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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A Home You Can Keep- [Astara,Any]

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The bay roan stag cantered his way back from the field with the spotted mare Astara. He thrashed his head playfully as he entered the cobblestone sending a whinny through the herd lands. His pelt was darker than normal, drenched in sweat from the long travels. As he slowed to a walk he made his way over to the river in his lands. He looked back for the spotted mare "This will be your new home Astara" he said with a smile, lowering his head to retrieve a refreshing drink of water after his travels. The cool water slid down his throat, instantly cooling his body, steam was flowing off his body as he was cooling down. He raised his head and looked around, he was proud of the land he claimed and hoped the new mare would also grow to love the lands.


    Anahi had not been too far away from where the sound of hooves galloping up echoed from, briefly startling the mare. She went into defensive mode, knowing that she had to protect herself at all costs right now, but a familiar scent entered her nostrils, she calmed immediately.

    Why did he have to run up so fast like that though, especially during this season? Every mare in the kingdom, pregnant or not, was on extreme edge. Especially Anahi, who was currently carrying her first foal. Second, to be technical, but this time, she was determined to make sure nothing happened that would endanger the life of her little one.

    The mare, as usual when Archam was away, had been busy going out recruiting some new horses to the kingdom, as well as learning more about diplomacy from Ashara and the others, and going to visit the medicine hat mare, Nitika, whom she'd brought into this land recently. The mare was still resting and recovering, but Anahi was sure that Nitika enjoyed the occasional company.

    Anahi knew that if she was in the paint mare's position, she'd go nuts if someone didn't come to visit her occasionally.

    Neighing quietly as she walked over to where she could smell Archam was, the mare gave a nod to the boss stallion, smiling as she made her way over and nuzzled him in greeting.

    Then, she turned to the spotted mare, "Hello. I welcome you to the Falls. My name is Anahi. May I ask what yours is?"
    Astara galloped behind the stallion with ease, finding that not in an over-extended amount of time they had reached his claimed portion of the land. Not long after Archam stopped beside a current of water did she slide to a halt beside him, dipping her mouth into the cool relief as well.

    When the bay roan formally introduced the land as her new home, she gazed at it critically, though truthfully, she was more than satisfied. "Thank you for accepting me," she said gently. "I hope I don't ever wander too far. Your land is beautiful." The spotted mare then nipped at stallion playfully, though her ear turned as another pair hooves gave away the presence of another horse.

    Turning her head, Astara saw a champagne colored mare, who had just barely begun to show her pregnancy. Before Astara could say anything, the mare welcomed her and introduced herself. "I'm Astara," she said in return. "Are we the only two, or are there more?"

    a mare of mysterious intentions
    html by call

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam grew a smile as the mare was pleased with the lands, he never knew where a mare came from, and one day maybe he would find a mare who hated the cobblestone. It was pleasing to know each of his mares enjoyed the lands he claimed. Archam gently tugged on the mares mane playing in return to her nipping "I hope you wont wander off either" he said with a flirty face.

    His head turned as Anahi came around he gave a smile to her and walked over to greet her, he nuzzled the base of her neck "Hello Anahi" he spoke gently before returning to stand in between the two mares, he allowed Astara the opportunity to introduce herself, and she did. His gaze was set on the spotted mare as she asked how many mares lived in the cobblestone "There is seven mares who live here, and my filly" the number was high, and it was shocking for him when it slid out of his mouth. He never really took the time to count how many mares he had courted. He hoped the number didn't scare off the spotted mare.


    Anahi smiled warmly as Archam greeted her. The mare nickered with affection as the stallion nuzzled her at the base of her neck. Anahi couldn't deny that the knowledge of the foal growing inside her was Archam's gave her a need to be close to the stallion, but of course she didn't want to say that. She was worried he would view it as obsessive.

    So, instead, she merely smiled at the spotted mare as Archam answered the question first before she herself piped in, "There are also a number of other horses throughout the kingdom, including the king and the queen. We usually see these horses only when we walk around the territory or during meetings, so otherwise, you won't need to worry about them too much."
    Astara listened without a sound as Archam and Anahi explained the number of other horses who lived in the area. The number was healthy, and after hearing Archam had seven other mares under his belt, she realized how successful of a breeding stallion he was. And though the mare realized she merely added to the breeding number and might not amount to anything more special, she was content.

    Astara wanted a foal, so what better place could she be?

    "I see," she replied, after they had finished. "I like having space, but not too much. Should I begin exploring the territory, or would one of you two like to join me?" Switching her gaze between Anahi and Archam, she waited for answer.
    a mare of mysterious intentions
    html by call

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam gazed at Anahi with joy, she was very calm around the other mares, and always willing to befriend them. He was appreciative that the mare did not get jealous when he brought new mares to the herd. She would make a great mother, and perhaps even a great lead mare for the herd.

    He turned his gaze back to the spotted mare who wanted to explore the territory and asked if either equine wanted to join. He gave a nod and bounded forward  "Yes I'll show you around" he said with a smile, brushing against her body as he moved forward. He didn't mind if Anahi would join them, although it would be a good time to learn about Astara. he bounded off to show the borders of the cobblestone. 


    Anahi shook her head to show her decline of the offer, "I would be glad to, but I do have other business to attend to as part of the caste I am in. Plus, there is a new mare still learning the ways of the kingdom and I offered to help her. I'll leave the two of you to go explore the Falls."

    Of course, there was more to it than that. Even if Anahi did feel a bit jealous at times that Archam wasn't always around (pregnancy hormones she told herself), she knew that he enjoyed spending time with all his mares individually, taking time to get to know them and how they felt about their new home. She didn't want to intrude on such a thing, so she would quietly take her leave.

    She nodded her head to the spotted mare and Archam before she began loping away, heading back toward the center of the kingdom where the mare awaited her.
    Ashara was glad when Archam offered to join her, though Anahi had chosen to not tag along. Astara nickered warmly to the mare before departing, understanding her condition might also not be best for a days worth of heavy travel. As the spotted mare began to gain on the stallion, she started to wonder how he managed the dynamics of his herd. Having so many mares with different needs, it seemed like a rather daunting task.

    "How do you do it, Archam?" she asked, cantering at his side. "Handle so many mares, I mean. Do you simply have foals by us, and that is all? Or are you selective, and elevate some above others?"

    Astara knew she was being rather forward, but she didn't know Archam well, and wasn't sure how he'd take it. Back when they had been speaking with Anahi, Astara had sensed  and witnessed the affection between the two, and wondered if Anahi could possibly hold a higher rank than the average herd mare.
    a mare of mysterious intentions
    html by call

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    As they trailed off Anahi decided to take her leave and it was now just Archam and Astara. He looked around peacefully, as they departed the creek which was the main area for the herd. He started to near a wooded area which was growing into the Forest Frontiers, which was the other herd lands that was in the Falls. "This is the border of our herd lands, past this leads to the Forest Frontier which another stag has claimed" he ensured the mare knew, if she traveled over there the stag would be quick to try and claim her as his own.

    The trailed off some more, the spotted mare asked him how he felt about his mares. This was something he had never been asked and he took a moment to gather his thoughts before answering. "I do not click with all my mares, but I love them all" he paused choosing his words carefully "so long as the mare wants attention and affection I will give it to them" Its not that the stag held certain mares on a higher pedistool compare to the rest, he just got along with certain mares better. Some mares were off doing there own thing, and rarely showed up, only in times of breeding season. If that was what they wanted than so be it. He had only a couple mares in the herd that he would refuse to allow to disappear, he although did not claim a lead mare for his herd, something he should do soon, but was not sure who to choose. He glanced to the spotted mare hopeful that his response was what she wanted to hear, he gently nuzzled her neck continuing there walk.


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