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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  a falling star fell from your heart; any

    In the very depths of darkness, all stood still.
    It stretches, without an end, in every direction.
    There was nothing there in the realm of the shadows—no sensation of anything. A sound could not be heard, not even the beating of one’s own heart.
    But, in the very blackness, there was something there. There was a serenity—a feeling of wholeness. A feeling that is often sought after to the very ends of time in earthly bodies.
    He was there, among the stars, nebulas, and galaxies. He was wrapped into the very cosmoses itself.
    It was timeless.
    He was one with the darkness and celestial beings, feeling perfectly content and safe in the confined space of darkness. He curled within the stardust and shadows, in the very warmth and completeness it provided.
    Suddenly, the light had swallowed the darkness.
    There was a push, a pull, and then a shove.
    He could feel every part of himself being pulled apart from the stellar atmosphere, coming and sewing together into something he once was, so long and forgotten.
    And then he was falling into the very light itself.
    He felt ever so heavy, and time itself felt so very long here, as if this heavy feeling would never end.
    A strange and unexplainable feeling overcame him abruptly. It felt cold and hard—something torn from the very existence of what he was. It felt empty and dark. Then he knew, this euphoria, was no longer there.
    All of a sudden, there is a thud and loud crush onto a hard and cold surface. He is pushed against this cold surface, as if trying to be molded into the very thing. It caves around him, pulling him almost into the very core of this thing.
    It stops eventually, this pull to something old and familiar. A memory is blurred of ancient and earthy smells, with stories of a stars so long ago. However, this thing, this earthy being, is new compared to what he has known.
    He does not move for the longest time, but when he does he feels so heavy. The gravity of this world holds him down, but among the stars and galaxies he was weightless. It takes multiple times for him to gain his strength and get up. His legs felt like scrawny limbs almost as if he was a newborn foal, it felt useless, bur eventually he found his balance.
    In midst of a large, bowl-shaped cavity in the ground of the earthly rock, he stands like a bright star of cremello complexion in the crater. The scars once on his body marked the boundaries of constellations. The white of his eyes were the sun and moon, while before the blue irises had been the galaxies itself.
    He is nothing but an earthly being now, a fallen star from the heavens above. 

    character info: here | character reference: here
    [Image: ioPeFeU.png]
    (pixel via bronzehalo)
    You need never feel broken again.
    Momma does not like the Meadow. She does not want me to spend time there, and especially she does not want me to sneak off and spend time there all by my lonesome. And usually I am very, very good at minding. Especially when it’s a thing about being safe, which is why most of the few rules I do have exist. The Meadow one seems a little different, though. Not like don’t stand under the precariously balanced fallen tree, it might fall down and hurt you. That makes sense. Stay all the way away from the Meadow, though? That seems silly. Meadows are pretty and fun to frolic in. And where else am I supposed to make new friends?

    So instead of staying curled up and cozy at nap time, I maybe do something a teensy bit naughty and sneak away. Which is harder than I expected, ‘cause Mommy and Daddy are very good at watching. Kind of too good, really. But I’m also good at running around ‘til they’re exhausted, and just once I manage to make them both super sleepy at the same time, and curl up for a cuddle just long enough that they fall good and asleep.

    Probably this will only work once. I bet, anyhow. Oooh maybe they’ll make Uncle Kade keep watch too, then I’ll get to play with him extra lots! See, so it’s a great idea all around! Anyhow, when they’re snoozing away, I slo-o-o-owly get up and step oh so carefully out of the cuddle pile and even hold my breath so I don’t make noise. Which is harder than I thought it’d be! In fact, by the time I escape the cuddle pile - escape! a cuddle pile! who’d’ve ever guessed I’d want to do that?! - I’m just about gasping for breath! Still, it’s worth it, and I hop and bounce and scamper quiiiietly away to go make a new friend.

    Oh goodness, but it takes way longer than I expected to get anywhere at all. Even out of Sylva is pretty far. All the way around the big mountain, and across a river, through all sortsa forests, goodness me. I have to stop and ask for directions a lot a lot, and in doing so I found out I do not, in fact, know how to speak anything but horse. How unfortunate. I bet birdies would be fun to talk to, and so would deer and bunnies and all sorts of things, probably. Those cute little foxies? I bet even teensy little micies have lots to say, if you know how to listen.

    Alas, I do not.

    My feet hurt and my legs hurt and my most of me hurts by the time I get there, and I’m kind of wondering if maybe secretly Momma was right about this being not the best idea in the history of ever, but home is too far for me to turn around now, not when I made it all the way here! So instead, I wander around looking for a new friend to say hi to and cuddle and play with, and instead! Ohhh instead, I find a big ol’ hole in the ground, like a crater or something, and a shiny pretty boy standing in the middle.

    “Hi there!” I say with a big grin on my face, and I try to scramble carefully down into the hole too. But I guess scrambling and being careful are not a good mix, because after a couple of too-speedy steps, I get all tangled and tumble down, down, down to rest in a heap at his feet. “Oof. Ow. I gotta practice better, I don’t think feet are s’posed to do that when you work ‘em right.” I take a couple of breaths, waiting for the world to stop swimming around me all dizzy-like from all the rolling. And when I can focus my eyes again, I look up at my new friend with a lopsided smile. “Hiya. My name’s Rora. What’s yours?”
    Sometimes darkness can show you the light.

    pic by Qinni

    He blinks.

    His blue eyes, once of stars and many universes, take in the world around him. Every detail that surrounds him is taken in and noted, carefully calculating and analyzing. It is as if every detail, every stroke of color, and every texture of the smallest detail are significant and hold all the meaning of life. Most of these details are simply dismissed without a glance or care, but for him, he thinks of them all and the importance each detail. Every small or large part that surrounds him plays into something much greater and bigger than all of them.

    He had been a part of that, but just like that he is something different.

    The cremello boy can feel such strange things attached just above his shoulder blades. He stretches them out, expanding far and wide. The pair of wings flap. He curiously flaps them again. A memory, blurred by stardust and shadows cresses his mind. It is an imprint of a time he had seen such things before, as if his earthly body knew of such things—yes, his father had wings before but he doesn’t quiet remember what a father was at all.

    Hi there! He hears. An ear quickly flickers in the direction of the child-like voice. The blue gaze of stars follows, looking towards a small black filly. The boy peers are her curiously, noticing the wide grin on her face. She scrambles down into the hole, which then causes her to tumble and fall into a huge mess. He laughs softly at her in a playful manner. His eyes brighten and become wide when her eyes look into his as she greets herself. A name? A strange voice asks, a simple thought touching hid mind. He swallows hard, remaining silent for a moment. “Astro-,” he shutters at first, “I-I am Astrophel.” His words are hoarse at first but eventually he finds a balance of a quiet, sweet tone to his words.

    Astrophel’s head tilts slightly, overlooking the small girl again. It then turns to look to the sky, a simply yearning fills him. A dark hole is what it feels like—sucking everything he is into nothing. There is emptiness in what he had moments ago, a feeling of wholeness and peace was gone just like that. “I fell,” he says out loud to himself as he realizes what happened. “I cannot feel them,” a yearning, a hint of sadness fills his words.
    character info: here | character reference: here
    [Image: ioPeFeU.png]
    (pixel via bronzehalo)
    Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop.
    This is the sound his hooves make. He raises pale eyes to the sky, his heart yearning for somthing. Parents None he had. The white and sorrel colt wished he could change that statement to Had he none. Instead, this is how nature saw fit for him to be.

    As the boy stared into the expanse of spots above, he saw somthing fall, a shooting star. the child took a breath, babyfluff coated barrel heaving. "I wish I had parrents." he whispered. He closed his little eyes, a small flicker of hope rising in him.

    What made his eyes open was the faint sound of somthing hitting the earth. Curriosity peaked, pistons shoved him tword the sound. To his astonishment, there was a winged horse, and a black filly. His eyes widen as he watched the two converse, wishing he could have seen whatever made the noise.

    Kwazi wasn't much for talking, having never properly learned. There was nobody he could watch and analize how they made their vocal noises.

    (ooc: new character, still feeling his waters.)

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