his legacy wasn’t what I felt it should be. But Chamber, Valley, Tundra-- those places didn’t make Tephra; the friendships from within them did. I shouldn’t have gotten so caught up.”

    The bay lowered his head in final form of reconciliation, before he raised his head and gave her a knowing look of “shall we move on?” It wasn’t that he was insincere, or in a rush and uncomfortable, but the fact that she had been willing to give him a shot that said the jokingly-pleading look would be acceptable and welcomed move. He somewhat lanky frame remained still as he waited for her response, and after which he simply state what he would like to have happen. ”I would like to go visit one of the kingdoms you want to solidify an alliance and I would like you to come as well. That is if you agree? We can talk like old hens on the way there, I promise I’m much better company that I’ve shown you today.’ He let a crooked smile take over his lips, finally feeling relaxed for the first time since the beginning of the conversation

    Like a thorn to the Holy Ones

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    She does not regret spilling out the past she often has wished to keep in the dark. There was something the two of them shared, a connection, even when they were worlds apart during that time. Now that world was completely gone. They are both now living in a different world. It was strange at the same time to think of what connections they shared and the past that had their own resemblances. She, however, knows the past should be in the past, but she ensures to remember it because she does not want to repeat herself again.

    The past has a tendency to repeat itself. But not this time. She won’t let the world come crumbling around her for her own selfish reasons like before. Lucrezia was here to stay, and so was this new acquaintance of hers. As well, if he is to stay then she will want to know everything about him. She will not tolerate those who help to benefit themselves in the ranks of her home. Tephra would be built on a strong foundation of loyalty and family. And so far, the bay stallion wanted those things.

    Lucrezia listens to his words, apologizing as well for his actions and words. She cannot blame him for what is said as she as well had overreacted too. “Thank you,” she says when he finishes. “I am sorry too for overstepping onto things that have bothered me from my past. I think you will be a fine addition to Tephra and Killdare would be proud of still having a loyal friend defending him even after his passing.” She smiles at him—admiring his loyalty was a lot for Lucrezia.

    Then she laughs softly at his look and nods her head. She was happy to move along from such a situation too, and found a common ground by beginning to lay down a strong foundation between the two of them. “I have been thinking of alliances of lately.” The peace would not last much longer, she knows the appearance of Pollock would end it soon enough. Then again, there was already a stir in the island north of their home. The world was changing, but she would not let Tephra remain behind. “I will be visiting Nerine with Dahmer shortly, but I was thinking of travelling to Sylva.” She has not heard from the kingdom for quite some time. “I have an acquaintance that lives there and would like to see how their kingdom is doing and such.”

    She laughs softly, “And yes, we can be like old hens on the way there!”
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here
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