all of us have a hero and a villain in us
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
The Past is Behind Us; Time to Look Forward-[Anahi]
04-19-2016, 10:36 PM
Anahi's golden ears flicked back as she picked up the sound of someone approaching. Her tapered head rose from the ground where she'd been grazing, and she finished chewing the grass in her mouth before offering the stallion a smile.
Anahi had to admit to herself, at first, she'd been a little unsure about having a foal this season. The thought had excited her, but she had been so scared that something bad would happen that caused her to lose it. But Archam had been patient, caring enough to listen to the stories of her hardships, and provide an understanding toward her fear. She wasn't certain if she was in love with the stallion (she was pretty sure he loved all his mares equally), but she cared for him enough, and appreciated his comforting presence enough, to agree to having her first Beqanna foal with him. And so, knowing she'd need to keep her strength up so the little one would grow, she'd been keeping up with her responsibilities while also eating enough grass and drinking enough water to keep herself healthy. So far, so good; she had high hope that the little foal would turn out well when he or she was born. Anahi bowed her head to Archam as he got closer, nuzzling his neck as he did the same before trailing down toward her belly, where their little one was. The champagne mare chuckled, "I'm doing well Archam, and the little one is too, although I'm pretty sure you can't feel anything yet. Still too early," she stated with a playful chuckle, nibbling at Archam's withers to get rid of some bugs she spotted.
04-20-2016, 07:12 PM
Anahi nickered in return as Archam lowered his head to graze, and it wasn't long before the champagne mare began to do the same. She had to keep her strength up after all, as she frequently reminded herself.
With that in her mind, even as she ate the refreshing autumn grass and used her tail to swat the bugs that stubbornly landed on her skin, she thought of the foal growing within her belly. The last time she had carried a little one, she'd been far along enough to feel it moving inside her. It had been a bit strange at first, but as a mother would, she'd quickly gotten used to it. She'd looked forward to the day when the little one would enter the world and figure out how things worked, Anahi by his or her side. Lifting her finely sculpted head, golden mane flowing down the side of her neck, Anahi turned her gaze to her belly. Without looking away, she spoke up, "What do you think it will be Archam? A strong colt, or a lovely filly?"
04-22-2016, 12:58 AM
Anahi glanced at her stomach again, a grin appearing on her face, "Even though I felt like my first would've been a colt, I feel this one... I feel it's going to be a filly. But, if I am wrong, and it's a colt, I know that it will grow to be as strong and brave as you, and he will help you take good care of the herd," she stated.
The champagne mare reached out her neck and nuzzled the base of Archam's, gently nibbling at his withers again to get rid of the bugs, as well as to scratch him in case the bugs were making him itch. Her own golden tail flicked at the ones on her hindquarters. When she's finished, she moved her head to look into his eyes, her own warm almond brown meeting that of the stallions. She smiled at him, her expression warm and kind as she lowered her tapered head to graze upon the grass beside his strong hooves.
04-23-2016, 06:00 PM
"I'm glad, because I have a feeling she's definitely going to have your spirit," Anahi stated, a smirk present on her delicate features.
She returned to grazing for a moment, content, before she spoke up again, sensing that something was off with the stallion, "Is something troubling you? The other mares? Kingdom business?" she questioned.
04-24-2016, 02:03 PM
"It just seems like something is bothering you. Something that has to do with the herd. Are you worried about breeding season? That some kingdom will attack?" Anahi questioned, her eyes filling with concern for the stallion.
She didn't like it a whole lot when he tended to bottle things up. Anahi wouldn't push Archam to reveal what was worrying him, so if he still didn't wish to talk, fine. But if he would, then of course she would listen, and hopefully she could help ease his fears by helping him realize things were going to be okay. |
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