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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    it's been a long time coming; romek
    " I'll never lose sight , "
    It had been a day since Demian had run into Romek again and soon after he had felt the urge to find him once more. It was becoming a time full of urgency and curiosity in discovering what was happening out beyond the mists surrounding them. It didn't take long, but he soon came across him once more. His scent and voice a easily recognizable thing. "Romek," his voice floats across the empty space between them as he steps carefully through the tall grass of the meadow and up next to the other stallion.

    "I have a proposition," for a moment he lets the words hang through the air before continuing, quietly so that only the other could hear. "I say we gather those we can and forge a group to go into the mists and discover what lays beyond. Maybe find a new place, and form it into something new, something more fitting for the times. A home where we can all be happy." Was it really possible? Happiness, peace?

    "For as is obvious, our old homes are gone, the neutral lands are too packed. We cannot stay forever. We eventually will have to travel out anyway." He turns his head towards the other, and if he could have met his eye he would have. "Foals will be being born soon. Herds will start to get territorial. It would be best for us to do this now, rather than later.... What do you say? Will you join me?"

    DEMIAN ( carnage x adalind )
    fuck all your dreams; they're not all they seem.

    Offspring’s plans rattled around in the spotted stallion’s head as he took a brief leave from the Tundra gathering. He was no stranger to the tension that ran through the land, and the urgency that was required of them now to act. He was sure the black King could feel it too, which had prompted him into action. There was simply no time to lose anymore.

    He had expected to see Demian again, and here he was, stalking through the grass towards him. Purposefully. And why wouldn’t he be purposeful?

    ”Let’s hear it then.” he says, pausing to listen. ”Yes. I have heard of others attempting the very same.” he pauses to evaluate the stallion in front of him. He had no doubts that he could trust Demian.

    ”It is an offer, alright.” said Romek dryly. ”But I fear that Offspring may need me.” After all, the black king had never shown anything but like for the spotted stallion. And he didn’t want to endanger that. But the fact that there were others involved, former rulers he didn’t know of or care much about… The new kingdom would not be the Tundra, not by any stretch of the imagination.
    " I'll never lose sight , "
    His words are understandable. Words that were expected and not at all surprising. Like Romek, Demian too was the type to carry a sense of strong loyalty. "Yes, I would assume so. But were we to create a home, we could use it to be a support to those we are loyal to. You could still help Offspring, and I would stand by your side and do the same. The Ice King deserves that, from not just you, but myself as well."

    He smiles with a bit of added encouragement before turning his head back towards the center of the meadow. "We will not be able to do this without helping our brothers in the end. Beqanna does not like greed... She has shown that to us. When we make our own home, we will have to show we are grateful for it and help those we care about to do the same. For this isn't just about us, it is about everyone. In the end, those who do not help each other will prove they were not worthy of this fresh start, and the consequences could be great. We must be careful now. We must discover, but we must also focus on those who are trying to do the same and offer our assistance once we have completed our own mission."

    Demian would not allow Romek to feel as though he had fully turned his back on his king and fellow brother. When they did this, he would be sure to encourage and stand beside the other in helping Offspring and his followers. For Demian wasn't the type to ignore the binds a brotherhood created nor the things others had once done for him or his children. Despite Offspring's rough past with his son, the spotted ex-king would always be grateful that the Ice King had shown his support and followed to help support Tannor's wild goals.

    Looking at Romek he smiles softly. "So are you ready to do this?"

    DEMIAN ( carnage x adalind )
    fuck all your dreams; they're not all they seem.
    Why was he even doubting his loyalty in the first place? Perhaps it was the desire to spread his proverbial wings. Perhaps it was the desire to be able to keep his family safe. Perhaps it was the desire passed down from his sire, the yellow-eyed shifter. Either way, he found himself balking at the prospect of Offspring’s new proposed kingdom, beneath others that he had not chosen. If it had been the rebirth of the Tundra, perhaps, but it wasn’t, and so Romek found himself not entirely keen on the prospect.

    They stood for good things, of course, but perhaps what the fairies would like is an injection of new and fresh. Perhaps.

    ”Alright, Demian, you’ve twisted my leg.” he smiles briefly, although the pain of betrayal is still fresh in his chest, and will probably take some time to get over. He had never really considered himself a disloyal man before, but here he was. And Maribel, what would Maribel say? But, deep down, he knew that this was for the best of everyone.


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