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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Through blue tendrils he smiles widely at the mare aproaching him. Comfortable with what relationship they had began, whatever it was. He sidles up to her nothing hindering him with formalities, and such. He still remembered their nights spent together, heated and desperate, he knows her intimately. Why this season had taken him like this he could not tell you. BUt it had, and little did he know the results that would occur because of it. Hows my little diamond today? He grins at her mischieviously nibbling up her neck. Possesively standing next to her.

    Something was happening to several of his mares bellies, he couldn't pinpoint it just yet, but they all looked different to him somehow. It still puzzled him, and even as he had tried to rack his brain about it, it still slipped by him that maybe their little escapades had taken root. Never before had he been around a mare long enough to find out. Though being a skilled lover had its perks, it didn't mean that the women liked to stick around for him to see the results. He had seen other mares in later stages, but none close to himself nor had he vigulantly paid attention to the mares in their early stages either.

    So of course today is no different and he remains oblivious to what was happening. Just that after such a season he felt... well... invigerated. The grasses tickle his belly, and the cawing of birds set a calming atmosphere for himself. His confidence building back up slowly. Nibbling his way back down to her whithers he breathes out a relaxing sigh. Why he hadn't thought of pleasuring his mares before he couldn't fathom. But now that he knew they enjoyed it, he was sure to make it a regular occurance.

    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must
    V A K A R I A N
    i'd rather be a riot than indifferent
    God she is so fat.

    Vakarian waddles slowly through the long grass, grumbling under her breath, as each step sends a shock of pain through her swollen ankles. She is so bloody tired of being pregnant.

    No one had ever told her how horrible the whole process was. No, all they had ever done was talk about the joy of watching their children grow, and missing the days when they were still young and small …

    No one ever thought to mention the eleven months of pure hell that preceded birth.

    She’s still grumbling when she spots Phaedrus’ towering blue and black figure up ahead. She scowls when he notices her, but moves to join him all the same. “I’m not a particularly ‘little’ diamond anymore … I feel positively massive.” She stares at him appraisingly for a moment, head cocked to the side. “Probably your fault, yah great lug - the kid’s inherited your giant blood.” She sighs. It’s as much her fault as it is his. He certainly hadn’t forced her to sleep with him.

    “Ah well, it’ll be a lot easier when the kid’s born, and I can start regaining my ‘delicate’ figure.” She snorts, amused at her own quip. She's never had a particularly petite figure, thanks to some distant friesian and draft ancestry.

    She glances briefly around the surrounding plain, trying to see if any of Phaedrus’ other mares are nearby. For the moment though, they are alone. “How are the other mares doing? I noticed one of them appears to be in a similar situation.” The grullo one if she remembers correctly. She really does need to try socialize with them a bit more. She’d intended to, originally. And then she’d gotten pregnant. And well, she doesn’t exactly feel like doing much of anything these days.
    covet and azula's diamond armored daughter

    Sorry again for the horrendous wait. Tongue

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