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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Change of Scenery- [ALL Herd]

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam and his mares have made a home in the Falls, they were growing and with breeding season on them it was time for them to claim a new territory. They would have flooded the Falls had they not made there home elsewhere. The falls had to kingdom territories and the cobblestone creek seemed to be the one more fitting, offering a more relaxing life. 

    It was official, Archam and his herd would not live here. They were still under the Falls kingdom and can continue there duties on there chosen castes. If they desired not to be on a caste, that was also suitable. The stallion did not mind what the mares did, so long as they returned to the herd lands at night. 

    The large bay roan stallion was in the heart of the cobblestone, he smiled looking over there new home. He picked up a trot and leisurely made his way to the entrance of the cobblestone, he gave a whinny hoping that one or two of his mares would hear from the Falls lands and make there way over. It was a big announcement, one that he hoped they would enjoy. It would be hard at first to adjust to the change, but they were still apart of the Falls and there sleeping arrangements is all that will change. He patiently stood at the entrance of the cobblestone, his tail swayed gently as the summer sun beat down on his body. He was glad the lands were near a water source, the summer heat made it annoying to run around freely, without breaking a sweat. His ears swiveled as he heard sounds of others.


    @[Blue Moonlight]
    Anahi, who was downriver and resting in her little area at the time, awoke from her nap when she heard Archam neigh. He was calling his herd to tell them about something. Anahi gathered her legs under her and stood, giving her golden pelt a good shake to get rid of some of the dirt that was now stuck to her since she'd been laying on her side.

    Once she was at least partially awake, Anahi began to trot toward the origin of the neigh. She eventually picked up the lope, slowing it down to a trot and then walk once she neared the cobblestone. Couldn't exactly afford to slip now could she?

    In the distance, she spotted the handsome bay roan stallion. Nickering to alert him of her presence, Anahi made the last few steps toward him, dipping her head in greeting.

    "You asked for the herd to gather Archam? Is something the matter?"
    Moon hadn't quite finished chewing when the call of Archam pricked her ears. After swallowing the grass she cantered towards the voice. Once in view the mare switched gates to a slow trot, and finally a halt in front of him.

    Seeing another mare she snorted a brief greeting, wearily looking around. She heard the other mare ask a question so she decided not to say anything, just wait.
    Anahi heard the sound of another approaching, and turned her head. Seeing that it was Blue Moon who had arrived next, Anahi smiled as the mare greeted her.

    "Good evening Blue Moon," the champagne mare stated. Then, she noticed something, "Blue Moon, are you all right? You seem awfully tired."

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The stallions ears flicked as two mares appeared, Anahi and Moon. A slight sigh escaped his mouth, he has not seen LightningFlame for two seasons, he wondered were she has traveled off too. He gave a humble smile as the two mares appeared, curious to were the other three were. He extended his neck nuzzle both mares on there shoulders before tucking his neck back into position. "I just wanted to let you know that I claimed these lands. This is were we will be staying. You can continue your Caste duties with the Falls if you desire" He turned to view the two mares curious to there reaction. They still were apart of the Falls so he had hopes it wouldn't be to hard to the mares to adjust. He looked off the horizon curious to were the other three mares were. He hadn't seen them in a while, but turned his attention back to the two mares who did show up. The other three would come eventually and he would fill them in when they did show up. 


    At hearing that Archam had claimed these lands for his growing herd, Anahi turned her head, taking in the scenery more properly this time. The creek itself was the purest shade of blue, the river lined by hundreds if not thousands of stones that were of perfect shape after being eroded by the water. There were also some flowers and vines tangled in the rocks, and the grazing land around here was quite plentiful. It was a very good place to keep a herd; it provided food, water, security, and it was a lovely home all itself.

    Anahi nickered to Archam, nuzzling his shoulder as she smiled at him, "You've picked a lovely home for the herd. I've no doubt the others will enjoy it here too."
    Ooc: seriously sorry for randomly disappearing, life got to me sorry.

    She heard a whinny and nudged her foal awake. She rubbed her cheek against the young fillies back, as her foal stood up. She waited until Merietta was fully standing until moving towards the call. Her steps were slow she didn't even know if she should be here, but still she had to make it right. She first saw to unknown mareand then she spotted Archam. Light stopped and looked down at Merietta before nuzzeling her foal, she was nervous. She had been gone for so long yet here she was back again, she hung her head low practically trying to hide as she walked closer to Archam and the mare that was nuzzeling him "A-Archam" she spoke with a slight stutter before continuing "I am sorry for disappearing"  she bowed her head out of shame. 

    She felt a prod at her belly and looked "Momma who's that" she heard Merietta say in a shy voice, Light noticed her daughter was trying to hide underneath her "Your father" she barely whispered it as she looked at the stallion "Merietta is your daughter, ii did not mean to dissappear but i had a bad patch, i am truly sorry" she paid no heed to the mares her attention was solely focused on Archam

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam looked over the two mares trying to read there body language, his ears perked forward with joy as Anahi confirmed the enjoyment in the new location. He gave a sigh of relief, happy that there was no complaints, yet. He returned the mares nuzzle "Thank you, I hope you will all like it here" 

    His gaze shifted as a familiar scent ran through his nares, he was in disbelief that she had returned. He hadn't seen her in almost a year, she ran off with there foal and never came back. He looked off in the horizon, his nares did not fail him, the chestnut mare was shy to come over, a filly following behind. He broke into a canter making his way over to the two equines, he stopped to look at Light. He was filled with joy to see her again, but anger flared up as she did take away his time with the fillies childhood. She apologized to him, and noted that she had a bad patch. A bad patch...and she couldn't turn to me..... he thought to himself. He heard the filly ask who he was, and his heart was torn, his first foal alive and in front of him, and she didn't know who he was. He shoved past the mare to nudge the filly on her cheek "Merietta" he spoke softly to the filly. He was joyed to see Light but torn as to why she disappeared. He turned back to Moon and Anahi "This is Merietta, my foal" he said as he raised his head, proud to introduce his foal to the two mares.


    OOC: tis alright, life happens!
    Anahi, like Archam, had sensed that another horse was approaching. When the stallion took off, Anahi's gaze followed him to where he met a chestnut mare, accompanied by a young filly.

    Anahi's heart leaped into her throat when she saw the young creature. Ache stirred within her, but it was quickly pushed aside by the knowledge that she would hopefully soon have a foal of her own, if fate smiled down upon her this breeding season.

    Not wishing to interrupt the family moment, Anahi remained where she was, instead looking upon the sweet sight with a gentle smile.
    Nadeil heard Archam nicker and sighing got to her feet and picked up her pace to a slow trot when she finally arrived she saw light and smiled happily then she noticed the foal she trotted to where the other mares where and watched the family reunite

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