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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Talk Less, Smile More (Birthing); Phaedrus, Twins, Any

    New Romantics

    She had never expected her body to change so rapidly. It seemed only yesterday when she had a lean body, and now her body was a host to a little being slowly growing within her own body. She was unaware of the effects of being with child, would do to her body. Swollen heels, back pain, sore joints, small little kicks every once in a while, and of course the continuous urge to eat. Truthfully she had gotten annoyed with the process of being a mobile incubator, and just wanted the child to be out ASAP. Little did she know her body was a host to two little beings.

    She found herself in her little nook when the contractions began, pains shooting up her spine, deteriorating  her body into a mental state of shock. Her instincts took over and she began to wail out his name, "Phaedrus..... Phaedrus...." She stopped after a few wails, as the pain was so unbearable that she was not able to even speak. She clenched her teeth and soon enough she found a wet lump at her hind, shakily the mare still trembled and began to groom the petite child (Rustic) she was an inky black little girl with more features of her father. 

    Soon enough pains shot up her spine once more, she flinched at first. She had no idea she was expecting two, dropping once again upon the ground the silver toned women gave birth to another child, less painful than the first or was her body just adjusting to the pain? Standing back up the mare found another ebony little girl (Clarisse) and began to groom her thoroughly as she had done to her first child. This little girl held more features of her mother.

    They were small, and Roma was immediately in love with her cute little ebony duo an obvious trade mark of their father. The younger child remained at rest as if adjusting to her surroundings while her older child was straggling to stand up. Her immediate instinct was to help her stand, bushing her muzzle under the little girl's abdomen she supported her steadily until the girl got the grasp of the concept and began suckling from her teat.

    Her second priority was to get her younger child up and moving about, nipping at the child's hip she encouraged the girl upon her feet using the same method she had with her older child. Soon enough she had both girls suckling on either sides. Roma continued to caress their coats until they're absolutely clean, and then she paused for a moment. Who was who? Her azure eyes shift to both bodies and winging it as any first mother she gave the two their names.

    Guessing the child on her left was her older child she chose a name that would suit her older daughter something that was different and unique, "Rustic." She gently nipped at the girl's hind. Then she turned her attention towards the child on her right, she had to have a sweet little name that was gentle off the tongue, "Clarisse.". Yes, she had finally named both her girls and all she had to do was await the arrival of her knight in shining armor, the father to her sweet little inky black duo she had been gifted with.

    Talk Less, Smile More. Don't Let Them Know What You're Against Or What You're For.

    This might be confusing... But just roll with it Tongue
    Really Sheba you need to be around a little more. Her teeth poke through in a sly smile. Phaedrus really its unbecoming to voice your thoughts when we both know it’s not me your talking to. He glowers at her and opens his maw to make another retort, this seemed to be a daily thing for him and his spirit cat. To say that they did not get along was the to put it lightly. She enjoyed irking him, and he always set out to point it out every time she did so. He hears his name being called. The sound wasn’t its usual pleasant ring, no this one was contorted with pain, scratchy with need, and most of all desperate with adrenaline. His straining chest relaxes, at least this time he was able to save face and not blunder through the next few sentences not knowing what he was saying or why he was saying it.

    Turning to walk away she mewls her mirth with the knowledge that he was once again having to give up on changing her queenly habits. When he doesn’t turn back to her for one last throw back, and then continues on as if she didn’t exist she rolls her eyes and springs forward only to overtake him and arrive at the scene before he did. She sits calming watching the mare as she struggled. Phaedrus will be along soon she announces before climbing the tree to watch in languid amusement. Not the funny kind mind you, she just found the whole thing interesting and curious as she herself would never have such pleasure of bringing new life to the world.

    After what seems hours of painful labor Phaedrus arrives, though it wasn’t nearly as long as it felt. He walks up to the mare offering her a nuzzle. You doing ok? a few moments of nervous uncertainty and a few minutes of sweating and fidgeting then not one but two little bundles make themselves known to the world. His eyes widen in shock, and for a few more minutes he stands there awing over how beautiful and perfect they were. Then he comes up to her once more with a smile.

    Reaching to nuzzle her he smiles. They are beautiful; you will make a wonderful mother. for the moment their futures were left in the air, watching them and her was to intimate to think on the heavier things such as the future. Instead he turns his attention to the girls ruffling each ones’ tuft of mane, jokingly musing, How will we ever tell them apart? New Romantics had been a real trooper through all his downfalls and absences.
    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must
    damn all these beautiful girls
    they only want to do your dirt
    theyll have you suicidal
    when they say its over
    A honeyed gaze blinks in the bright light, and for a moment she is alone, an odd feeling after the bruising closeness and heat of the darkness. She whines out a cry of what could be considered shock. Then a moment later sharp little hooves stab at her, and she bellows out her complaint. Turning her gaze, she looks to see her sister and her mother’s attentions to each of them in turn. Urged to stand she does so slowly, a few falls and knocks on the head along the way before she is stable enough to try walking. Finally, she is able to find the nutrition of a new born, suckling until her belly is full and stumbling to her mother’s side.

    It’s not until then that she allows herself a moment to look around and discover the curiosities around her. Her other world left in oblivion in these few moments of adventurous endeavors. Flicking her tail, she is startled by its presence and swerves around to look at it before falling in a messy tangle of legs and hooves. Frustrated with this new contraption she gives up on it and turns her attention towards her sister. Clarisse She gurgles out the word that mother had said only a few moments before. Standing back to her legs she walks around to find the inky girl. With a snort she reaches to lick at the other’s coat. Tasting, smelling, sensing the world around her.

    As soon as she settles in though a scratchy chin roughs up her mane between her ears making her squeal in surprise. Wedging herself between her sister and mother she takes comfort in the closeness. It reminded her of something… something a long time ago…. She couldn’t remember, only that this was a comfort, just as the familiar touches of the tightly grouped family was.
    art by Selena Barnes on ArtStation

    OOC Sorry this took so long to get up.
    Coughs emit from her muzzle, clearing her breathing passage of all debris of birth. Nostrils flare as she takes her first breath, dark chocolate eyes flick open as if her body is working like clockwork. She finds herself tangled, in a mess of body and limbs some of which aren't hers. Her muzzle inspects the body next to her, a sister, her sister. The little girl then takes in the build of both mother and father, by instinct she knew they were her parents.

    Petite ears flick, as she returns her attention towards her sister finding that she was much taller than before(Standing). She watched as her sister strangled a few steps then seemed to of figured it out, almost immediately clarisse jolted up her legs were strange and rather long compared to her body. She hobbled falling over not used to the use of her lengthy appendages. She straggled standing up this time, hobbling after a step and collapsing down in a pathetic manner. Her mother began to encourage her with gentle nips upon her hip. Eventually after multiple fails, the girl got gists of the concept yet, she was still quite unsteady on her feet.

    Soon the inky girl found herself beside her sister, a lick at the coat and Clarisse follows in suit yet instead of licking she applies a gentle nip to her sisters ebony body. Words are said between her mother and father but she can't find herself to pronounce the words correctly in doing so she speaks, "Rutic?" No that doesn't sound quite right, it's missing something..."Rustic." She speaks once more correcting herself. 

    After a few moments hunger, fills her mind and intent on fulfilling her need the girl hesitates, something ruffles her mane and she does not squeal as her sister did. All she does is stare back in curiosity, lobes perked and, dark chocolate eyes staring at the individual which was her father. She strides over intent on making a point towards him, but in the process of concentrating on placing her hooves correctly in order to walk she forgets why she had strode over to him. And with a snort of frustration she shuffles back over towards her sister and mother. Bowing her head under her mother she finds the source of food that will fulfill her hunger.
    dont make promises that you cant keep
    html by call

    New Romantics

    Her muzzle greets her stallion, in an affectionate embrace, while she keeps a watchful eye upon her two little girls. "Yes. I'm quite alright." her words are dipped in a sweetness, as she bows her head to caress over Rustic in a motherly manner. Continuing to groom the little lady while she nursed. Roma raises her head to smile, lips part to speak yet she hasn't got anything to say, as he compliments her.

    Moving onto the other little being, she cleanses the girl as she had done with Rustic making sure all residues of birth are off their petite inky bodies. Soon enough she hears a squeal and, Roma can't help herself but chuckle as she feels a little black body tightly wedged between Clarisse and her. Gingerly nipping the girl, she nudges her forward in a gentle manner. Her attention shifts as Clarisse wanders towards her father in a tone of importance only to seemingly forget what she was doing and prance back to her mother's side. Roma grins nipping at their withers gently. 

    Her attention returning to Phaedrus as he questioned her on how they would tell the duo apart. Apart? Roma knew by instinct in a manner who was who. "Well, they seem both quite different in personalities. But that's not necessarily the best way to to tell them apart..." She trails off pondering about it herself. "How about this," She gently plucks a pastel pink flower tucking it neatly behind Clarisse's ear, then plucking a fuchsia flower and placing it behind Rustic's ear.

    She knows the flowers are just temporary and won't stay for long considering they have little of a mane to hold them in place. But at least they'll be able to tell the two apart for now. "Does that work?" She grins pushing both girls towards their father in a gentle manner by nipping and nudging both of their hinds.

    Talk Less, Smile More. Don't Let Them Know What You're Against Or What You're For.

    @[Phaedrus] You may change the flower color if you please Smile
    He fights through the abundance of legs making his way closer to his mare. Eyes dance with merriment in the precious moments of their newest additions. They were indeed a happy little group. It works perfectly, he whispers the words into her ear his muzzle traveling down the length of her neck afterwards. Tucking his wing around her body he stands there for a moment allowing them to just enjoy the company. Choosing not to fill the silence with words, or straining himself with awkwardness. Simply taking the time to enjoy what they had. He still worried over her, puzzled over her lack of interest in the others, was it healthy? Was she ok with all of it? He couldn’t fully understand.

    But he keeps the silence, peacefully relaxed next to her and the twins that seemed to be more interested in exploring each other and their surroundings than the two adults that were standing nearby. Others had thought that he was a bit of an ass were probably right, though it was something that he never tried to be specifically. No there were only two boundaries that he had, these were respect and loyalty. This is where he found his lifelong satisfaction, if someone dared to disrespect him then he would make sure to prove to them exactly why they had no right to do so, and of course make them pay for their disrespect as well. If someone decided to backstab him, he would make sure to receive payment for his troubles. He was not a creature to be trifled with, this was a good thing, a thing that seemed more difficult for others to appreciate.

    Why they couldn’t realize how simple it was to keep him pacified he struggled in understanding. It really was simple, leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone, but mess with me and you will regret it, or if you follow the rules, blessings would be in abundance. Never would he strike a female, never would he try to smart off to someone in authority, never would be take something/someone for granted. His brows furrow in frustration, how would he save Gyps? She deserved to have an opportunity at a lifestyle that she wanted, not one that was going to be forced on her. He smirked for a moment, he could challenge the two faced ass. Yet he never broke his word, nor did he have any intention to. If Gyps hated him when he broke the news to her, he wasn’t sure how he would deal with it.
    His tail swishes and he takes a calming breath; his brooding was breaking the happiness of this moment. my apologies Roma, I’m not very good company today. He nuzzles her once more, the affection in his voice coming out with the rolling of her name. She was the only one that he ever allowed himself to shorten the name for, it was an endearing thing that he wanted to do special for her. Why, he could not name, but still he gently spoke it not bothering with the more complicated reasoning that his usual brooding would cause… like that. He frowns again frustrated that his thoughts would not quiet themselves and allow him the few moments of pure presence in such an important moment.
    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must

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