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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Past is Behind Us; Time to Look Forward-[Anahi]

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam stretched his neck out and shook his body out, relaxing his body as he awoke from a nap. He picked up a trot curious to what the mares were up to.

    The champagne mare Anahi was the first mare he saw and he strolled over to her with a smile. Summer had disapeared and it was now fall, the leaves were falling again and the air was chill. Although aside from the foal he had with Light this was his first breeding season with the herd, and Anahi was expecting there first foal. He was happy to be able to offer the mare a foal as she had lost her previous one. "Hello Anahi" he spoke as he neared her, he offered a nuzzle at the base of her neck trailing to her stomach, showing his excitement for there foal. He backed up allowing the mare her own space "How are you doing?" he asked as he raised his head to look at the setting sun, the night was no longer a relief to the scorching sun; it was now a harsh brittle night, with no relief aside from the warmth another equine could offer.


    Anahi's golden ears flicked back as she picked up the sound of someone approaching. Her tapered head rose from the ground where she'd been grazing, and she finished chewing the grass in her mouth before offering the stallion a smile.

    Anahi had to admit to herself, at first, she'd been a little unsure about having a foal this season. The thought had excited her, but she had been so scared that something bad would happen that caused her to lose it. But Archam had been patient, caring enough to listen to the stories of her hardships, and provide an understanding toward her fear.

    She wasn't certain if she was in love with the stallion (she was pretty sure he loved all his mares equally), but she cared for him enough, and appreciated his comforting presence enough, to agree to having her first Beqanna foal with him.

    And so, knowing she'd need to keep her strength up so the little one would grow, she'd been keeping up with her responsibilities while also eating enough grass and drinking enough water to keep herself healthy. So far, so good; she had high hope that the little foal would turn out well when he or she was born.

    Anahi bowed her head to Archam as he got closer, nuzzling his neck as he did the same before trailing down toward her belly, where their little one was.

    The champagne mare chuckled, "I'm doing well Archam, and the little one is too, although I'm pretty sure you can't feel anything yet. Still too early," she stated with a playful chuckle, nibbling at Archam's withers to get rid of some bugs she spotted.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam gave a low nicker to the mare, as she returned his nuzzle. He laughed at her comment of the foal being to early and gave a nod of his head "I'd have to agree its to early" he spoke softly. He gazed up at the sky with the fast setting sun, as the morning bugs were resting for the night, the night crawlers were out attacking the horses bodies. He flicked his tail attempting to remove the pesky insects, as Anahi offered help playfully nipping at him. He gave a nicker and nudged her shoulder in return.

    He lowered his head, grabbing a mouthful of green grass; winter was on them and food wouldn't be so easy to come by like it is now. He raised his head swallowing the remainder of his snack, he gazed at the champagne mare; although they have known each other for only a few seasons he has grown to enjoy her company. There was only two mares in his herd that he connected with on a personal level, and Anahi was one. He would do everything in his power to protect the mare and keep her safe and with him.  


    Anahi nickered in return as Archam lowered his head to graze, and it wasn't long before the champagne mare began to do the same. She had to keep her strength up after all, as she frequently reminded herself.

    With that in her mind, even as she ate the refreshing autumn grass and used her tail to swat the bugs that stubbornly landed on her skin, she thought of the foal growing within her belly. The last time she had carried a little one, she'd been far along enough to feel it moving inside her. It had been a bit strange at first, but as a mother would, she'd quickly gotten used to it. She'd looked forward to the day when the little one would enter the world and figure out how things worked, Anahi by his or her side.

    Lifting her finely sculpted head, golden mane flowing down the side of her neck, Anahi turned her gaze to her belly. Without looking away, she spoke up, "What do you think it will be Archam? A strong colt, or a lovely filly?"

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam raised his head to gaze around the graying sky, the sun was disappearing and it was growing darker. Most of the leaves have fallen from the trees and winter was fast approaching. Thankfully there creek was connected to the Falls waterfall and the current was to strong to freeze over. He turned to Anahi who asked what he thought the foal would be, he honestly wasn't sure. He hoped for colts as they would take his place in the herd when the time came. But he didnt mind fillies, as they were more appreciative of there father, and he knew how to get along with females better. "I'm really not sure, either way I will be happy" he spoke with a smile "What do you think it will be?" he asked curious to if the mare had an idea. Often times he has heard of mares having 'intuition' knowing what there foal was before it was born.


    Anahi glanced at her stomach again, a grin appearing on her face, "Even though I felt like my first would've been a colt, I feel this one... I feel it's going to be a filly. But, if I am wrong, and it's a colt, I know that it will grow to be as strong and brave as you, and he will help you take good care of the herd," she stated.

    The champagne mare reached out her neck and nuzzled the base of Archam's, gently nibbling at his withers again to get rid of the bugs, as well as to scratch him in case the bugs were making him itch. Her own golden tail flicked at the ones on her hindquarters.

    When she's finished, she moved her head to look into his eyes, her own warm almond brown meeting that of the stallions. She smiled at him, her expression warm and kind as she lowered her tapered head to graze upon the grass beside his strong hooves.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam was hopeful for a colt this breeding season, but he couldnt help but have a smile on his face when she said a filly. He had a soft spot for fillies, and he wasn't able to be around Merietta when she was little and would love to be around a filly from start to finish with Anahi. The mare lowered her head to graze, and he felt content at that moment. It was peaceful and life was perfect, for the time being. His herd was growing, and it would catch the attention of other herd stags. He feared one of his mares being stolen, but he would continue trying to protect them all.

    The stallion cocked his hind left leg, resting his quarters on Anahi's "I wouldn't mind a filly" he said, his voice showed joy. He rubbed his head on her shoulders before lowering his head to graze beside her. 


    "I'm glad, because I have a feeling she's definitely going to have your spirit," Anahi stated, a smirk present on her delicate features.

    She returned to grazing for a moment, content, before she spoke up again, sensing that something was off with the stallion, "Is something troubling you? The other mares? Kingdom business?" she questioned.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam allowed a chuckle to escape his maw as she said the foal would have his spirit, lifting his head up from the ground. He looked for Anahis gaze, glad to be able to have a foal with her, after she lost a previous one. It would not replace the loss, but help to mend the wound. He truly enjoyed being in the company of Anahi and never wanted her to leave. He of course would never admit this, he never felt love and did not know how to communicate feelings.

    The mare lifted her head shortly after to ask him if something was wrong. He become self conscious, did he say something wrong? "No, nothing is wrong. Why do you ask?" he prodded slightly, was this a way for her to say something was wrong? He did have to pick a lead mare with the herd rapidly growing. He just was not sure who he was going to choose to be there when he was absent. 


    "It just seems like something is bothering you. Something that has to do with the herd. Are you worried about breeding season? That some kingdom will attack?" Anahi questioned, her eyes filling with concern for the stallion.

    She didn't like it a whole lot when he tended to bottle things up. Anahi wouldn't push Archam to reveal what was worrying him, so if he still didn't wish to talk, fine. But if he would, then of course she would listen, and hopefully she could help ease his fears by helping him realize things were going to be okay.

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