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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Birds of a feather ... [Archam, Any]
    Anahi caught the glance that Archam gave Sirana, and so the champagne mare stepped up, ushering her filly go stand behind the two grown horses of the Cobblestone. Once she'd done that, Anahi turned her attention back to the boss stallion and the latest mare he must've brought here.

    In truth, when he told her he was going off to steal, Anahi thought he was kidding. Or, at the very least, she figured that he would've gone to the Frontiers and taken one from the boss stallion, Chemdog. But one all the way from the Dale? That truly shocked her. She'd heard what it was like there from Raxa, when the brindled mare had told her she'd taken a trip there to explore and see what it was like, to see what the Falls army might be up against should a war break out. It was one of the neutral kingdoms, one that wouldn't get involved unless provoked.

    All in all, Anahi could understand why this mare wanted to return to her home, but she also thought it was a bit unfair that she wasn't giving the Cobblestone a chance. However, she had no say in it. This was a choice of the mare, and an argument between Archam and the mare. It was not for anything for Anahi to get involved in, not unless the situation threatened the herd mares or her filly.

    Then, the two horses agreed to something that shocked Anahi to the bone. This mare from the Dale was willing to give up her firstborn daughter in order to get away from Archam?! Who in the hell would even consider something like that?

    "Why would you be willing to give up your daughter just to leave this place?! How could you stand to live with the knowledge you did such a thing?!" Anahi asked, her eyes wide with shock.

    A kiss is not a contract

    Even as the words slip out of her mouth she wants to take them back. The champagne mare’s words ring in her ears - what has she done? Her tail flicks irritably, body swinging around so that she can face the mouthy female with a hostile glare. Enough was enough. “My daughter will no doubt be as strong, if not stronger, than me. I think she’ll be able to weather the tides of diplomacy just fine, thank you.” Besra growls, stepping forward to lessen the distance between them. “At two, she’ll be nearly grown and Phaedrus certainly won’t be able to breed with her - so what better way to show strength between our herds than to join them?” She questions, head swinging over her shoulder to gaze at Archam with a pointed look.

    He knows what she’s talking about. Phaedrus wouldn’t touch a herd that his own daughter called home, and Archam wouldn’t dare go against his word, so this exchange kept both communities of mares safe from the fate Besra now suffered. It was a win-win, and if the new mother could think on it, she’d see it Besra’s way too. “I’m three, nearly four now. I left my own kingdom in search of a new life long ago and I seem to be doing just fine.” She comments, head turning back to face her accuser. “If Archam really is as loving as he seems to want me to believe, I have nothing to fear for my daughter.” She tells her, head tilting gently. “Unless, of course, you think otherwise?” She challenges, ears turning back to listen to the stallion she cannot see.

    She wonders if the price of her freedom is really worth the trouble of making this deal, but it’s too late. Whether she likes it or not, Archam had agreed and the words had been spoken. Besra was nothing if she went back on her promises. She shakes her head gently, sighing lightly before turning back around to face her captor. “She’ll be lovely, you won’t be disappointed.” Besra offers, a hint of defeat leaking into her tone. “I’ll see you in two years time.” She says, heavy feet picking up a slow trot as she breezes past him. She won’t let them see how much her choice has broken her already - how much she wishes she could take it all back.

    It’s much too late for regrets.

    Archams gaze trailed from the roan mare to Anahi who had an outburst from pure shock of there deal. It was certainly not something that he had planned,and truthfully he did not have any intentions other than good with Besra, who chose utter hatred for him. The mares went back and forth on the decision made, although there was disagreements the deal was made and Besra would bring her first born filly to the herd in two years time. He wasn't happy to see her leave, and was rather curious to her intentions with the deal. Would she run back to Phaderus forcing him to fight for the foals freedom?

    He watched as Besra took her leave and headed back to the Dale, he knew his steal would cause an uproar between him and Phaderus and only hoped it would be settled shortly, as he expected a visit from the stallion himself. 

    Lead Stallion of Cobblestone Creek
    Sirana really didn't understand much of what was going on between the adults. All she did get was her dam and the other mate seemed upset with each other, and Archam seemed pleased. They were speaking that the strange mate would bring her firstborn daughter to Archam to join his herd. Why didn't the mare just linger here instead of leaving? Sirana thought this was a very nice place to live. Why leave?

    When the mare galloped off, seeming eager to leave, the filly neighed and reared up, throwing her front legs out as she shouted, "And don't come back if you're not gonna respect my daddy!"
    I'm Anahi sighed as the mare left, knowing there was no changing her mind now. The champagne watched her filly rear before shouting at the mare to not come back. That made Anahi frustrated with her daughter; she shouldn't speak like that.

    "Hush Sirana," she chided, throwing her muzzle out and nudging the filly back down, displeased with her behavior. After that, she turned to Archam.

    "Archam, do you really think that was wise? I've heard tales of Phaedrus from Raxa; she's heard stories about him, what he's like. Are you sure making that deal with the mare was a good idea? If she tells him, little doubt exists that he will be quite furious with you."

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