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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Searching for Grace [good]
    Kiano stepped onto the field, not sure where to go. His father wouldn't take kindly to his mother's death. Especially if he learned the truth. The other mare wouldn't like him. He was supposed to be her foal, not Nadyah's. Kiano looked dazed at the other horses, trying to single out any mares. Maybe even a kingdom. He shook his head.

    "Stop it, you're making yourself look like a fool." He said to himself. He couldn't comfort himself, so why shouldn't he beat himself up? The world had been harsh. He and him mom getting sepparated, now this. He reared. "Why are you doing this to me?!" he yelled.

    When he landed, he pawed the ground, burying his feelings deep within the earth. Never again will someone he loved die like that. His heart ached, no throbbed, to see her again. He whipped his tail, tears coming. He looked around. Trying to see if @[Lokii] was near. He hoped he wasn't.

    The breeze stirred, comforting him, slightly. He let the tears come, sniffing evry so often. If this was what life was like, he didn't want it.
    Ah, the Field, land of the homeless and hopeful, land of opportunity, promise, of self-made success. Or something like that, anyway. He never thought he would find himself here, doing his kingdom duty. But he was.

    It’s a shouting youngster that grabs his attention. If there was one thing that Romek knew for certain it was that life wasn’t fair, and things happened for no good reason, and you either deal with it and move forward or let it engulf you (and Romek knew that all too well, an entire wasted childhood spent on the wildest of dunes – it was lonely).

    ”Y’know, whoever you’re shouting at, probably can’t hear you. Save your breath.” advises the spotted stallion as he sidles up quietly to the youngster. ”Save it for something worthwhile.”

    ”I’m Romek. From the Tundra. Are you here looking for a home? What’s your name?” he’s not very good at this talking thing. This kind of thing is his kingdom-mate Maribel’s job. But he is still trying.

    (ooc; im sorry this is so bad!)
    Kiano turns solemly to the stranger. What was his name? Romek? Kiano's expression showed hatred, anger even. But beneath, deep down was...Sorrow. Bitter, biting sorrow. He looked at the stud, then let a tear fall.
    "If seeing your mother die, running away, and," he fought back tears"trying to figure it out isn't worth while, then tell me what is."
    He felt his angry face soften, the sorrow taking over. Added to the mix was..fear. He could feel it seeping into his face, he turned his face away.
    "If 'home' means where you fit in, tell me more about the Tundra." his voice cracked twords the end.

    (ooc: No, your post was perfect! Mine, eh, could have used a little work. But I was in a rush.)
    Romek’s unaffected golden eyes watch this stallion calmly. He let the anger, the hatred, the frustration wash over him. These are feelings that Romek is all too familiar with. And while he does not have sympathy, exactly, for this boy he doesn’t know (personally, Romek would’ve let his anger fester silently beneath his skin until it turned into self-loathing and self-pity rather than shout furiously at no-one in particular, but that’s just him) he knows what it is like to be in his position.

    He speaks of watching his mother die, and running away and still, Romek watches with a very still, expressionless face. ”Do whatever makes you feel better,” he says, finally. ”But it’s not going to bring your mother back.” (It’s a lot easier to give advice than it is to take it – if someone had told him this at the height of his grief-induced depression, he would’ve just ignored them). ”I should know.”

    He does not particularly wish to divulge his past right now, with what is in essence a stranger, so he falls quiet once again, and watches the wind sway through the grasses.

    ”I haven’t been a part of the Tundra long, but they seem a pretty good bunch. It’s more like a family, than anything else.” he remembers Mari, and the way she had so seamlessly accepted him into the kingdom, with smiles, and friendly words. He did feel like part of the family. He looks Kiano up and down. They are probably around a similar age, Mari and Kiano. ”And there's pretty girls.” He had no idea what the youth of today were into. Certainly, he had never been one for the ladies when he was younger, but it took all sorts.

    Kiano hadn’t offered his name, but the spotted stallion does not push him for it. All in good time. ”Is that what you seek? Somewhere you can be accepted?”
    Romek had joined the Tundra to escape his past. He has, since, received no prying questions about it, he hasn’t had to fill out a single questionnaire, and they seem to have welcomed him quite readily into the ranks without him having to divulge what exactly he was running from. It’s certainly a place of escape and acceptance, for him.
    fuck all your dreams, they’re not all they seem

    The ebony mare made the long travels from the Dale to the field, she went through initiation and was ready to prove her worth. She was going to be the best diplomat she could, and first thing she could do was to help recruit a member. She gently swayed her tail standing at the front of the field, scanning the area, it was so much warmer than the Tundra. It actually sort of bothered Josie, she had only been in the Tundra for a brief time but she adjusted to the cold weather, the heat the field offered felt like dead summer. The air in the field was much thicker than the Tundra's purely because she was used to the Tundras temperature and cold air.

    As she moved inwards she scanned the horizon and a smile grew on her face when she noticed a stallion, one that she went to the initiation cave with. A whinny escaped her maw as she trotted over to the two stallions, she stood silently as he spoke about briefly being apart of the Tundra but they were more like a family than anything. She gave a small nod of her head, piping in I second his comment, I'm Josie by the way she smiled scanning over to the Tundra stallion, hoping he did not mind her joining there conversation.

    Like The Dancer Before Me

    OOC: Sorry, I hope you do not mind me joining in:p
    Kiano shook his head. "You wouldn't understand. I'm the reason she's gone. If Lokii found out.." his voice trailed off as a mare aproached, not wanting her to hear. Romek asks if a place where he's accepted is what he wants. Kiano shrugged and sighed. "For me, I'm not even sure anymore." Josie seconds Romeks comment. How much had she heard?

    Kiano looks down at the ground, and mouthed her name. He nodded, then looked back up to the mare. "Why are we still here, then?" he turned to Romek "I think i would like it in the tundra."
    OOC: No prob, Josie! Actually, I like others joining. Sorry about writing so late. Internet hates me from time to time.

    I was born sick
    but I love it

    As if he heard his name being called, he slinks away from the shade beneath the tree (he moves with a slinking sort of step, his head is low to the ground but his eyes are firmly placed upon the name-speaker, he creeps with a lankiness that somehow looks smooth, his bones are seen shifting beneath his thin coat above its thin muscle). There is a sort of blissful excitement in knowing he is about to stir up trouble (and it sends a creepy smile to his lips), an elation in the knowledge that his thirst for chaos is about to be momentarily quenched.

    Although they might be just getting ready to depart, he approaches in such a direction that inhibits that motion (he saunters in from an angle that can cut them off should they wish to bolt, he slinks in like a hungry cougar coming for its prey, he comes to a stop just in front of their exit). His bruised eyes immediately latch onto the silver bay (their coats mirror each other slightly – perhaps the trickster’s base layer is what covers the younger, but the elder is also riddled with scars and lightning strike markings and his unique blue and white, blue and black eyes).

    He has yet to meet any of his own offspring, despite the immense number that roam the lands. His head tips to the side like a confused kitten (but his mouth keeps that smirking smile, his lips still peeled back to reveal teeth stained a faint shade of pink from a midnight meal, his eyes unwaveringly placed on the silver bay stallion) and he gives an odd chuckle. “If I found out just what, exactly?”


    Kiano gulped, then cursed under his breath. Why hadn't he looked to see if he was in earshot. He gulps as his father walks straight into their path. He looks around, trying to see if there's a way out. There's not. He faces Lokii with false determination. His eyes cannot meet his fathers. Kiano stands there a moment, then clears his throat.
    "Dad, uh, Mom -- Dya -- is -" he chokes on the words, "She's - She's gone. I'm sorry. I killed her, I didn't mean to. Honest!" tears came. He looked over to Josie and Romek, "I want a fresh start at life, Dad. I want to find out who I am. Who I really am. This is the only way." He turns back to his father, feeling better now that he got that weight off his heart. "So this is farewell."

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