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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A Shadow in the Snow - [Any]
    Daughter of the Night
    Jords pistons carried her strong bodice onto a new land, a new adventure awaiting her. All around here was cold sharp wind, large towering mountains, twinkling snow falling, enormous boulders with a cap of snow...and in front of her was a large wall of rock and ice. Her hazel orbs sparkled as the reflection of the terra rippled in her pools.  From a distance her from would look like a almost flat black shadow on the crystal white earth. She shook her cranium and let out a snort, knocking some flakes of snow from her charcoal banner.  The wall of ice seamed to tower much higher than the largest trees that speckled the terra. Okay Jord, time to try and find a home.. She thought to herself as her strong pistons slowly moved her  ebony bodice toward the wall.

    As she walked across the piercingly cold terra she thought to herself. She thought about her family, who she was last with 2 and a half years ago who were murdered before her.. about her friends who she had to leave behind to save her self. The many terras she had seen in her years, large forests with tall redwood trees, barren deserts with only sand for as far as her orbs could see, and a few small areas that were covered in snow. She wasn't used to the cold but she was getting used to it as she lurched forward. Every now and then she would trot or gallop to keep blood flowing and to keep herself warm, the wall only getting taller and taller with ever step forward, her hooves crunching the deep snow beneath her. Due to her breed the snow didn't come very far up on her legs.. so the terrain wasn't too hard for her to traverse.

    After what felt like walking for a few miles through the snowy valley below and some mountain areas above she finally reached the wall. It loomed over her, menacingly. She closed her orbs, tilted her head back and opened her maw, letting a yell scream from her larynx, to let who or whatever on the other side know she was there. The sound of her strong and enlightened yet velvety voice echoed loudly as it bounced off the wall and the mountains around her,amplifying the sound.  She lowered her head and opened her orbs.. she trotted down the length of the wall until she came upon a single opening in the wall. She couldn't see how far it went but she assumed it came out on the other side of the wall. She was nervous as she didn't want to get stuck, but she nodded to herself as she was determined to find a home and someone to love. She took a deep breath before walking into the entrance. The gusts of wind that came through the doorway seamed to feel hyper chilled.. having to close her orbs a few times trying to bare the cold.  As she emerged from the wall her orbs laid upon a beautiful kingdom of crystal clear ice and snow. She stood there in awe of the beauty. She stood there as snow slowly blanketed her body. She was afraid to wonder too far just in case she was not welcome there.. she didn't want to get trapped so decided to stay close to the entrance. Jord stood there waiting to see who would welcome her to the place she hoped to soon call home.

      The sky is dim, dark and brewing overhead, though there was nothing unusual about an overcast day in the north. The sky was often filled to the brim with masses of condensed water vapor, shifting and crawling across the pale horizon, always holding the threat of wet or icy cold accompaniment. Though the warmth of spring had soothed their numb skin only hours before, the sun was now tucked away, hidden by a sudden change of weather. He savored these days, for his taut obsidian coat was a beacon for heat and salty sweat, which often lingered in the roots of his tresses for hours. He preferred the gentle embrace of frost and chill; it was comforting to be within its grasp once again.

     There is a difference in the atmosphere; the scent of another drifts across the terrain and lingers as he inhales its femininity deeply. It is not too often that a female breaches their borders, but it never fails to be an entertaining venture. He steps from the shadows, having been lingering in the brush as he fell quiet in the early morning, lost in thought. He draws himself out now, no longer able to remain within the comfort of the solace of his own mind. He had to venture forth, and so he did. The sinewy muscles beneath his flesh ripple and flex as he propels himself towards the entrance of their grand kingdom, which is lacking its usual allure now (to an outsider, at least).

      He loved the dreary; he loved simplicity.

      He sees her figure in the distance long before he reaches her. His lumbering figure rumbles towards her, rattling and disturbing the shifting sediment beneath his massive weight as he takes in her slender, feminine features. She is as black as night, much like he is, but lacks the deeply set, pink-tinted scars that mar his coat. Her screech echoes needlessly through the land; he knew she was present long before she made the attempt to announce herself. With a rumbling chuckle, he places his burning red eyes upon her, head cocked slightly to the right as the snow begins to fall once more around them, keeping the allure of spring at bay once again.

      "You know how to make an entrance, don't you? My name is Offspring; I am the King of these lands. What brings you to the Tundra?"


    Daughter of the Night
    Jord's ears perked as she heard a new voice. Her cranium turned her orbs to a large ebony stallion in front of her. Her pools rippled over his body, seeing all the scars... hes been through things.. she thought to herself. She listened intently to his words as he was the first to welcome her here,she was slightly caught off guard, not expecting to be grated by the king. "Yes sir, just didn't want to startle anyone. I didn't want to be seen as a hostile." She said as she extended one piston forward and lowered her bodice and cranium. "It is a pleasure to meet you Offspring. My name is Jord. I was able to escape a large war from my home lands far away as a child. Now I am in search of a new home.. and maybe one day a new family." She spoke before lifting her head. Her hazel orbs met his.. " I hope you will have me here." She said.. her voice calm,smooth, strong,honest and determined. 

    Her orbs looked around the kingdom only for a moment. "Your kingdom is exquisite." she said a soft, gentle smile crossing her maw. Even though her maw had a smile her mind was on edge.. would this king take her in? or attack her? It took a lot for a horse to bring her guard down.. she was only looking out for herself. Jord shook her banner once more in the sharp winter wind, her banner lapping at her bodice as the snow seamed to dust off her bodice and return back to the air. 

    ooc; sorry this was so short, was slowly falling asleep during writing!

     "Well, such careful consideration is appreciated," He murmurs with a low chuckle, his voice deep and grating from disuse. Quietly, he observes her - a beauty, to be certain, with wide expressive eyes and delicate features on an otherwise bold and statuesque body. She lowers her cranium and long, sloping neck, and he cannot fight the tugging smirk at the corner of his whiskered lips. "though the formality is not necessary. I may be a King, but I do not hold myself to any high regard. I seek only to serve those who live and work beside me; there is no need to bow before me."

      He pauses as his muscled legs carry him a step or two back, allowing him to swing his broad neck towards the pristine plain that lay before them. Lined with snow-capped mountains, a heavy littering of brittle, snow-dusted pines and with the slightest peek of yellow and gold from blossoming flora and fauna - the icy landscape is not as brutal and unforgiving as many imagine it might be. Though the winters are inevitably frigid, and at times unbearable, the brisk air, gentle sunlight and glimmering shine of ice and jagged rocks are worth the suffering. He could not imagine a place more diverse, though many would disagree.

      His lungs fill with air before he exhales it slowly, nostrils flaring as his dark crimson eyes look once more to the female beside him. "Jord. A pleasure. I have seen my own share of war, and war has touched these lands a time or two itself - but there is calm, for the foreseeable future. Our weather can be on a glacial scale, and rather uncomfortable, but there are plenty of crevices and caves to hide away from the elements. If you can tolerate it, you will find that the remaining part of the year is pleasant, if not alluring. You are welcome here, if refuge is what you seek. We have many here - males and females - who will welcome you warmly. Including myself."

       His eyes linger again, observing the lines of her slender jaw and the slope of her cheek. She is honest, gentle and kind - she reminds him of his own sweet Maribel in a way, who has blossomed into a beautiful and enigmatic creature. One that Jord is sure to meet in her time spent behind the ice barricade. It is not often that such sincerity can be found within one's tired soul, and he would be a fool to turn her away. "You are welcome to stay at a resident - should you choose, you may also serve in one of our two castes. Diplomacy and military. Your gentle demeanor tells me you might be of a good fit for diplomacy; you would do well with my daughter, Maribel. However, you are welcome to do either or simply reside here. Welcome, to the Tundra."


    Daughter of the Night
    Jord's orbs scanned Offspring as she listened to the strength in his voice and his words, yes the welcoming tone they had. She had the utmost respect for him as he welcomed her to his home. She was quite surprised by his offer for her to join a caste within his kingdom. She had never been in part of a caste, at least to her memory. "I have never been one for war.. but as for diplomacy, I shall take your offer as I wish to learn." She said as a sincere smile appeared on her maw. " I wish to be come the best, and hope to represent the diplomacy of the Tundra well." Jord said lowering her head in respect for a moment, before shooting him a sweet smile with her honey colored pools.  

    She walked around a bit as the sunlight peaked through the overcast, the sunlight glistening not just off the snow flakes that dappled her back but of her raven black coat, smooth and polished.  She lifted her head and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath of the cold mountain air, ready to start a new life here in the Tundra.  She open her eyes once more and looked at Offspring with a coy look from the corner of her orbs.. "Thank you for letting me stay here.. I will not fail you" she said with a slight nodd before looking back over the land that lay before her.  

    Her strong yet femanine pistons pushed forward heading toward a medium size cave with a slight overhang to get out of the cold. "If you need anything from me Offspring, please dont hesitate to ask." Jord said softly as she walked in a large circle before slowly curling her large pistons under her lowering the front of her bodice to the ground then lowering her tail to the ground, curling up out of the dusting of snow that fell as winter slowly died and spring started to reveal its self. Her orbs almost involuntarily looked back at the king, as if he couldn't see her before she snapped out of it and snorted before returning her gaze to the new terra around her that she called home.. The Tundra Kingdom.

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