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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    who cares if hell awaits? Cai
    Who cares if hell awaits?
    We're having drinks at heaven's gate.

    The Tundra thrived with life. Never since she was a young child had Maribel seen so many faces, known so many names. It positively tickled her and she trembled with excitement to see her father's face beaming with happiness.

    Things had been taunt in the family. Offspring and Isle were rarely seen together. Mari had saw them paired only recently after the sound of Lieschel's shouting alongside Nevi had drawn her attention. The honey girl wanted to near them, somehow remove the angry words, the salted words. But she dare not interrupt and so left them be.

    Well formed limbs are moving the mare along the edges of her dwelling, not so much to patrol but just to be away from it all. The burn of chilled air made her lungs ache, her hooves numbing from the snow drifts. Blue eyes seem to cloud and gaze off to something far away. It disturbs her to see her family fight, their hot hate cutting her soul, scalding her heart. The cold seemed to help the sting sometimes, to clear the ring in her ears as she trudged along. But then her ears catch sound of something.

    The delicately carved skull jerks to scent another equine that she was unfamiliar with. "Hello?" The small word comes out more feeble than she wanted, her brow furrowing slightly in her own disappointment but she halts her movement to await a reply, or a face, whichever should come first.

    M A R I B E  L

    icky short words but it's a start. i am poo at starters Tongue

    Cal X Carys
    Your kingdom has turned to a bone yard,
    The look on your face as you leave.
    You cut me so deep that it left scars,
    You had the world right at your feet.

    Nothing but a pure sheet of white lay ahead of him as he moved further and further north. Winter had fallen swiftly over beqanna, the white blanket lay itself over the lands almost overnight. Cai had begun his journey north almost a week ago, the invitation from Offspring still set deep in his mind. He was eager to see the large nightmarish brute in his homelands, and perhaps offer him some help if he wanted it -not that Cai could be much use, but he would still offer. 
    The cold was now nipping at him, eagerly awaiting his temperature to lower so it may steal him to the afterlife, but Cai, although not built for the cold, could endure it more so than others, his soft coat was already filling in, and come a few weeks from now, he'd be capable of taking on the winter, perhaps not as well as others, but enough to keep him alive. 

    He looked out of place moving across the barren white landscape. A speck of golden buckskin in a land of snow and ice was not something to miss that easily. He stuck out easily, and anyone looking -or not- would surely notice him as he moved swiftly over the snow stricken ground. His brown eyes moved across the white landscape, watching the iced wall arrange a rainbow at its feet, and the snow sparkle as if it were glitter in the fighting sun. He found the land enchanting, one that took his breathe away at its beauty even, and as he made his way further north, he began to feel like he may take Offsprings offer to join him. Maybe permanently, but maybe not.
    Although the land was magical and something that Cai wouldn't mind looking at every day for the rest of his life, he was still nervous around others. It had been a few months since last he had seen the huge black nightmarish brute, and in that time he had grown better around others, but his anxiety and paranoia was far from gone.

    He sees her first, before her lyrical voice even hits his ears. The golden being stood still, watching in his general direction. He moved gracefully over the snowy land, making his way towards the friendly-looking face. 
    "Hello" He greeted her, his words came easier now, no longer did he stutter, however, he would have been a fool to say she didn't make him feel peculiar around her. He watched her with brown eyes, taking in all that she was, as she undoubtedly did the same to him. He knew she'd ask so he answered the questions before they came.
    "I'm Cai, I met with Offspring a while back and was invited for a visit. What may I call you?" He spoke clearly, feeling quite proud of himself. The stuttering was gone, the fear of her instantly knowing about his past gone -for now at least. 

    Who cares if hell awaits?
    We're having drinks at heaven's gate.

    Quite truthfully, the buckskin startles the heck out of her! She did not know what to truely expect but when she is turning, he is already there. A rather unladylike -eep!- squeaks out as she stumbles back. If he had been a snake, she would have been bit.

    After a small, sufficient space is made between them then the honey dipped mare looks him over. Her guard slips down easily as her blue eyes meet his. The fine bone structure of his features are forming a smile and she can not help but return it. He is close to her size but where his mane is a striking black, her's is of a platinum sheen. His shoulder is taller than her's and he is more broad were she is delicate and small by his side.

    "I'm Maribel. It's lovely to meet you Cai." The soft soprano of her voice grows as she finds some confidence in herself. Dark lashes fall over sapphire pools when she twists to look around them for and clue to where the king was. Nostrils catch on their own scents so she returns her focus back to Cai's soft gaze. "Well perhaps we can find him together?" Mari offers with small nod. "My father should be around somewhere not too far off." And with that, she is pivoting around and moving away, long legs lifting through some of the accumulate snow drifts. "C'mon Cai!" The voice chirps excitably over one shoulder.

    M A R I B E L

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