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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the dead are gone; kreios, ygritte, diplomats
    Anahi took another moment to think things over, while also being momentarily surprised that Kreios asked her what she thought. Did he really care what she thought? Obviously, or else he wouldn't have asked.

    It seemed that he was still occupied with thoughts of the kingdom's well-being. He told the Amazonian that the kingdoms would not raise arms against one another, only to defend. The mock battles and challenges would be allowed if horses felt the need to fight.

    But was that really a good thing? What if a fight went too far and the horse's respective kingdom was informed? The Amazonians may be tired after that war, but their army was stronger than that of the Falls. Even tired, they could easily defeat them.

    Anahi turned to whisper to the king, "They are tired after the war and do not seem eager for another. If you believe it is the best choice, then I say we allow this alliance to exist for a while, see how things work out. However, I ask that you reconsider the mock battles between the kingdoms at least. We should not be fighting each other; a fight could go wrong, and next thing you know, we are at war due to misunderstanding. I do not ask you remove them right now, but that you only consider it. With the size of our army, we cannot afford to fight a war right now."

    the dead are gone

    Kreios seems agreeable, but he still raises concerns about the prospect of war. A valid concern, considering the Falls’ reputation for quiet - if the Amazons were pulled into a war and the Falls called to assist (as incredibly unlikely as that is, he still has to consider that possibility as king) the Falls could leave their own kingdom vulnerable. Lagertha had of course considered his possible hesitation, and so had discussed the issue with Lexa before she had set out. “Our Khaleesi would be fine with a treaty, if that is your wish.” The Falls does after all have a long history of avoiding alliances in favour of treaties, so it’s not entirely surprising.

    “And as a member of the army I would personally love to take part in a few friendly mocks or challenges.” It would be nice to try her hand in a less stressful environment, where she can focus on skills and control. As unlikely as war is at this point (and as repulsive as the thought is to her), she still wants to be prepared.

    Kreios turns to consult with the champagne mare, and the mare lowers her voice to whisper in the king’s ear. Lexa could have probably listened in if she wanted (they are rather close, and horse do have rather excellent hearing), but she considers that impolite and turns her head away to become temporarily ‘fascinated’ by a bird singing in a nearby tree. However if she had heard she would have disagreed with Anahi’s point. If a sister were to get seriously injured in a fight against a member of the Falls, the Amazons would not take personal offence. Injury is simply part of the risk that comes with joining the army after all.

    and the living are hungry.




    wildcat of the falls

    Fighting is the only way to learn to fight.

    Muscle memory comes about only with practice, and after a while one grows accustomed to the moves and habits of their sparring partner. Only with new opponents can our army truly grow, and there are no better warriors than the women of the Jungle. Still, I understand where Anahi’s concerns emanate, and fortunately our kingdom has been gifted with an easy solution.

    “If your Khaleesi would consent to these mocks occurring in the Falls, where all wounds can be healed immediately, then I think a treaty is something we can agree on.” I glance to Anahi, hoping that this solution will be agreeable to her, but knowing already that this is what is best for the Falls. “I will have to confer with our Queen, Ygritte, but you can expect one of our diplomats to come with the news of our decision as soon as it is made.” Though I leave most of the diplomatic direction to Ygritte, I suspect that Anahi and Ashara would be a good pair to send to the Amazons with the news of our decision. They were here to meet Lexa, after all, and I do not think that either of them have yet had the opportunity to visit the Jungle.

    i’m screaming the name of a foreigner’s god

    image by connor obrien

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