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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Kingdom Meeting (Reply by June 5th)
    the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love
    great clouds rolling over the hills
    and if you close your eyes, does it almost feel
    like nothing's changed at all?

    In the general course of things, Brennen is hard to phase. Still, he flicks a curious ear and even goes so far as to turn his entire head in Nihlus' direction, though he says nothing. Clearly, the boy feels strongly about the Amazons - but he's also clearly exhausted and worn, and a part of Brennen stirs in dangerous temper. Surely no one would choose to mess with one of the Tundra's young people, not at this uncertain moment. He looks towards Errant, wondering what the King knows. He is assigned to the Falls, taking the younger man with him, and he nods his assent, silently considering the boy as Kratos and Aneku speak.

    Finally into a moment of silence he says, "I trust that the cause of your disarray isn't something we should be offended by, or something that would affect these Kingdom visits." Brennen is all for mocking and stealing and fighting with the other Kingdoms, but if any of them have targeted the Tundra's youngest members for harassment, rather than the older warriors, he will be angry, and the undertone of that is obvious in his voice. The bay stallion lets the silence stretch for Nihlus' or Errant's input and then continues. "If not, let us go. We'll walk, and you can catch your breath on the way."

    immortal, winged, bone-bending, ice-manipulating, wind-manipulating Tundra warrior
    He is silent for many long moments, considering the words of the next several men as they speak. His dark gaze lingers on Brennan, though he does not immediately make his rebuttal. Instead, he waits for Errant’s opinion on the matter. As Kratos adds his opinion to the mix shortly after, Hurricane nods once.

    He is, admittedly, not entirely favorable to treaties, though he could easily recognize the necessity for them on occasion. He does not know any more than the others might whether or not it is worth even attempting a treaty, much less an alliance, with the two kingdoms. However, he believes they should assess the situation for themselves before deciding. So he tells them, addressing Brennen’s concerns first.

    We would be remiss in not visiting those kingdoms at all, to at least see for ourselves where they stand. Perhaps they are not worthy of offering an alliance to. I do not know as I am familiar with neither kingdom. I do agree however, that a treaty would be better than nothing. Regardless, they bear watching.

    He pauses, steely gaze traveling the gathering. His gaze halts on Crito, quietly assessing the younger stallion, before turning back to Errant as he accepts his assignment.

    The Amazons it is.
    There is never a day that goes by
    that is a good day to die.
    html c Insane

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