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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Love is friendship set on fire - Jord

    Love is friendship set on fire ...
    She’s bored, oh so bored. Honestly, Igni had thought that joining a caste would help her get rid of the boredom. But apparently the life as a warrior, or a private to be more specific, was just as boring as the life of a child. Surely, the Tundra provided entertainment till a certain level. Like running around in the snow, playing on the ice and kicking snow at each other. But those were little children’s games, which she deep down still was but what she absolutely wouldn’t admit.

    Anyway, Igni is bored. She had enough of watching her parents being all mushy together. She couldn’t really blame them, it had been her own birth that had caused her mother to get severely ill, but that didn’t mean she had to hang around them as a third and useless wheel. So she has ventured off, exploring the familiar Tundra grounds once again. The blue roan girl had been born here and as a child she had already ventured out so often, going to places she shouldn’t go to but did anyway.

    She had spent so many time lurking around the cave, the special cave, the one her father had told her about. The one she wasn’t allowed to enter. Because only males could enter it, or so her father had said. Igni hadn’t liked that at all, heck, ever since she had been able to venture out alone she wanted to be a warrior. Maybe inspired by the Jungle’s warrior women, but in her case a snow version of it. She had been so thrilled when uncle Offspring had opened the castes for females too, but before she got old enough to actually enter the cave and prove herself, the magic had been drained from the land.

    Nowadays she was one of the few Tundra members that carried around a scar. Not a battle scar, although it had been a fight, but a scar from a really upsetting event. Igni still didn’t understand it all, but she was glad to be back home. And the brand had healed pretty well, only leaving some sort of triangular marking on her left flank. It wasn’t pretty, not like the scars of the initiated brothers and sisters had been, but it wasn’t too bad. It was a part of her now and she was okay with it.

    Her little trip within the Tundra’s borders had let the short mare towards the cave. It held little to no magic anymore, yet it had to be protected, according to the voice they had all heard. But what was there to protect if it wasn’t magical anymore?
    ... and fire is the burning passion within.

    I felt like getting something up for them ^^
    - Jord -

    Jords heavy pistons carried her from the meadow to the tundra once more. Her mind filled with crazy thoughts.. Was it really him? or was it a ghost? was he alive.. or dead? She wasnt sure, but she wanted to see him again, ask more questions before he runs off this time. But Jord was sure it was him, no one else called her by the name he did. She shook her head .... I will come for you, akhut.. his voice wisping around in her head... akhut.  His voice haunted her.. yet filled a void.

    As she cantered back to the other side of the wall she decided to clear her mind she'd go for a little stroll around the place she now calls home.. Her hazel orbs scanned over the land, the snow had melted a bit but before she knew it autumn was back around this sudden corner. The leaves on the tall trees around her, the leaves dieing before it would get cold again. She walked by other horses who seamed to be doing their own things before she came across another mare. A lovely blue roan mare. She watched the mare stare at this random cave. hmm...wonder whats in there that has her so intrigued.. Jord thought.

    Her pistons carried her gently over to the mare, yet loud enough not to startle her. "Hello, may I ask you what you're staring at her?" She asked before motioning to the cave. "Also i'm Jord, It a pleasure to meet you" She said as a kind smile melted upon her maw. "wonder how far back it goes.."  Jord said taking a few steps closer to the entrance before looking back over her shoulder, wondering if the mare would follow or even lead the way.


    Love is friendship set on fire ...
    Soon the snow would start to fall again and paint the Tundra’s lands white. It did always enjoy Igni to see the sparkling white blanket again, as it was such a big part of the Tundra. The snow had been there when she had been born, even though she had been born in a cave,  a warm, sheltered cave. Her first steps outside were met with snow. It was just as much a part of her, as the snow was of the Tundra. The cave she was currently staring at hadn’t been the one she had been born in, this was the special one. Al though, their sauna cave was something else too.

    Her tail is swaying around, swatting at the irritating flies. Another reason why the blue roan girl preferred the autumn and winter above the summer. Spring was okay, she would say. But that wasn’t the thing on Igni’s mind right now, it was the cave. Once her father had forbidden her to enter, then she suddenly could and now it really had no use anymore. Other than protected that what remained, but honestly, there was nothing left to protect, right?

    Her attention got stolen when she heard footsteps coming in her direction. But Igni didn’t turn to look at her companion, instead she twisted one dark ear in the approaching mare. However, when the sweet voice calls out to her, she turns her head with a small smile. ”My name is Igni” she introduces herself, tilting her head slightly as she studies Jord. But once she continues about the cave, Igni’s gaze travels back to it. ”This is, no was, or magic cave. All the kingdoms had their own sense of magic, but it got stripped from the lands. Now it’s just a cave.” She speaks about it like it holds no importance, even though Offspring had told them all to carefully guard the cave. Maybe she just was too young to understand the importance of it.
    ... and fire is the burning passion within.
    - Jord -

     Jord stopped as she noticed the mare, Igni, didn't follow her. She didn't know the history of BQ as shes not from this land.  "Magic? Jord asked.. "I'm sorry, Igni. Maybe i'm not understanding. Beqanna is not my home land, so I do not know much of the history." Jord said softly, hoping Igni wouldn't see her as an outcast. Her pistons turned her around to face the mare. Her banner lightly flapped in the brisk autumn breeze, her nares taking in the crisp air into her lungs.  Jord looked forward to the coming winter.. although she did have a special place for autumn; the colors of the leaves, the brisk air.. things dieing and becoming cold. Far from her home land of sun and sand. At times she missed it, yet honestly she didn't remember it much, as she was only a few months old when she was taken away. A kingdom of its own torn and crumbled. No winners on either side. A fair fight. Or so she believed.

    Jords orbs swerved back to the cave... Magic huh..? she thought.  A mystery.. like her past. She shook her head, Igni had said the magic was no more. No need to dwell in a empty cave, plus it wasnt snowing just yet so no need for shelter. "Any other interesting places around the kingdom Igni?" Jord asked, turning her head back to the mare, her carmel orbs scanning her waiting for a response..


    Love is friendship set on fire ...
    She had been unaware of the other mare’s attempt to enter the cave, as she was just staring at it. It was Jord repeating one single word, the one hardest to explain, that snapped her out of it again. The blue roan girl offered the dark mare an apologetic smile, before nodding. ”Yes, magic. Honestly, I don’t really know how the magic works either, but it has been here. I have seen it too. It granted my dad kingdom gifted wings and it gave our king his ice powers. They no longer have those, we are being punished by Beqanna so all the magic got taken away. That’s all I know..” It wasn’t much of an explanation, so all she could do was offer another smile while shrugging her shoulders.

    Moving forward she stepped up to Jord’s side, offering her nose and breath to her new companion. Jord wasn’t from here, but at the same time she did already smell like the Tundra. At least, somewhat. ”If you don’t mind me asking, Jord, how long have you been in the Tundra? Do you like it here?” Igni was curious to learn what an ‘outsider’, or actually, a previous outsider, might think of their kingdom. She herself didn’t know any different. This was her parents’ home and thus it had become here home. She felt at home here too, and unless something drastically would happen, she wouldn’t want to change her home for another.

    A grin tugs at the corners of her lips and the bright winkle in her eyes shows her excitement. Oh yes, they definitely had quite a few other interesting things around. ”I’m sure you have seen our ice wall already? Did you know it covers the entire southern border and that the one single gate is the only way to enter the Tundra for those who are bound to walk the grounds?” Her father was quite obsessed with the wall and the border it was. He was the one that had told her to respect borders, and never just pass through. ”Other than that we have our own sauna too. King Killdare, of the Chamber, gave it to us. Do you want to see it?” Oh, the sauna. Igni loved it, although the difference between the hot and cold temperatures were quite shocking during the winter.
    ... and fire is the burning passion within.
    - Jord -

     Hmm,.. the tundra being punished.. Jord thought as Igni spoke of the the tundra's history,wondering what the inhabitants of the tundra did to deserve such a punishment. The mare didn't seam to know much about magic.. yet neither did Jord. Jord wondered for a moment about what the past was like.. It wasn't long before Igni had moved to her side. She wasn't expecting it really.. to make a friend, but she assumed it would happen sooner or later. Jord took a moment to think about her next answer, an answer to the question of how she liked her new home.  "I have not been here long.. about since the most recent winter. I remember a little of my homeland, then a good chunk of my transition from a foal to a mare is missing in my head.... can't seam to remember... " She shook her skull for a moment "But since I arrived to BQ.. the tundra has been very kind to me, especially your ... grandfather? offspring?" Jord said hoping not to offend if she got the family tree incorrect. "A lot colder than my home, but i've grown accustomed to it" The mare said with a smile sliding across her maw, happy to have a 'home'.

    "Ah yes, I saw the wall when I first came to the tundra, its quite large, beautiful too!" she said, wondering if the magic had built the wall... and if the magic was gone.. why was the wall still standing? or was it just a natural occurrence. "OOoo a sauna.. " she said a bit excited, her ears perking at the idea, her pistons firing up and down as if to do a little dance. She wasn't exactly sure what this 'sauna' was as her homeland was mostly sand.. but she was looking forward to learn something new. "Can you take me there?" Jord ask kindly.


    Love is friendship set on fire ...
    Well, it was not just the Tundra that was being punished, but all of Beqanna. The Deserts had disappeared – if she had to believe what others said – and all the kingdoms had their magic stripped away from them. Included any gifts and special magic that bound the habitants to the kingdom. But honestly, Igni had been too young when it all had happened. Yes she remembered her father with wings and his Tundra scar, but it made no difference now.

    The thoughts are put away when Jord answers her question and Igni is interested to hear it. Even though she had been born here, she barely knew the others. She could use a friend and the dark mare at her side seemed friendly enough. Her gaze grows worried for a moment as Jord speaks about her past – or actually the fact that there isn’t one in her mind – but she cannot help but to grin amused as her new friend speaks about their king. ”No, Offspring isn’t my grandfather, I call him uncle Offspring, but we’re not really related. My father is one of his close friends though” she tells the other girl, still with a smile.

    ”Oh really? I don’t know any better than this. I was born here, both my parents live in the Tundra and my grandfather lives here too. Is it that much colder here?” Igni is curious, genuinely wanting to learn more about the outside world. She had barely ventured out, the Tundra was all she knew. But at the same time she knew that the kingdom was good enough for her, it was home.

    The wall had been built by magic, but it hadn’t been Beqanna’s magic. And therefore it still stood. It had been one of the Tundra’s former generals that had built it and it still stood. Just as their sauna, which had been given to them by the Chamber’s king. ”It’s this way” she says at the same time as she points her nose in the right direction. Igni presses her muzzle against Jord’s shoulder before taking off in a light trot. It doesn’t take them long to reach it and the blue roan mare cannot help but to grin as she takes in the sight of the entrance.
    ... and fire is the burning passion within.

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