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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    paint it black; any

    I look inside myself
    The forest offers a sanctuary for the large man. It cleanses his eyes of the salt sea and it's sharp grass stings. The dormant tree limbs and their nakedness weave overhead as a stringy dark crow shrieks in an announcement of Lior's presence. Steely eyes rotate upward to study the accusing bird before moving on. Here,  he is washed free of the painted queen' s scent and out of her tantalizing touch. He has determined she only wants to rule the dark creature through teasing means. 

    It was rather frustrating. 

    Thick chest expands as the frosted air awakens his senses and beats away the settled dust. It was rather easy to lose your place in time, your identity, in those pretty pretty eyes that set into Nayl's equally pretty head. She unhinged the usually sullen man with nothing more than a side eye,  a whispering of a touch, only their shadows every truly touching. Lior envies the draping darkness at their hooves. 

    The forest seems to awakening this in him. He becomes self aware. Mercury eyes darken a bit as he exhales the breath that he has forgotten he had been holding. It felt good when the cold air replaces the salt that seemed to have encased his bones. Her grip lessens here but Nayl's ghost still gently creeps behind his eyes but Lior could not deny the beckon of the forest. 
    And see my heart is black

    Alone in the darkness she waited for what was to come next.  She shifted slightly, the added weight upon her topline was different to say the least.  She thought for a moment of what had just taken place.  Only in her dreams had she seen such magic.  Was she dreaming?  Deciding to find out she listened for the whistle of wind entering the cave.  She felt the slight breeze ruffle the plumage upon her back.  Could it be real?!  With much excitement she nearly leaped forward towards the winds.  A light was nearing, the enterance... She picked up pace still unsure of how to move underneath the weight.  The scenery coming into view was not of her homeland.  It was a tad chilly and a blanket of white covered the ground.  She did not slow.  She was too excited to see what had happened and where she was...

    The white of the terrain and daylight semi blinded her as she broke out of the cave entrance.  Thud A sudden stop was put to all movement as she felt herself get knocked back onto her hunches.  She shook her chiseled head as an ouch of sorts was exclaimed.  What the... Her vision soon came to.  Before her stood what looked like a black wall at first.  She refocused to realize it wasn't a wall at all but another equine, a large black equine with massive wings.  She had to look up to actually see that he was staring down at her... She composed herself quickly, thoughts flooding her mind.  She managed to spit out some words, an apology, 

    Oh... Ummm... I am so sorry.  I couldn't see where I was going cuz of the light and snow and... I was running and... I mean... Hi. She was rambling nervously as she did when surprised.  She smiled a shy smile hoping that she hadn't upset the first resident she had 'ran' into.  


    If You Love Me Don't Let Go


    I look inside myself
    Mercury eyes slide along the frozen land with fleeting notations. Here there was a few deer scrounging up bits of weak roots, there was a squirrel woken from an early slumber. These creatures keeping time with life and it's never ending rotation. Lior finds contentment in witnessing their routines. Did they have the squabbles that Beqanna faced? Was there an alternate existence within the confines of this land? Lior shook these questions away along with the light dusting of snow that had accumulated along the edge of his spine.

    Heavy hooves lift to begin their echo of thud-thud when a deafening clamoring came smashing into his scarred hind end. In the blur of noise and flesh, lobes are pinned and stitched within the tangled mess of his poll. Lids slit over the now liquid silver of his eyes, lips pulling away to reveal a snarl of sharp teeth that readied for the taste of flesh and bone.

    But in a rather agile pivot of motion for the tall stallion, reveals a smaller brown mare rightfully scrambling after bouncing off his larger bulk. A smooth ripple composes his features and returns them to the flat stoic observation he had held moments before. A single ear releases from his skull but the silver-gray of his eyes remain watching her. Plumes of frosted air fill in the awkward gap that now was between them after the other sputtered through words and hesitations.

    His gaze moves over her in a rapid motion. She is young, blue eyed and brilliantly winged like the gaudy peacock. Would she be a reflection of the bird? Lior allows the silence to sift into the cracks of silence between them for a moment before shattering it with the clap of his thundercloud laced words. “Be more careful, mare." And with those five syllables, he is quiet again and turning his gaze back to the span of naked sleeping trees that lay at his hooves.
    And see my heart is black

    She scrambled to find her footing again.  Milky tassels were tosseled about her darker background.  She glanced about her frame quickly to see any damage.  Besides being a mess she saw none... But wait!! She had forgotten about the orbs, the magic, the light within the cave in all the happenings.  Twisting of nape revealed to her globes the magic once more.  Upon her back lay a gown of green, blue and gold.  Nearly covering her entire frame and hiding her feminine form.  Dusting away the white flakes that had accumulated with a quick shake she gazed upon their beauty...

    She had felt a gaze upon her from another source.  She had forgotten, no not forgotten.  How could she have forgotten such a large presence.  Quick short words bellowed from him. Be more careful, mare... And with that his focus shifted to the trees.  Gathering herself and her thoughts she voiced in reply,

    I will.  I am sorry to have disturbed your stroll Sir. Her gaze fell upon the white lands and barron trees scattered about.  She had one question and since he was still 'available' she spoke again, What is the name of these lands? She waited half expecting him not to answer her.  Why would he... He didn't know her and he seemed rather distracted as it was.    


    Not all that Glitters is Gold


    I look inside myself
    She is delicate. Wispy and not much more than the very feathers that practically swallowed her svelte form. He takes note of this and the wide eyed expression that betrays the innocence of her features. Lior envies the naivety of this chocolate and cream horse for a few brief moments. 

    Keen hearing catches her words despite his obvious lack of attention. Lior figures he could block her out, block them all out, if only he hid himself away from the world. But they always seem to find him. Perhaps it is the stone and wetness that seems to fill the air that touches his skin. Perhaps it is his inky black figure that blots out the crystalline white of the winter. Mercury filled eyes shift to that of his new companion, softening from the hard stone of moments before. Apparently she was going to stick around despite his quiet somber demeanor. "This place? We are in the forest of Beqanna." Tones are flat, matter-of-factly. His gaze settles upon her own. Though no hint of amusement touches his features, the tall dark stallion would entertain this woman's company. 

    "What is your name?" This time, the vocals are audiably softer, as he asks still with a steely gaze. Lior had never been one for conversation but he would attempt it out of consideration for this new pilgrim who has found herself alone in a strange land.
    And see my heart is black

    As she hoped for an answer she noted his features and his expression he retained.  His rugged exterior of ebony went unnoticed by few she was sure.  How she could have run into him was beyond belief now as navy pools scanned over him.  His stone expression that he maintained was just as rugged so it suited him.  Her lobes flickered as his deep voice seemingly softened slightly.  His words though left an expression upon her features of sheer joy and excitement.  Her heart fluttered as she heard Beqanna.  Could it really be true?! All of the stories her Granddam had told her.  All the stories her mother had spit back in her face as a fantasy. A dream for childish entertainment.  The magic of the fairies was as real as the plumage on her back.  A slight tingle was felt upon her hide.  She peered back over her shoulder to see the gown of emerald slightly erect. She quickly looked back to the stallion with wide eyed embarrasment.  Hoping he had not seen but his expression said otherwise.  She radiated a blush even noticable under her dark pelt.  Her gaze shifted downward as she quietly spoke,

    Ahhh... Well that was unexpected. Deep pools looked up again at him.  He had asked her name within all the excitement and she quickly tried to salvage the situation.  With a bolder tone she answered,

    My name Sir is AuroraElis.  You can call me Ru though. She smiled warmly at his offer of conversation.  She tried to contain her enthusiasm this time.  This gift would get some taking used to.  She couldn't help but notice his own gift.  

    And who do I have the pleasure of speaking with in the lovely Forest of Beqanna?


    If you Love me Don't let Go


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