Hi everyone – thanks for joining!
We’ll keep this fairly short and simple, since I know mocks can kinda get dragged out sometimes. If after the mocks/practice, you want a more in depth mock – we can definitely set that up as well!
First round will be a sweet and simple exercise of sizing up your opponent – what could be their strengths and weaknesses? What could be considered yours? No need to write it out in depth if you don’t want – a simple bullet list is fine!
For this first round, please PM me your list privately – so you don’t give away any battle ideas to your opponent (; . When the actual battle is done, I will post the strength/weakness lists so that you can review them if you’d like.
If you have any questions – feel free to PM me!
The deadline for sending me your list is Sept 6th. If everyone gets them in before then – we can certainly start the mocks sooner!
I randomly generated a list of opponents online:
Cress vs Brynmor
Romek vs Gunsynd
Aranea vs Igni
Rael Fire vs Underwood
Siberian vs Real fire