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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Offspring / Isle / ANY Tundra Member

    He is a mess of black hair lifting in the wind with deep dapples tarnishing his grey coat. Blue eyes, more vivid than a firefly igniting shadows in the dark, set cold stone on the Tundra border line. He lingers along the cliff, eyeing the descent into the snowy escape with the wind tugging at his hair, beckoning him forward.

    Dalten is a simple man, his body stocky and tall with a thick undercoat from the chilling winter upon them. The only originality being the light blue streaks of lightning that currently fade in and out along his fetlock, playing with his gift as if it is a stress reliever. Maybe it is.

    To go in, to stand here, the choice was fifty/fifty down the middle yet here he is standing as if there were millions of factors that played in.

    Mother being gone.

    Father being gone.

    Him being alone to carry on a now practically nameless title and them, not being here to witness the greatness he aspired to be.

    The snow is crushed beneath his weight with one stride forward before he stops and allows a frosty breath to steam from his nostrils. He should wait here, wait for a greeter and permission to enter.

    Light blue streaks of lighting sparks at his hooves as he waits.

    maybe there's a shark in the water

    Like the dancer before me
    It was a normal day in the Tundra, Josie gazed around curious to what she could possibly do. Perhaps a visit to the field in hopes to recruit, or just lounge around the kingdom. The days were getting colder and autumn was upon them, soon enough the snow would be covering the ground and it would mark a full year that Josie was a member of the Tundra. She felt like a productive member of the Tundra and certainly has made quiet a few friends thus far.

    Her head was drawn to unfamiliar scent and as she neared she spotted a dapple grey stallion. She gazed at his hooves that had what appeared to be lightning around them? Was she seeing this correctly? Either way, he patiently stood outside the border for someone to approach him. She appreciated the respect he showed, the Tundra has not been so lucky with respectful equines.

    She gently swayed her tail and made her way down to the stallion, she dipped her head in greeting Hello, my name is Josie her voice was gentle as she stared at him, her eyes did not lie that was in fact sparks. She forced her gaze to find his, not to be rude staring at his hooves what brings you to the tundra? She asked with sincere concern, perhaps he would be a new member for the kingdom.
    Pot Of Cream started walking away from the two stallions she had just met.Her membership of the tundra started the day before when she started following a stallion.Her new home it would be,
    :cool: Speed Is Key!!!-Jacksepticeye :cool:

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