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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Flowers, Flowers, Everywhere; Reagan

    She had managed to scurry away from her father’s unending grasp. Ever since she left her fathers womb he never seemed to let her out of his sight. Elora didn’t quite understand why she needed constant supervision. It wasn’t like she would get herself in any type of mess. She might have been small, but within her she held a lot of spunk and a whole lot of attitude. Elora was a literal mix of her two crazy fathers.
    The bay filly bounced around the meadow with little care for personal space. She ran under a few towering stallions, and giggled her way past two heavy looking mares. All of the grown ups seemed so funny to her. They were all way too solemn. There was no need to take life so seriously. They all acted like they had just survived some type of catastrophe. Silly horses. Elora was a bundle of ignorance twirling her way around her green grass stage.
    cat shifting daughter of sahm and newton


    now don’t you understand…that I’m never changing who I am?

    Reagan’s mind settled as she looked up from her lunch to realize that there was a very special little girl bounding off, under the loving watchful eye of her father. Sahm was always watching—and so was Newton, to be fair—but under the tutelage of Reagan, there seemed to be a camaraderie between them that allowed her the exclusive right to approach the precious Elora without fear of retribution from her overprotective fathers. She smiled and bounded up—much like a newborn filly herself—and got down on the ground so that she was not much taller than the little girl.

    She smiled, her green eyes painted on little Elora, while picking daisies up with her teeth, winding them around into a little flower crown. Placing them gingerly upon the little girl’s head, she army crawls close to Elora until their noses touch, and then she smiles again.

    Elora danced with her icy mane sprouting drops of water all over the ground. She only stopped when her Aunt Reagan approached her. Auntie Reagan was not a silly adult like her fathers or all the other adult horses. Elora’s Auntie was much cooler then all of them.

    ”HOLY GOSH SHAMOLLEY” Elora giggled as she watched Reagan weave the daisy crown. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head in amazement. It was the most beautiful creation she had ever seen. Gently it was placed on her head and she stood quite still for the inauguration. ”For me?” She spewed in her high pitched voice. ”All hail, Queen Elora!” She sang aloud before she let out a belly pinching laugh. Once she calmed down she watched Reagan playfully approach and tap her nose. ”Hehe, you silly.”

    Elora instantly felt an itch arise in her nose and she shoved it into the dirt and scratched it back and forth. Once she lifted herself her head was nearly coated in dirt. ”Achoo! She sneezed before falling backward.

    cat shifting daughter of sahm and newton


    now don’t you understand…that I’m never changing who I am?
    Reagan leaped up to steady Elora’s body, to prevent her from falling on her little delicate butt, which would have inevitably resulted in her legs waving about akimbo, and driving her fathers to come and interrupt their game. Reagan giggled, lowering herself back down into the grass, replacing the daisy crown on the little princess’ head before rolling onto her side. “If you could be anything, Elora, what would you be?” She looked at the little girl, and then looked at Sahm and Newton to assure them that she had everything well in hand—for they had seen their daughter lose her balance… Poor Newton was stuck in between hovering near and far as if he were a broken drone or a carpenter bee unsure of where he needed to drop his load of nectar.
    These were the times that every girl dreams of. Being able to share your dreams and play with the flowers and the bugs and explore life as it was intended to be. Reagan tried to see the world through her eyes, and found that she was far more jaded than she ever had any right to be.

    Her small frame flung backwards with unusual force, but luckily her aunt was there to catch her with remarkable ease. Elora straightened herself back up. Her small head bobbled downward when the crown was placed back on her head. Her smile beamed. ”Thank you!” She happily exclaimed. She watched with curiosity as the large mare rolled onto her side. Elora bounced up and tossed half her body over Reagan’s round belly. Elora’s tiny hooves waved over the ground as she mindlessly shuffled them in the air.

    ”Anything? Geezz…” She heaved through her mouth. Her lips spun causing her to make a silly farting noise. She giggled uncontrollably for a moment. ”I wanna be a princess! A hero…a bumble bee….” She mused. ”I want to be a dancer, the best ever!” She spoke with so much purity. She had yet to be exposed to any of the grime the world was painted with. ”What do you want to be, Auntie Reagan?” She asked, especially curious of what an adult dreams of.

    cat shifting daughter of sahm and newton


    now don’t you understand…that I’m never changing who I am?
    What do you want to be, Auntie Reagan?...
    To be asked such a question when one is well over 100 years old is almost cruel. The days stretch onwards with no sense of ending, and yet, there is always something to do, something to be…someone to be. Reagan was a diplomat; a mother; a lover; a lady. She had been so many things to so many different people that the concept of being anything as simple as a princess or a bumble bee was inconsequential to her. And yet, looking at Elora and how blissfully happy she was, She understood not for the first time that perhaps, her perception of the world was a bit…jaded.
    And so while the scales fell from her eyes, she looked longingly at the little girl and nuzzled the side of her cheek from where she’d flopped over Reagan’s belly, and said in a quiet voice. “All Auntie Reagan wants to be, child, is happy. And right now I’m happy just being with you.”

    Elora watched her aunt with curious eyes. The small filly would not have been able to comprehend Reagan’s long life. Elora believed a week was a lifetime; she definitely could never imagine what 100 years would be like. In her tiny mind the question she had asked was quite simple. Elora wanted to be practically everything. She loved and thrived on life. Both Newton and Sahm hoped that they could continue to protect Elora, and that her innocence would stay intact for as long as possible.

    Once Reagan answered Elora simply smiled larger. She found the answer to be quite silly. Weren’t adults always happy? They could do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. Elora allowed the grey mare to snuggle her deeply. She pushed back a bit and let out a light laugh. ”You silly Auntie Reagan. You should always be happy!” Elora bounced. She shuffled her weight back and forth until she was able to slide off of Reagan’s belly. Her hooves began to pace as she twirled. ”Life is awesome!” She sang.

    cat shifting daughter of sahm and newton


    now don’t you understand…that I’m never changing who I am?
    Reagan playfully nipped at Elora’s neck and giggled as she rolled onto her back and kicked up at the dandelion fuzz. She would play with this child all day if she could—being able to sit around and tell stories of leprechauns and good luck charms…but she had no such luck or such a happiness to tell. She had grown under the school of religion and told the right way to be and the right way to do things. There was always a consequence, and never a reward, and so the happy child that was Reagan had grown up far too young and far too early to appreciate such frivolities. And yet, as an old woman—who would forever be immortal—she dreamed leprechauns and rainbows and little gold chocolate coins that could give the sweetest human child a toothache.
    And still remembered to say her prayers at night. She was discovering more of herself with each passing day, for without the power she was birthed with, she was learning more about who she was, and what she was, and she was finding that the right way to be, was simply to be. A lesson taught to her by a week old little girl whose only goal in life was to make each day as awesome as the last. And so, rolling over again, she butted Elora in the bum, and bounded off like the filly she wasn’t shouting at the top of her lungs with a laugh, “TAG, YOU’RE IT!”

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