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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  It's About Time (Birthing) (Jedi, any)
    Raxa coud not believe the size her belly had grown to just to carry one foal. She felt like a porcupine when it curled in on itself to expose its spikes for protection; round and aching. The mare could not wait to get this creature out of her, mostly so she could work to get back her warrior's frame. Even though she had retained her good muscular stature, the size her stomach had grown to offset her own self-confidence. She'd work to take care of the little one, of course, but she also wanted to return to training so that she could continue to help protect the herd and her loved ones.

    After reuniting with a majority of the Falls members earlier in the day, Kreios had started to ask for support in regards to claiming a land around here so the herd could have a home. Raxa expressed her support for the king, assuring him she would not abandon the herd since they were the closest thing she'd had to a family for a great number of years.

    And now, a new member would be added to the family. A little one of Raxa's flesh and blood...

    Still to this day, the mare never thought she would have a foal while still under the age of ten. But maybe it would be her only foal, and afterwards, she could continue on the warrior's path, raise her little one, and if that little one went on to have foals, she'd still have a family, just no more children besides her foal. It wasn't that disappointing. She wouldn't be disappointed if the little one didn't want to have anything to do with foals either; they'd still have each other.

    Feeling an ache in her stomach, Raxa had separated herself from the herd, heading out to a secluded spot of the meadow that was in relative distance, but provided plenty of cover thanks to the small bundle of trees and the large grass around her. She knew it was time; she just hated the fact that the foal was being born before the herd found a new home. It would mean travel for the little one, but hopefully, Kreios would be understanding.

    As time drew on, Raxa felt her stomach changing. The little one was ready. The mare blew air from her nostrils, a pain ripping through her stomach. She began to pace, her body becoming lined with sweat as it prepared itself for the birth of the foal. Eventually, Raxa felt it was time to lay down and begin the next step. Tucking in her front legs, the mare went down, rolling to lie on her side to relieve the pressure off of her stomach.

    This process went on for a long time. Every so often, Raxa would feel the need to get back up and pace again, and then lay back down in a long-stretching cycle. Then, finally, the need to push made itself known. Raxa groaned in pain and exertion, knowing she had - and wanted to - get the foal out.

    The pressure was soon gone, and Raxa knew she'd done the job. She was absolutely exhausted, but forced herself to lift her head, knowing she needed to look at her little one. She rolled onto her belly, her blue eyes looking at the foal.

    The little one was beautiful. Strangely enough, she did not look like her sire, or her dam really. She was a perfect mixture; the bay coloring of her sire mixed with her dam's roan coat pattern. For some reason, Raxa felt her heart swelling with joy as she looked at the foal. The little one was still a bit damp due to the birthing process, so Raxa figured the next logical step was to clean her off.

    Somehow, she vaguely remembered the feeling of her dam's tongue on her coat soon after she'd been born, and even in times after that, especially after she'd gotten messy via falling into a mud puddle or creating a dust bath for herself. So Raxa forced herself to her hooves, groaning a bit from the effort it had taken for her to give birth to the foal.

    Once she was up, the mare turned around so she was facing the foal. She lowered her head and proceeded to start the process of cleaning the foal off, glad that it would be rid of the liquid that otherwise marred her pretty coat. Once she was clean, Raxa was even more dazzled by the little creature. The roan markings she had existed more toward her hindquarters, while the front of her body was a base chestnut in color. More than likely she'd grown to develop more roan markings later on. A little white star sat perfectly positioned in the middle of her forehead.

    And when the filly's eyes opened, it struck Raxa like a blast of lightning; her eyes were a beautiful electric blue, just like her dam's.

    Raxa whickered to her newborn, blowing a little air out of her nostrils onto the foal's newly cleaned fur. The filly gave a tiny whinny, turning her gaze upward to meet the identical eyes of her dam. Raxa nuzzled the filly, brushing her muzzle against the foal's before giving her a nudge with her shoulder. It was the same thing Raxa's dam had done soon after she'd been born; Raxa was encouraging the little one to stand.

    Unlike with most foals, the filly grasped the concept of it rather quick. She was on her hooves within a couple of minutes, despite the small number of times she'd fallen before hoof. Once she was up, Raxa ran her muzzle down the filly's neck before nudging her hindquarters so that she'd be closer to her dam's.

    The filly understood that one immediately. Her blue eyes sought out the form of her dam's teats, and once she found them, she eagerly began to suckle, obviously hungry and tired from her effort of learning to stand. Raxa watched the filly suckle for a while until it seemed the little one had enough. With a small yawn, the filly curled her front legs under her and laid down, settling close to her dam's legs while the brindled roan remained standing.

    Raxa couldn't help but laugh a little; the filly was perfect. Never before had the mare experienced these kinds of thoughts, but one thing was for sure; she knew what they were now.

    @[Jedi] In case he wanted to come meet his little filly.

    The old Falls Kingdom members were scattering to claim a land together, to be able to stick together. This was definitely a priority for Jedi as he wanted to be able to see his foals, he didn’t want to have to travel to see them. Although separate lands would be easier to keep his secret, none the less he would have to own up to his actions.

    He was wondering in the meadow, curious of any kingdom stragglers they did not yet gather. Instead he found the scent of birthing, a familiar one, he was cautious but should approach, he knew he didn’t want Raxa or Sunfall alone when they birthed.

    His eyes grew wide as he grew nearer to the scent, the mare who gave birth was Raxa! This was his foal! He quickened his pace to the scene, a bay roan filly stood beneath Raxa. He looked at her strangely, she did not look like Jedi, he figured she would have some paint markings, but clearly she took after her mother. His gaze looked to Raxa She is beautiful, what will you name her? he grew curious, a smile grew on his face as he extended his maw to touch the filly, gently playing with her forelock. He wanted to tell Raxa, about his foal with Sunfall but he didn’t want to ruin the moment, he remained silent as he scanned between the two.



    image © Lisa Dijk

    @[Raxa] OOC: sorry this took so long!
    Raxa watched carefully as the filly got back to her hooves again after only a few minutes of laying down; she'd obviously detected something, or else she would've been content laying down beneath her dam's body. Raxa turned her head to look at her daughter before both sets of blue eyes caught the form of a horse in the distance.

    A stallion that Raxa instantly recognized...

    A small smile appeared on the brindle's face as Jedi raced up, a curious look on his face. Raxa seemed confused about this; was he worried about something? Was he wondering why the filly didn't look a lot like him? Raxa had been surprised about that as well, but then again, the filly did sport a bay coloring that would more than likely darken to Jedi's coloring when she got older.

    Pushing that thought aside as Jedi inquired about a name, Raxa watched the stallion play with the filly's forelock as she picked the name from her three options she'd been thinking of it the foal turned out to be a filly.

    "I was thinking of naming her Zhenga, in honor of a former herd member of mine from when I was young. We grew up together, and this little one reminds me of her," Raxa explained, chuckling as Zhenga squealed as Jedi continued to play with her forelock before rearing up on her hind legs and prancing around the two adults.

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