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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this is a man pulling at his iron chains; Ea, Topsail, Elysium, Any
    She is gone and he is livid.

    Just when he’s gotten her back in his kingdom, in his life, the grabbing hands of another land pull her away from him.  He knows when they arrive on the borders, skittering like the cockroaches they are, that he has to honor their steal for a time.  It is the decree of Beqanna, the law of the land that keeps them civilized (if only barely).  He has to watch as she’s led away from the mountains that had seemed to lean towards her upon her recent return.  He has to square his jaw and turn away from the ever-receding speck of the collecting party when they finally blink out on the horizon.  

    It is a bloodless, easy exchange that feels worse to him in many ways than war.

    Because Ea has become everything he thought she might be.  He remembers her as the stoic, serious girl he’d met in the meadow all those years ago.  They had shared an understanding because they were much the same.  Childhood was lost on them by and large; they were two souls aged long before they left the womb, too pensive and analyzing to really savor the frivolous fruits of their early years.  And if Ramiel has softened marginally over the years like an apple in the sun, Ea has not.  Her character has always been unquestionable, unchanging.  He’s never wanted her to ease her will or be soft for him, and she’s never tried to for long.

    He has fallen in love with her because of it.

    The nights are too cold to sleep without her to warm them, so he doesn’t try.  Instead, the ghost-man paces his home.  He grows more restless and weary with every night that passes.  He counts them down, a vicious mantra of waiting made worse by his self-imposed insomnia.  Before she came back, life had been all right.  The charcoal stallion had grown comfortable in his duties, in the day-to-day schedule of politics and policing.  The Dale was as quiet as ever, but it had been all right.  The mountains were at ease in their solitude, her people much the same.

    But Ea’s return has reawakened a part of him that had become as dormant as the Dale.  He feels driven to succeed rather than to survive; to build and grow and thrive.  She is the salve to his mental wounds after the war he hadn’t known he needed.  And while it’s all so new, still (their words often combative but with no tension underneath), they both feel what it can become.  He’s spent many days surrounded by the ones he loves and cares for, but too many nights yearning for another kind of family.  With Ea, he can see an end to those nights.  He can imagine the sphere of those he cherishes expanding every year; he can see the faces of their children, each one a light to ward against the dark.

    Before the sunrise of the final day of his countdown, Ramiel is already leaving for the Valley.  He doesn’t care if he gets there early.  He will worry their patrols and disturb the quiet as long as he needs to until the marauders show their faces.  When the grey stallion toes the invisible line of the kingdom, he lets out a hoarse call.  The first tendrils of red light burn their way down the mountains and into the bowl of the land.  It is eerily similar to every Dalean sunrise he’s ever watched, but somehow, the light seems to die when it reaches impenetrable shadows.  There is a darkness to the place that is familiar to the nights he’s spent without Ea; he pays the feeling no mind as he waits.

    R A M I E L
    this is a man pulling at his iron chains

    She had known love, or some semblance of it. Scattered there amongst the stars, a filly disguised behind much older skin. At the time, his touch had been her everything and more. She had relished it, begged for it, reached through empty space and time to feel the molten silver of his flesh. But she had been mistaken. He hadn’t been love, but more a predator preying on a young girls foolish hopes and far-off dreams. As quickly as he had shown her the stars he had robbed them from her, leaving her breathless and wanting for something her child-like mind couldn’t process. Even now, despite the passage of years, she could still taste the bitterness of stardust on her tongue.

    Despair did funny things though. Perhaps that was why she now harbored such a darkness in her breast.

    She had done an immense amount of growing since her traipse in star fire, coming into her own with her eyes wide open. Though there were still glimpses of the gypsy soul she had once been, that hard largely been replaced with something much more cunning, possibly jaded. She had removed the rose colored glasses to see their world for what it really was. Her powers had been honed and she used them when needed, though never with the intentions to harm. At least, not the powers she had been born with. What the kingdom had blessed her with was an entirely different beast indeed.

    Standing atop a small crest she watched the sunrise. It had never ceased to amaze her, the way the burning rays couldn’t quite penetrate the rolling fog. The sun fought a valiant battle to be sure, but there was something darker here that wouldn’t go down without a fight. Whether it was the over all heaviness of the fog, or something ancient, something bred from ancient magicians and bloodshed, she didn’t know. A contented sigh left her lips to mingle with the forlorn call of a far off wolf. But both sounds were soon eclipsed by a coarse whinny, one that begged for her attention immediately. Furrowing her brow she looked towards the border, allowing her eyes to shift to that of her Raptors and giving herself a much better view. Pressing her face into the wind she returned the call before throwing her body into motion. It didn’t take long, and soon she was approaching the gray stallion that stood somewhat impatiently at their borders. A quick glance at his mind told the queen lots of things, including his feelings for their newest captive. But she refrained from spilling the information, instead going for polite confusion. “Welcome to the Valley. Topsail.” she said, her soft voice pressing into the corners of his mind. “You’ll have to forgive that intrusion…the faeries thought it a fun joke to bless me with only this voice.” she apologized, dipping her head. With a small smile on her face she waited, eager to see just what the King of the Dale was doing on her borders.


    even an army of sheep should be feared, if they are being led by the lion

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