Name: Carnage
Gender: Male
Breed: Anglo-Arabian
Traits/defects: God Magic
Color: Gray w/ black base
Color Genetic Code (if known): Ee/aa/Gg
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg[GOD MAGIC]
Name: Winzy
Gender: Female
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Color Changing
Color: Oily black with soft glowing white points, mane/tail, white eyes (Lemon chiffon (#FFFACD) naturally)
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [COLOR CHANGING][immortality]
List of name choices: Kelpi, Iclyn (f)
Wolfgang, Barracuda ©
Names in order of preference.
Player: Foal will be played by Elle Belle
Reusing Winzy from mix up earlier. Names checked for use. Permission to change Winzy's color and use via cbox, pm, and ads.
Kelpi and Iclyn are names for fillies
Wolfgang and Barracuda are names for colts
Just clarifying since I should have done that better.
Name: Carnage
Gender: Male
Breed: Anglo-Arabian
Traits/defects: God Magic
Color: Gray w/ black base
Color Genetic Code (if known): Ee/aa/Gg
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg[GOD MAGIC]
Name: Winzy
Gender: Female
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Color Changing
Color: Oily black with soft glowing white points, mane/tail, white eyes (Lemon chiffon (#FFFACD) naturally)
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [COLOR CHANGING][immortality]
List of name choices: Kelpi, Iclyn (f)
Wolfgang, Barracuda ©
Names in order of preference.
Player: Foal will be played by Elle Belle
Reusing Winzy from mix up earlier. Names checked for use. Permission to change Winzy's color and use via cbox, pm, and ads.
Kelpi and Iclyn are names for fillies
Wolfgang and Barracuda are names for colts
Just clarifying since I should have done that better.