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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Babe, We're Free Falling [Khalani]
    to live in a dream is to live with ambition
    The smell of the water and white sand let Hasenel know he was soon to approach his new home. It had not taken long to travel from the field to his paradise, and frequently he had glanced behind him at Khalani, making sure the mare was close. Most certainly he found her whimsical personality amusing; her immediate attraction to him indulge-worthy; but it would be his goal to learn more about her before they produced a foal.

    Being a royal gentleman, he wasn't about the impregnate a lady before spending some time getting to know her first. If he wanted a kingdom to be proud of, he'd have to feel that way about his mares, too.

    Hasenel slowed when white sandy beaches came into view. Turning his head, he nickered encouragingly to Khalani, eager for her to arrive at his side. When she did, he said, "Does this match your vision of paradise? I would hate to think you'd live here disappointed." Ears pricked, his gaze remained on the mare, gauging her reaction.
    lead stallion of island resort
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    Please Don't Take My Spotlight

    The champagne mare trailed behind the chestnut stag, she was curious to what life she would hold with him. She wasn't sure exactly what she wanted out of this, all she knew was she wanted to be the center of attention. Sure she would have a foal with him as that is the mean reason a stag looks for a mare, perhaps the next breeding season though.

    The grass turned into dirt, which turned into sand, Khalani has never seen such sand and was very fond of it instantly. It felt different under her hooves, more soft, more relaxing. She swayed her tail gently as they grew to a halt. She flicked him a flirtatious gaze "This is exactly what paradise looks like" she moved past him into the opening and lifted her head up high, curious to where the other mare was. She turned back to the chestnut stag and lifted her ears in his direction "Do you have any kin?" she was curious if the other mare shared a foal with him, or if he had any prior to Beqanna.


    to live in a dream is to live with ambition
    The fire stallion was pleased to hear Khalani approved of her new home. Not that he seriously thought she wouldn't, however. His herd land was very different from the one he had been born in and spent his first five years. When Khalani asked if he had any kin, the stallion leisurely stepped up beside her.

    "I do," he admitted, knowing there was quite a story coming her way. "Many miles toward where the sun sets, I was born to the king and queen of an enormous herd of horses. As much as I would have loved to rule that kingdom, three brothers were born ahead of me, and currently they control the herd. After a while I decided it might be better if I left, and tried to start my own kingdom... rather than waste my best years on the sideline."

    Gently Hasenel nudged Khalani's shoulder. "You've now become one of the reasons I'm beginning to think it will work." Although Hasenel hadn't left his home for totally uncertain odds, this mare certainly provided fresh encouragement.  

    lead stallion of island resort
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    Please Don't Take My Spotlight

    The mare listened as Hasenel told her of his past. He was in line to be king? her eyes grew big as he said that. She was curious as to why he left his herd, but as he said that he had three brothers ahead of him it made sense. Instead of waiting who knows how long, he left to start his own herd now, and that was admirable.

    She smiled as the stallion nudged her shoulder, little did he know it made her heart grow fonder. The attention he showed made her content with there relationship. She playfully pulled on his mane before bolting off, she broke off into a canter. Her amber coat glistened in the sun as she cantered off, her tail swayed in the wind. She was still a young mare and intended to have fun while she was able to. 


    to live in a dream is to live with ambition
    Immediately Hasenel followed her, his hooves sending sand through the air as he easily caught up to her. The land he had claimed truly was a paradise as they raced along the sun dried beach, miles of water spreading out to the horizon on their right.

    "I must now know about you, Khalani," he said to her, using a sudden burst of speed to pass the mare. Hasenel slowed only a few yards ahead and stood facing her, playfully threatening as he intended to bring her to a stop. "I want to be proud of whatever kingdom I make, and the more I know about you, the more confident I'll feel. A wise king knows as much about his mares as he does his queen, even if he does not yet have one."

    The stallion maintained his intimidating, but playful stance as he waited for Khalani to answer. Given her bubbly nature, he assumed her story wouldn't be too tragic or undesirable. As long as there was nothing in her past that would ever make her leave his land, he considered her a pride-worthy claim, and potential queen.
    lead stallion of island resort
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    Please Don't Take My Spotlight

    The red stag was quick to follow her, quick to catch up. She gave a playful glance before pushing harder moving faster. Her legs stomped the sand, gouging a hoof print with every step, her heart raced as she ran. He of course, was quick to catch up, and at one point passed her. She gave a laugh as he passed by her, thrashing her head playfully she let a whinny escape her maw.

    Shortly after he passed her he drew to a halt, causing her to slide to a halt and within a few paces she stood beside him. She let an exhausting snort out followed by a smile. He must know about me she said in her head, that was something that she enjoyed hearing. The stag explained he wanted to know about her, which was admirable as most stallions just wanted kin and the occasional affection, on there terms of course. "okay, what is it you desire to know?" she spoke softly, lust was in the tone. Her amber pelt was more dun, soaked with sweat. Still trying to catch her breath after there run she searched for his gaze, wondering what memories he would ask about.


    to live in a dream is to live with ambition
    The stallion stepped forward, feeling invited to do so by the hungry tone of her voice. He wasn't sure what attracted the mare so much to him; perhaps it was just his appearance, his position as a lead stallion, or his ambition to build a kingdom that excited her. Maybe, it was a mixture of all those things.

    Hasenel looked the mare in the eye as he came near her, not answering her question yet. He paused when he placed his nose on her withers, but then started to walk forward slowly, dragging his nose gently across the ridge of her back and to her hindquarter. He was flirting without words, and rather enjoying the effect he had on her.

    "What lies in your past?" he asked smoothly afterward, walking around her other side to stand in front of her again. "I want to make sure nothing could take you away from here. I want to make sure you're here to stay, and be devoted."
    lead stallion of island resort
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    Please Don't Take My Spotlight

    Khalani stabilized her breathing, she carefully watched the red stag as he asked what her past was like before he dragged his muzzle around her body. Starting from one shoulder to her other, her heart beat faster as he did so, butterflies went off in her stomach, she let out a whinny of excitement and curiosity.

    He returned to his position and awaited an answer from her "Well there is nothing to exciting. I was my fathers princess" not literal, as in his first born, held a sweet spot to him. "I lived with him for my whole life,  as I grew older I did not get along with the other mares, and I was a strain on my father. In the end he had to choose his herd over me" she turned her gaze away from him, she told the truth but hoped he would not think less of her for it. A continuing punishment for her adolescence. 


    to live in a dream is to live with ambition
    It surprised the stallion to hear what Khalani had endured. Her father had chosen his herd over her? Hasenel released a sympathetic snort and stepped toward the mare slowly, pausing when the end of his nose was near her own.

    "Perhaps you will feel better about family ties when it comes time to raise your own," he said gently. Truly, the stallion wanted a foal with Khalani, but the timing needed to be right. Now that winter was on it's way, a few more seasons would need to pass before raising a foal in the best conditions would be possible.

    "I hope you understand that I intend to have foals with all my mares," he said, knowing her feelings toward him were strong. "But I can promise you to be the first to bare my kin, if you'd like too." He didn't know how such an offer would sound to her, but it was the best he could give, having been born and bred for the life of a lead stallion.
    lead stallion of island resort
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    OOC: I keep meaning to tell you this but keep forgetting, until now--I LOVE that you're using Rachel McAdams! Big fan!!
    Please Don't Take My Spotlight

    The mare understood why her father kicked her out, he wanted her to find her own way, it still stung that he chose the herd over her. It was best that she found her own path in life, there was no room for her in her home lands. She did not want the stallion to pity her story, he asked and she told. It helped to mold her into the mare she was now.

    She listened as the red stag attempted to console her, discussing there future foals. Her lips curved into a smile, pleased to her the stallion planned on having foals with her. She was young, but apart of being a herd mare was foaling the kin of the lead stallion, and she planned to do just that.

    He told her that he planned on having foals with all his mares, this cause a fire to grow inside her, she despised the idea of sharing the stallion, but none the less she knew how this herd business worked. Of course they would all foal his kin, and her foals would grow up with the rest. She did not mind that, but she did not plan on befriending the other mares, they co-existed but she wasn't out to mingle with them. As her smile disappeared it was quick to grow back as the stag notified her that he would await until they had there first foal before foaling with any of the others. She was filled with butterflies and joy, it was such an honor to hear the stag say that. I must be important to him she thought to herself, why else would he promise such a thing? As long as the continued to grow close to each other as they were, she would be more than willing to have a foal the next breeding season. She grew closer to the stallion touching her muzzle to his before withdrawing, she looked for his gaze "That sounds like the best promise I have been given."


    OOC: thanks :p i love her too!

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