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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Thoughts chase me 'round the ashes {Any}

    The pain from the rope cutting into my head had been growing worse since I'd turned three, and I was still growing. I had noticed the edges were starting to thin, become rougher. I started rubbing it against trees, the earth, rocks.. Anything to help possibly wear and tear on the material, to try and release myself from it. It felt like something was burning my skin slowly, as if the material was on fire but the fire had burned down to just coals. Hot enough to burn, but cool enough not to stop the bleeding.. I saw some horses nearby but didn't approach. My trust issues caused a lot of nerves and I found it difficult to approach new horses.


    Thoughts chase me 'round the ashes..

    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    The meadow had become her new home. First the Gates, then Tarnished’s herd, only to be followed up by Pollock’s. She had been freed from his grasp due to the change, but it had been too late. Heavy with child, an unwanted child, but that was the only life they had given to her. Other than that they had only taken from her.

    Vlinder’s eyes are dull, almost lifeless, and she cannot bring herself to care for anything. Or, perhaps, that might not be entirely true. As her eyes land upon the tall bay she cannot help it but to worry slightly. But caring for another was something entirely else than caring about what might become of your own life, because that, didn’t matter at all to the blue roan mare.

    Slow and careful steps take her closer towards the stranger, a slight frown upon her features, but other than that Vlinder still shows the dull expression. ”You.. No.. that thing.. It looks bad?” She could relate, somewhat, because she too had been a prisoner, it just hadn’t been ropes that had tied her to the place, but instead it had been a stallions body. If she had been used to her horn already, she would probably have offered to help the other mare by using her horn, but sadly enough, it doesn’t spark Vlinder’s mind just yet.
    Zeik x Felinae

    The pain was dulled for a moment when a voice broke through my thoughts; my large form stumbled away a step as I started, having not noticed the horse's approach. Her bluish coat took in the light and she realized how hot the mare must be. "Hi..? It does." I say, my nerves spiking as my ears swivel, giving away my shyness as I try to resist the temptation to turn and run. I found the courage in myself to start a small conversation. "I'm Priel.. What's your name?" I ask quietly, watching the horn sprouting from her forehead. Is she aggressive? Sent by my captors to bring me back? Is the horn sharp enough to help with the halter? Does she even know how to use it? Can she use it for magic- wait, what is magic?

    The thoughts coursed through my mind as I worked to attempt a small smile for the mare, she seemed innocent enough and wanting to help - somehow - but I just didn't know after what had happened to me before whether it was worth the risk to trust her. The mare, saying she'd help, just to charge and pierce my heart, my chest, bleeding as she laughs, walking away as if nothing ever happened.. The nightmarish images flashed through my mind as my fear fueled my stupid, scarred imagination and terrors flashed into focus - a hellishly cruel way my mind tries to protect itself from harm..


    Thoughts chase me 'round the ashes..

    @[Vlinder] Wow she's going to get difficult..
    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    It is almost like she look uninterested as the mare stumbles away from her, but all is due to her almost lifeless state. And it wasn’t like she had sneaked upon the tall stranger – Vlinder would never be so stupid to sneak upon someone who could easily knock her out on one go. She also wouldn’t even bother to try to avoid the blow, pain, humiliation and abuse was all she had known during the last horrible year.

    Vlinder nods as the bay mare confirms that it indeed does hurt, but other than that she doesn’t really respond. The black roan mare had no longer a clear desire to live, yet taking her own life would be too much of a hassle too. She existed, and that was all for now. ”Vlinder.” The way she says her name isn’t personal at all, as if she was only noting some fact, without any emotional connection.

    Not really feeling emotion herself – except for the slight worry she had expressed before – she is also unable to notice the slight change in Priel. Before, when she hadn’t been broken by the hooves of a stallion, or three, she would’ve laughed at the for her unknown thought’s in Priel’s mind; her defected and pathetic state of being would never be able to hurt someone. ”You should try to get it off.”
    Zeik x Felinae

    I can tag you if you want, in each post, but I prefer if you don't tag me all the time. Feel free to notice/remind me if I take long to reply, but please don't tag me in every post ^^.
    Okie! And you don't need to tag - I get PM notif for each new post via subscription.

    The mare didn't notice her nod, and stood still. Vlinder. Her name rang in her mind, and she put the face to the name to remember. You should try to get it off. The mare's suggestion brought a small flare of annoyance - why would Priel never have tried before? It would have been easier, yes, to do it when it was still a properly fitting halter, but maybe something sharp enough could cut the rope in a few places and allow her to get it off.

    "Do you think.. Maybe.. With your horn, you could help? I've been trying to wear at the fabric best I can, but it's just not working." Her speech is slightly muffled by the halter's restriction on her ability to move her jaw. Priel's ears were forward; her hopes honest.
    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    Little did she realise that her words had bene offensive, instead of a well meant advice. And thus does Vlinder not understand the sudden flare annoyance that is shortly displayed by Priel. She would’ve shrugged her shoulders if she could, brushing it away. Apparently she didn’t want company. However, before she can leave, the tall and muscular bay mare speaks up. Help? What made her think that Vlinder could help? Vlinder was good for nothing, after all. But then, then she remembers the horn.

    Oh, her horn was so much better than her defected wings. It stood tall and proud, with an sharp point that could pierce through almost everything. The black roan mare didn’t regret the loss of her wings, as the horn was so much better. ”Stand still” she tells the other mare, afraid that she would miss the rope and cut into the mare herself if she would move. Since only the tip was sharp enough to cut through things, Vlinder tried to positioned it in such way that she could rip through the rope as she carefully tipped it upwards.
    Zeik x Felinae
    Jinger timidly watched the two mares, she shook all over. Her body still ached from the most recent torment. "Tragedy..there must be no ending." She thought forlornly. Her matted mane tried to flutter and flow in the wind, but instead just slapped against her crest. The poor mare had never known what her true colors were, having been tortured and neglected her whole life. In the stallions mind, she was nothing but a plaything.

    Her eyes had changed from a bright, joyous green to a dismal, dying green. Her head sat low, every bone in her body showing through her thin skin. She left her "herd", allegedly family. Now her body was changing, shifting. She knew this feeling well, and knew what would become of the child. She knew she'd miscarry, it wasn't the first time. She had been raped before, late into the night. She, herself, had been created by force. Jinger's mother never wanted her, she had said so herself. Her father had seen her as a nother toy, another horse to hurt. But this past time was the last time.

    She had heard rumors about this place before, "Beqanna", the name sounded so magical. And now here she was, watching a winged unicorn help a poor mare, helpless and restrained by something. She smiled weakly, she had known torture herself. But, perhaps, here might not be the same.
    Stilling as she starts to work on the halter, she murmurs a soft thanks. "Thanks.. Um.. What's your name? I'm.. Priel." She says quickly before she gets ready to break the material. She stood while the horn came near her hair, and she held her breath for a moment, not speaking anymore to avoid being grazed - or impaled, but she wouldn't let herself go there..

    Time went by at an unmeasured rate as she tore at the fabric. Priel stood still, despite the uncomfort in her limbs as they started to tire and stock up. She didn't speak or mention anything, though, determined to make it through this. She wanted to be free. She knew, indeed, it would still be scarred on her forever after her wounds healed, leaving her marred; she could find someone, she knew, one day..
    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    A frown appears on her young face as she carefully starts to cut the first rope, trying her best to not hurt the other mare, but at the same time she wouldn’t really care if she did. After all, it was Priel who had suggested her to cut the thing with her horn. But that’s not what causes Vlinder’s frown, her words are. ”I know, you told me already. And I told you mine too” she answers, totally unaware of the fact that another had silently joined them. You couldn’t really blame the black roan girl for it though, her concentration lied on cutting the strange material around the tall bay mare’s neck.

    By ‘stand still’ Vlinder had only meant to tell Priel to not make sudden movements, of course breathing and other small movements wouldn’t be too harmful, but she does not share her thoughts on this. If Priel wanted to do it this way, that was all fine for the heavily pregnant unicorn. After what she thinks is the last thing to cut, the young – but clearly tainted – mare steps backwards, her head tilting a bit as she studies her handiwork. ”Is it better like this?” After all, Vlinder would need to know if she had to cut more, or if this would do the trick.

    While she waits for an answer, her dull and lifeless eyes find the other mare, a chestnut. She offers no words, but dips her head in a silent greeting, before she looks at Priel again, still waiting for an answer.
    Zeik x Felinae

    OOC: @Jinger: Vlinder currently only has a horn, no wings ^^.

    @Both: Sorry for her being this.. lifeless and uninterested and dull, lol, she had gone through a lot and needs to mend herself back together again.
    Jinger smiled weakly, brown eyes dull like the earth under the snow. Life wasn't easy, and she barely had any strength. Her heart was kind, though. Her swayed back heaved with each raspy breath. "Jinger." was all the coal minx could say. Being malnourished, raped, beaten, neglected and pregnant took a toll on ones health.

    She saw the mare look back to the one with the strange thing on her head. Jinger gasped. "Names?" she said, winded. She hoped her short, one word sentences made sence to the others.
    OOC: @[Vlinder] OK, thanks. Yeah, she's pretty much the same Wink

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