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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Fall Is Like A Second Spring (Archam, Loken)
    Anahi still found it astonishing that it was autumn already. This autumn, or technically, the winter, would mark her second full year in Beqanna, her second year of living in the Falls kingdom. She hadn't been sure about moving here at first, but when she'd arrived, had time to adjust, she knew that she'd made a good choice.

    Of course, the most important thing for choosing her home was the safety it would provide for her young ones. Sirana was now a weanling, and starting to become more independent, so Anahi knew that if the filly got separated from her, she could care for herself for a little while. Not that Anahi would let that happen anytime soon, or anytime at all, but it was something she knew was the point.

    And now, she had another little one on the way. Or at least, she was very certain. The last time Archam and Anahi had met in the autumn was when they'd conceived Sirana, and Anahi had found out about her roughly a month after that evening. She had a pretty strong feeling that another little one was now growing inside of her belly.

    As Sirana grew, Anahi also started to take her farther and farther outside the Cobblestone when they went on daily excursions together. They'd even gotten out toward the border of the territory a few times, so that Anahi could show Sirana where it was and warn her that if she went outside the kingdom at her age, a stallion might steal her for future purposes (she never said exactly what), or that predators could sneak up and hurt her.

    Anahi had gotten her daughter to promise that until she was a year and a half, she wouldn't venture outside the kingdom when she was alone.

    Pleased with that, Anahi had surprised her daughter with a new place today. They'd been to the waterfall a number of times, but Anahi had found a secret grove hidden within the trees just nearby the waterfall, a place that was nice, quiet, and hadn't been found by others yet, judging by the condition of the grass.

    Content with it, Anahi had settled in that day for some grazing, while Sirana was nearby, alternating between grazing and running up and down the side of the lake, sometimes bouncing in and out of the water and kicking up large sprays, happily squealing all the while.

    Knowing there were some rocks hidden beneath the surface that were easy to slip on, since they had plants and moss growing on them, Anahi lifted her head and called to her daughter, "Be careful Sirana. Watch where you step; those rocks are very slippery."

    Now a weanling, Sirana was enjoying her independence more than ever. Now that she no longer needed her dam's milk, the filly was excited that she could venture further from her side more often than Anahi had allowed before. That wasn't to say she couldn't venture incredibly far, but it was enough that she could be out of her dam's eyesight without the mare calling for where she was.

    Sirana neighed happily as she kicked up more water as she ran through the lake water in the shallows, an excited smile on her face. When her dam called to warn her to be careful, the weanling playfully rolled her eyes and snorted before deciding to answer back.

    "Don't worry Mom, I'll be fine." Then, as if she jinxed it, the filly slipped on a small rock, but successfully kept her footing. Hopefully her dam hadn't seen that and would ask her to come out of the water, ruining her playtime.

    Archam proudly strolled his lands, his herd had dwindled extraordinarily. It was rather large, and now was rather small. He was diligently working to find other mares to help the herd grow, but was satisfied with what he had. He was expecting hopefully two foals this year and that satisfied him. As he plodded through he wondered where Anahi was, the two had little time to spend alone together. Of course she was never far from the Cobblestone, and the same applied for today. He quickly caught her and Siranas scent and he followed it as it growed nearer. The sound of the waterfall ran through his ears and they were more near the Falls lands than the cobblestone.

    As he broke through a grove that he did not know existed he found Anahi grazing and Sirana playing in the water, he smile but as he watched Sirana she slipped on the rocks beneath her. He gave a glance and smiled the idea of telling Anahi did not cross his mind there little secret. he knew that Anahi was overly protective over Sirana, she was her first foal and Anahi did lose a foal before so it was understandable.

    He gave a nicker to give away his position and moved over to Anahi Hello he gave a nicker and extended his neck to nuzzle her stomach, hopeful a foal was brewing in there It seemed like yesterday when they found out about Sirana, and it was exciting to think that he and Anahi would have another foal this year. how have you been? he asked curious to how she had been for the past couple months.

    Lead Stallion of Cobblestone Creek

    The red colt happily trailed behind his father, he was quickly growing and almost a year old now. He was grateful for the mare, Anahi, who provided milk when he was a foal, his own mother vanished leaving him with his father. Through the times in the cobblestone he has grown close to Sirana and even Anahi while leaving hope that his mother would return for him.

    He happily trailed behind his father, hopping every now and than at the interesting things life threw at him, some odd flowers, dirt patches, rabbit holes. Running water was within ear shot and before he knew it they were by the water fall. Loken was barely familiar with the area, and certainly has never been to this grove, but it looked lovely. He stopped when his father did, and he watched as Sirana fell as he imagined his father did too. They said nothing but Loken couldn't help but laugh, he ran over to the filly thrashing his head playfully. The water bounded up, wetting his coat and even splashing on Sirana as he plodded around. Hello! he smiled at his sister before playfully nudging her shoulder.

    im as free as the wind and birds that soar in it

    OOC: sorry i forgot to add Loken in Archams post, just pretend he was there.
    That familiar nicker always made the champagne mare smile, no matter what. Anahi lifted her finely sculpted head, smiling as Archam and Loken approached the grazing mare and her playful filly. The mare nickered at Loken before he bounded off to play with his younger sister, a sight that pleased Anahi greatly. Even though most foals were told they were half-siblings, not a lot of them, in Anahi's experience, grew very close at all, beyond the passing glances in the meadows.

    But now that Archam was making more of an effort with his mares, since some had left, he got to spend time with his son and daughter. Anahi knew Sirana liked being around Archam; he was her sire, after all, and no doubt she wanted to grow up strong like him.

    Blowing air from her nostrils in an amused manner as Loken kicked up water around Sirana, the champagne mare's attention went back to the roan stallion when she felt him nuzzling her belly. Anahi smiled at Archam; no doubt he was hoping for the same thing she was. That a little life was growing inside of her, ready to come out into the world when spring arrived. No doubt this next foal would be proud and strong like his/her sire.

    Anahi gently groomed Archam's withers with her teeth as a sign of greeting before she answered his question, "I've been well Archam. Watching the herd while you're gone, and learning more about diplomacy, like always. Sirana is growing up strong too; already she is asking me if she's going to be helping you lead the herd when she grows older."

    The mare's gaze faltered a moment as she laid her muzzle on the stallion's muscular back, "Archam... are you mad at me, for last season? I did not call for you... you seemed upset when you arrived to meet Sirana for the first time. Are you angry I did not call so you could be there?" she asked, letting out a quiet sigh.
    Hearing the nicker of her sire close by, Sirana whinnied, pleased that he was coming to see her, as well as her dam. The filly became distracted, which had caused her slip, something she caught her father smiling at. Had he found it funny she'd slipped? No matter; it was an accident and nothing bad had happened. Sirana, like all horses, had strong hooves that helped with her footing.

    Laughing excitedly as Loken came up to play with her, the filly gave her coat a good shake after her brother had proceeded to soak her when he kicked up water. Snorting, Sirana smiled at the roan colt before greeting him.

    "Hey Loken! Wanna play?!" she asked in an eager manner, rearing up on her hind legs a little before galloping through the shallow water, splashing some more to entice the colt to come play with her.

    Archam closed his eyes relaxed in the mares comfort, as she groomed his withers he pushed his head against her stomach gently rubbing it on her. He slowly stepped back to find the mares gaze when she began to speak, He smiled listening as the mare spoke about her time when he was gone. Truly excelling at her diplomat job in the Kingdom, something to be truly proud of. With each conversation the two share his feelings grow deeper for the mare, she was on the fence about joining the herd at first, and now she was the lead mare. They share a child, and hopefully another was on the way; A beautiful filly with a big personality. He gazed over to Sirana and Loken playing before turning back to Anahi I truly enjoy watching them all grow up He smiled.

    His smile slowly faded as the mare asked if he was mad at her for not calling him to the birth of Sirana. He took a moment to think before speaking, he imagined some stallions did not care to see the birth of there children, let alone be apart of there lives. Although Archam did not mind being there for every part of it. The birthing part, raising them, and watching as they set off for there own life choices. I'm not mad, but I would like to be there next time. He extended his neck to nudge her shoulder as if to comfort her.

    Lead Stallion of Cobblestone Creek
    The champagne mare let out a quiet sigh as Archam nuzzled her neck; her worst thoughts had just been confirmed. He may say he's not upset, but the fact that he expresses his wish to be there next time, it had to mean he was at least a little disappointed that she hadn't gone to fetch him.

    Truth is, Anahi had thought Archam was too busy to set aside time to come be there for the birth of their foal. He was the lead stallion, and had a lot of business to attend to after all. He shouldn't be wasting time coming to be with her when she was giving birth, even if it was a painful and tiring process, and support would be appreciated.

    Nickering to the stallion to reassure him, Anahi nudged his head back up so she could look at him. Her long forelock fell into her eyes. "I promise, here and now Archam, that when I go into labor, I will call for you, or, if I know you are nearby, I will send Sirana to fetch you, so you will not miss the birth of your foal."

    He returned  a smile to his sister, glad to be able to grow up with the filly. They were not fully related but he did not know the difference, they grew up as though they were. In fact he knew her mother more than he knew his own. Often times he wondered what his mother was like, and why she abandoned him and his father. Archam tells him from time to time that she will return for them but he grows to lose hope. He has accepted Anahi as his mother. He shook the thoughts out of his head as the filly asked him if he wanted to play and than ran away.

    He did not even need to answer, his motions would share the answer. He playfully chased after the filly, every foot step he took threw water about, he thrashed his head playfully. As he caught up to Sirana he gently nipped her rump and extended his legs pushing past her. His feet went from the water to the ground that surrounded the area.He glanced back to see if she was still following him, or if she was to slow.

    im as free as the wind and birds that soar in it

    He turned his gaze to Sirana and Loken who played with one another, the bond they shared was similar to full blood siblings. He was glad to see they got along so well, some half siblings don't grow to know each other, at least they were able to. He turned his gaze back to Anahi, the mare who took in Loken when his own mother left them. She was the one he started his herd with and his heart always yearned for her, everyday brought confusion as to why she left him and he held out hope that she would return. But Anahi filled the pain he felt in her absence.

    She looked disappointed in herself, he imagined because of the birthing of Sirana. He did wish he was there, but he was there shortly after and Sirana did not know any difference. He probably could have showed up a week later and she would still be the same as she was today. Anahi promised to call him for the birth of there next foal and all he could do was offer a smile, this was something that certainly pleased him. you shouldn't be alone when you give birth, I would certainly be pleased to be around the next time. That was if he was around at the time, and he hoped that he would be able to.

    Lead Stallion of Cobblestone Creek

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