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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    plus she good at charmin' cobras[Njenyi]
    Maybe winter wasn’t the best time to go looking for a home of her own but it felt like she had waited an eternity to leave the nest. At least, if it was a nest, the meadows and fields were her home with her Mother and the painted woman never did seem too keen on finding a permanent residence. Suit herself.

    Ohio on the other hand decided she wanted a home, a place to belong and not merely wander aimlessly. She wanted her own grazing patches and her own mate and her own friends, her Mother’s friends tired her and all too often didn’t keep in touch. Suppose that’s the life of a meadow bum as they were called and the multi-colored young woman was tired to being that too. Meadow bum. That’s a terrible name, always sounded like a put down to her too. Well not anymore, no today, today she would step away from the shadow of her Dam. It wasn’t too hard, Mother didn’t discourage it but she didn’t act as though she really thought Ohio could do it either. Whatever the case they made their goodbyes and off the chimera colored girl went.

    The field was sort of beautiful, even if it was covered in frost and the bitter wind snapped her mane and tail around like a whip. Nothing stayed the same over the course of the year and Ohio had learned to accept and love that. Things changed, they should change, just like herself. She wasn’t a little girl anymore, she was a woman, she had a mind of her own and she should put it to use. There was nothing to be had living a life of solitude and social awkwardness, so there she stood, waited.

    Someone would be along of course, even in winter both herds and Kingdoms scoured the common ground and this time she would answer their calls. This time she would go with someone and make her place in the world.
    O H I O
    -but she aint the only one-

    Willoway Free Spirit grazed on what was left from summer.The frozen snow was high up his legs and he was a tall horse.He saw the mare but continued to do what he was doing.He was staying away from the herd of bachelors because they were always mean to him.They picked on him when it came to claiming mares.He said he would have a foal one day but they still laughed,he was embarrassed when he went up to a mare when they were around.That is why he stayed away from them for long periods of times.There was one stallion who kept saying to him,keep trying and one day it will come true.Would this be the day?He was alone,he didn't have a herd.
    :cool: Speed Is Key!!!-Jacksepticeye :cool:
    Sorry meant to be Him.
    Njenyi hates winter.

    The stories he remembers being told as a child did not include how bitter the wind was or how sharply the ice stings when it is driven sideways up under the meager winter coat he has managed to grow.

    Half his blood was meant for the ever-warm savanna, but he feels that all of his soul was. Were it not for the small harem he has already gathered he would have left the bitter seasons of Beqanna for his golden birthplace in an instant. But he cannot. Njenyi's offspring have begun to stretch the bellies of their mothers in the Gemstone Ridge, and to abandon a mare in foal is simply never done: The idea never crosses his mind.

    What does cross his mind is the desire to find more mares, to gather a herd large enough to keep them all warm. Extra eyes and ears will never go awry, and when spring finally comes and the foals stretch their legs, their mothers will be grateful for aunties to help keep watch.

    So this is why he slogs through the snowy Feild, why he passes by a bay pony stallion who is ignoring the mare that Njenyi approaches. She looks young and strong, appealing attributes for the red and white stallion. He presses forward, past the traditional Beqanna "personal space" and nips at her withers in claim. Using his heavy jaw, he attempts to guide her back, pushing her toward the Gemstone Ridge.

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