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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    now I'm pulling all the strings, Beqanna Fairy
    now you're staring at a queen.
    From the bottom of the mountain, the silver girl looks up.
    It is a steep climb -- she remembers how it feels to be above; footing unsteady, air thin, body permanently chilled. It wasn't long ago that she was trapped on the Mountain -- that they were all trapped in one place and yet completely lost. She had found her family here below, some connected by blood but others by something else, something indescribable.
    As she begins her climb, she thinks of them.
    Of all of them -- Tiphon, Phaedrus, Talulah, Vida, Ashley, Adalyn, her wonderful son Sabrael, perhaps the only son she has left. Some new faces, some old.
    Step by step Ea climbs, breaths becoming shallower, and she thinks of those she misses still -- Sela, Kha, Scorch, Hestoni, Ramiel. She can no longer feel the connection that bound her to them as a mother, daughter, lover.
    She blinks back cold tears and grits her teeth. She refuses to allow today to be the first time she sheds a tear.
    She soldiers onwards, upwards; it is only fitting that she make the trek by herself since she alone was queen when they were all deemed unworthy. She knows the Dale was not an instigator in the wars that finally destroyed Beqanna, but no one was innocent. They were all hungry -- hungry for magic, for power -- and Beqanna no longer wanted to feed them.
    She reaches the top and stops, catching her breath. She takes a moment for herself while she breathes, to remember who she is -- even without the kingdoms she is a princess, a queen. She is still important.
    “Beqanna,” she says, sounding confident, though still unsure of how she should continue.
    “I am Ea, here on behalf of my family,” she begins, “We are not all related by blood, but we are a family nonetheless. I know you are angry with all of us, and rightfully so,” she says, pausing, considering her words. “Our apologies will not be enough. I know that -- my family knows that -- but we ask, beg, of you to allow us some of your land to call our home. A land would let us open our family even more to those in need of one.”
    She ends her petition, then, uncertain but satisfied. Surely Beqanna can see that she has been humbled, even slightly, by this destruction. She has always surrounded herself with family -- first the established family of the Jungle that she was born into, then the one she and Ramiel had created in the Dale -- and only hopes she can do so once again.

    Our team consists of Ea, Tiphon, Phaedrus, Ashley, Vida, Sabrael, Talulah, Adalyn and our point tracker can be found here!

    Thank you, love you! Heart
    Whether she realizes it or not Tiphon has followed her. There is no denying how protective he is of the Daleans, of his family. The heart in his chest pounds only for them, for their well-being, and so he cannot – will not – allow her to face anything alone. They can fall as one just as they will rise as one. When he is needed Tiphon is the glue to hold them together, ensuring that their family stays tightly nestled against one another. This is why he is here, why he was created in the image he was: he was destined to be a guardian, a light even in the darkest of nights.

    Although the Mountain revives the magic in their souls Tiphon remains grounded and clambers up the trail shortly after Ea. His lungs scream for the air that thins around them, ever wanting more, but still he moves. The muscles of his body are ropes tightening with every exerting, tiresome step as he stays within close proximity of the girl. ”Ea,” his voice is barely above a whisper only to reassure her that she is not alone; she will never be alone while he is alive. He looks back across his shoulder once to see how far they have climbed before looking forward and seeing what remains. Their determination, their passion, ignites fires in their souls that urge them to continue without hesitation. They want a home, they want security for their family.

    They stop as a unit, but Tiphon is barely behind her with his shoulder nearly pressing against her ribcage. A strong wind, untouched by the barricade of trees seen below, whips his locks in every direction until it finally settles with an eerie hush. Interestedly, Tiphon listens to Ea’s plead and he nods in agreement, his heart continuing to hammer in hope that they will be answered.

    There is no need to add more to what has been said; his heart, embracing his family back in the meadow, aches for the hopes of being able to provide them what they need to survive.
    It groans in shame at what the residents have done to anger Beqanna and how they have been so reckless and greedy.
    It screams for forgiveness.

    What he lacks in words is made up with the passion, love, and devotion in his pounding heart. His molten eyes look at Ea before his muzzle reaches to her shoulder, nudging her as they wait anxiously and hopefully.

    He watches as the two horses depart from their little group, he tries to think of something better to do. He looks for something to fill his time with until their return, but it just isn’t possible, he needs to know, he needs to see. He had doubted the land, the god/s, the faeries of Beqanna his whole life. Wondering why they created him, what he was to them, who he could be for them. His life wasn’t at all important, had never been that important, Ea was the leader, Tiphon the guardian… what was Phaedrus? What role did he fill? The disappointer? Well that one he filled rather well, and in filling it he loathed himself just as much if not more than others could. In any case he was the simple nameless watcher. The one that observed and worked in the background filling in where he could, when he could, disappearing when the world needed someone with a voice, with a name, with a purpose.

    His right side riddled with scars from being spiked in battle, his other side raked from teeth, and missing flesh on his ribs. All of it ached as he climbed the mountain behind the other two. It is no surprise to him that Beqanna would choose to punish him, he had failed her, just as he failed all the rest. Even now climbing the craggy mountain side, slipping and clambering up sharp jagged rocks, grit filling his teeth and eyes, sweat slick, and glossy across his taunt muscles. Even now he can hear his mother’s disgust take him away, let him be of some use elsewhere. Then his aunts scornful silence, his niece’s need to run from him. The pained look in Zara’s eyes when he passed her to another more capable leader. The tears in Gyps when he sold her for Besra’s comfort. The grief in Ea when Ramiel did not show up, and Phaedrus had failed in finding him. The lack of recognition for those he called family pained him as well.

    This was the role he had played in his life, could he change? He wasn’t sure, he couldn’t tell you that everything would get better, that he or anyone else would change forever. If there was one thing he could it, it was try, and try with every fiber in his soul. Maybe he could learn to trust beqanna, maybe he could learn to love his life, maybe he could step from the shadows and be the strength others needed. Maybe, but is it likely? No one could say for certain, the Dale had kept the peace, it had proved to be the stability when others ran rampant, they pleaded, made peace, and gave hope to others when there was none. They gave strength to the Gates when their tree burned, they stood by the side of the Amazons when the war started, but they failed when the Deserts was flooded. Where were they when horses lacked homes? When a kingdom needed a refuge? This was their failing, when power was stripped from them, they moped about and mourned their losses, they paid no heed to the outer world, or the call for help. They celebrated the rising of a new queen, they talked of building up and strengthening themselves. They forgot their role as helper, and tried usurping their power over others, no longer did they care to help the weak, they wanted power, to be recognized and feared. The Dale had been scorned for many centuries now it was time for others to see them instead of use them.

    This plan however didn’t make it too far, Beqanna awoke and turned on them for losing sight of their purpose. Now today they strive for better, to remember where/who they were. Why they were. He stays a small distance from the other two, listening, watching, remaining silent as they make their petition, why did he come? Because they needed him? Surely not, they had no need of him, was he curious? Of course, but this didn’t feel reason enough, he had forgone curiosity many a time. Maybe he came to find his purpose? To see if the stories were true? Maybe it was to ask why Beqanna had not smote him off the face of the earth, why she gave him a second chance. Why did she think he deserved a second chance? He certainly didn’t feel worthy of one. He was not good enough for the gifted, he failed the weak, and stood by when others stepped up. Only thing he never failed in was war. He had worked alongside Ramiel, Weir, he had defeated enemies of his people, all to protect and give hope. His thoughts and questions whirl in his mind, watching, waiting to see what would happen. The two stand side by side, he stands a small distance away, respectfully giving room, turning, and shifting looking for signs of danger.
    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must
     He was, and forever would be, a slave to the land. The once-King did not hold allegiances with blood, but rather to honor, and having given his services to the Queen of his former homeland—former kingdom—he stood beside her to aid her in however was necessary to make sure that they would eventually find a home safe and sound. That the all-mother wished to string them up on jibbets for sport and make them dance a jig for their powers—for their existence—made him angry, but Ashley schooled his features to present a calm exterior, moving to stand next to Tiphon in solidarity of their mission. This fairy was in want of supplication from them, but he would give none. He would say what was necessary, if became necessary, but to lower himself before one who so enjoyed toying with her subjects?
    He would not do it.
    And so he remained silent, his head held still as the limestone he had identified with for so long. Only the wind blew passed him slightly, while he awaited the fairy’s judgment, whatever that might be.
    how many times can I break ‘til I shatter?
    She has so many lessons to teach them.

    The first was that she is omnipotent, there are a thousand others, but today she wishes to teach patience.

    What are they so desperate to hide from? Do they think this world she has made for the is so full of danger that they must scurry like rats into whatever hiding hole she provides for them? Can they breathe the water of her glorious sees or float among the clouds? No –they must be patient.

    She is generous, touching the hearts of those that have come to petition with a sense of calmness. It is the seeds of patience that she plants within them – when they are ready they will feel themselves called back to the Mountain, to tell her what they have learned in their time. Then, and only then, will she grant them what they request.

    For now, they feel themselves pushed away, shepherded downhill on a journey far easier than it should be given the treacherous slope and thin air. She will not punish them for having courage, but she will not reward them for impatience either.

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