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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Heat Has Passed -[Killdare]

    Arthas found himself standing in the chambers by himself, nothing but him and the dirt. Everything around him was dead, the grass beneath him was yellow and the ground was not dark and striving with life, it was light and hard no hope for new born grass. He huffed at the ground sending a dust cloud to surround his maw.

    He chuckled slightly to himself, still amused that he could create a small sand storm. He lifted his head to look around, he came to the Kingdom hopeful to be strong in the Army Caste, but with so many horses with traits he didn't feel as thought he fit well with them. He much rather move to the Diplomat Caste and hoped to find Killdare today to ask him to switch. He let a whinny escape his maw, echoing the near Chambers hopeful Killdare was in ear shot. The last time he saw the stallion was when Dacia was giving birth to his twins, it was an odd encounter that ended with the two having a better respect for each other. At least Arthas hoped Killdare found more respect for Arthas, he already respected Killdare.


    ± when you feel my heat, look into my eyes ±
    He doesn’t burn today, not in the usual since, not against the dried and brittle grasses and lichen covering the expanse of forest floor. Sometimes the seasons left things that way, dead, dying, it was a surprise that she allowed the Chamber to thrive at all. He doesn’t burn, not as it crumbles  as he steps heavily against the fragile filaments, adopting instead the hard, black outer shell that he seemed so fond of. Black plates set in jagged, uneven patterns against the roiling, liquid heat beneath them. Sometimes the pieces shifted, pushed against one another in a horrendous sound and it is luck that he did not suffer pain from it- not anymore. Now this second skin was as much a part of him as the wings of dragons had once been, somehow everything fell into place that way with the gifts the fae saw fit to bestow.

    Was it though, luck? Was he lucky at all? Often he thought not, instead he would decree himself outright unlucky and thank the Gods anyways for the opportunity to be anything. Killdare was man and beast and King and countryman and servant, he was many things wrapped terribly tight into one body and set ablaze as consequence.

    The squall greets his ears and though the voice is not the one he is most familiar with the smell was known enough. One of the recruits, a soldier named Arthas called, beckoned him from the copse of trees and of course he should go and see what was the matter. Truly he thanked Arthas for being there when Dacia was in need, when the twins were spilling from her womb, fresh and bloody against the Chamber floor. He was a good man to stay, a good help and many would have fled that scene in a heartbeat. “Arthas, what is it?” he asks, simmering against the backdrop and pulling up close to face the other and his request. “Oh please do not say it has something to do with Kimber.” Sometimes he worried the woman was too hard on the men, or was it too nice with them and already she had snared Arthas into that trap?
    magma King of the Chamber

    The stallion gazed as the king approached, it was nice to encounter him alone as he was always busy and seemed occupied with his own love triangle. He noticed more than just Dacia had foals that carried the kings traits, although he did not care and certainly didn't care to poke at the topic. Killdare himself seemed occupied with his own thoughts before being caught off guard by Arthas' call.

    As the King approached he gave a greeting and asked if his reason for summoning was Kimber and he laughed wholeheartedly. No, no! Kimber is a great Colonel, she leads the army well Complimenting the mare, she had done nothing wrong. Arthas couldn't help but notice the lack of diplomats the Kingdom had, and that most of the Army consisted of traited horses. It seemed more suiting for him to be a diplomat, plus it would give him a reason to venture off to the field more often. I have just noticed the lack of diplomats, and I was curious if I would be able to join the Nymph as a diplomat, and leave the Army he hoped that it did not seem like he was abandoned his duties I think I am better suited as a diplomat, the Kingdom is full of traited horses, and well I do not fit in with the Army members. he was good and small chat, and figured recruiting would be easy for him. He was curious how Dacia and the twins were doing, but he held off on asking questions, he did not want to fill the King with multiple conversations at once.


    ± when you feel my heat, look into my eyes ±
    If he is a bit surprised he doesn’t show it, simply choosing to nod in silence as he reports that Kimber is not to blame. Well well, a first time for everything isn’t there? Not that he didn’t like the ombred female, she was just far more cheeky than he was used to and at times her antics were like nails against a chalkboard. That was probably for the best that they didn’t get along on anything but a business level, Gods know he had enough on his plate as it was. Luckily enough she was someone he could trust to have in his army, someone with leadership skills and though he hated to admit it - her sass only pushed her forward instead of holding her back or hindering her advancement. She was unafraid, she was willing, what more could he ask of them? “Good, of that I am glad,” he offers on that subject, finally deciding on the best words which were few.

    When the real reason for this meeting greets his charcoal ears he nods again, “I see, the Diplomats,” taking time to consider the prospect before agreeing. It had to appear like he put some thought into things did it not? His molten eyes look the soldier over, seeming to take his entire being into consideration. Sure Arthas was non-traited but he himself had begun in the army without any traits to speak of. The male was of a good build, he seemed dedicated but if the fight was not truly in him then Killdare would be doing no one favors by holding him back.

    “I see no reason why not, we do need good Diplomats...and if you truly think your talents will be best used there then by all means.” It was likely better this way, he couldn’t keep all his eggs in one basket and it wouldn’t be right to keep the man from this calling if he really felt it was the one. “I’ll make note of the new arrangements, in the meantime I hope you have the best of luck in the fields Arthas.” He meant that too, every word because he could never turn down potential members as long as long as they were made of the right stuff.
    magma King of the Chamber

    Arthas gazed over the king who seemed lost in his own thoughts, a new father and all. He responded to the conversation on Kimber before moving on to the next topic, he took his time in responding but eventually agreed to the change. Arthas gave a smile towards the king, dipping his head slightly Thank you Killdare, I hope to be a great diplomat for the kingdom genuinely speaking. Arthas was willing to fight for the kingdom should they need a body, but for now he would focus his attention on that of the diplomat work. At least this way he would be able to get out, make friends, and see other kingdoms.

    The stag looked off curious on how to bring up the topic on the twins he had with Dacia. It was an awkward encounter to meet the green mare who gave birth before him, and turned out to be the foals of Killdare. Although the encounter ended well and less awkward, he figured it was okay just to ask. How are the twins? he asked in a more low voice, he didn't care to know the details of the kings love interests, and was truly more interested in how Dacia was recovering versus the foals.


    ± when you feel my heat, look into my eyes ±
    Killdare waits as patiently as he can , wondering what else the dappled male might have to say for himself. He shifts where he stands, as if to decide what position was best to rest in or if there was even a comfortable position at all, the weight of the Kingdom on his shoulders. Overhead the familiar call of a thrush blighted his ears and he could not help but to swivel them towards the sound before Arthas spoke. “It’s no trouble, and don’t worry about not having traits Arthas, even I started out with nothing. I’m not sure to say they are even always for the best at this point.” Truly that was a statement that was meant to encourage the man and there was no falsehood to it, traits could be pesky things at times and sinister at others.

    The price paid for some was damaging and others wrought havoc on you when least suspected. When Arthas looks sidelong into the distance Killdare does not notice, and thank the Gods he does not. If any inkling of anything more than friendship between Dacia and Arthas existed he would be the last one to tell, or give reason to think such things. Instead the questions of the twins health meets his ears with kindness and Killdare is happy to answer- he was a proud Father. “They are well thank you, big and growing bigger still. I do wonder about them though, they have so much to learn and the world is ever changing still.” How little did he know that it would continue to chang, and in one way perhaps for the worse. Killdare did not know the horror he was soon to face and one of his own making.
    magma King of the Chamber

    The stag watched as the stallion before him shifted his weight from hip to hip deciding what was most comfortable. He humbly gaze as the king spoke, telling him that he too did not have traits before becoming the King. His eyes grew with shock, it was actually something he did not know. It was a fascinating thing to gain in knowledge, in fact it made him smile. It gave him the push of confidence he needed, if Killdare was trait-less and became a King than it was proven a trait-less horse could be a role model, could grow to be something bigger and better.

    The stallion than answered his question about the twins, there were doing well and growing, which was expected. He gave a nod of his head, agreeing with his statement I've never had a foal of mine, but I have helped raise many. It is truly a gift to be able to watch the innocence of foals grow into mature horses. his statement was true, it was a gift and an honor to have a hand in the growth of a foal. To be able to say you helped mold them into the responsible equine they were. He gently swayed his tail at a loss of words to further the conversation. Thank you for your time Killdare he dipped his head respectfully to the king.


    OOC: sorry it took so long to respond, don't worry about replying if you don't want to.

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