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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A New Friend for Me! [Astara, Any]
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Zaravich barreled through the entrance of the Dale at a full gallop, the wild mare felt free when she was galloping. Her tail was lifted in the air as she thrashed her head around, she gave a loud whinny for the Dale members to hear hoping they would come meet the mare that Zara had found. With that thought she slid to a halt, hopping almost to stop and turned around to look for the spotted mare. She gave a snort exerting her pent up energy "Astara!" she yelled out as she saw her at the entrance. The mare was rather grumpy in the Field but Zara knew she would come around to her, she acted more like a filly than she did a mare. Zara scanned the horizon again before letting another whinny escape her maw. She was almost hopeful that Ramiel would appear to introduce herself, she was fond of the King and enjoy being in his presence. 

    Zara turned back to the spotted mare "Well this is the Dale, its not very busy but its almost nice to have time alone" she stretched the truth as the mare hated being alone, but some horses enjoyed the quiet that the Dale had to offer.

    the tiny dancer

    Astara was amazed by the speed of Zara, given her condition. The mare had chosen to remain a few lengths behind the pregnant mare, until at last, she slowed to a stop. Astara quickly made her way up beside her, halting in the snow and reading the land by sight, sound, and smell.

    Zara mentioned the lack of busyness in the Dale, and Astara was pleased to hear it. "That ought to suit me well," she told her. "How did you find this place? Doesn't quite seem like your kind of home." Zara was clearly the type that needed constant activity, but the Dale, so far, seemed lifeless.
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Zaravich flicked her tail with impatience waiting for the mare a few paces behind her. She was happy to know this mare enjoyed the lands I knew it she thought to herself. The mare asked how she found these lands and she perked up with joy thinking back to Weir, the old man was so interesting to her! she was quick to slouch down as she announced this wasn't Zaras type of home. It was true, Zara needed constant attention, whether it be from a companion or a friendship, she never wanted to be alone.

    Zara took a few moments to think about how to respond "Well I might Weir, he is so great! you will love him when you meet him" she grew fond of the stallion, perhaps because he was one of the only horses she has met so far, but he was patient with her and had a kind soul. "I enjoyed the company of Weir so I agreed to stay, I have hope the Dale will grow" she spoke with high hopes the Dale would one day be busy. "I occupy myself by traveling to the field or the forest while no one is around" memories flashed back to the stag she had met who impregnated her. She will most likely never see him again. Although that encounter was a memory she didn't enjoy, she also found horses like Astara who grew to be friends. She looked around again hoping to see the dark pelted King, flicking her attention back to the spotted mare giving a smile.

    the tiny dancer
    Astara listened closely as Zara spoke, feeling herself lighten up a little toward the mare. So other horses did exist in the Dale, but they were few and far between. Having enjoyed the run to the kingdom, Astara wanted to keep moving.

    "Perhaps we should continue along until we find him, or someone else," Astara said, although the company of Zara was as much as she desired. "Where do you normally take up shelter here?"

    Because the mare had once been attacked by wolves and lost her herd to the creatures of the wild, Astara felt a sudden urge to figure out where she might pass the night. Zara, being pregnant, would undoubtedly know the safest place.
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Zara was ready to birth in the coming weeks, it was growing uncomfortable and her bulge was hard to miss. As much as the mare wanted to run she was becoming uncoordinated this far in the pregnancy and being so petite. All she wanted to do was prance around the mare as she normally would, but discomfort was setting in and she just stood there flicking her tail around.

    She listened as the mare began to speak "Find weir? I haven't seen him in a while" she admitted. It has been a season or two now since she has seen the familiar face. She did wonder were he is but didn't spend much time looking for him. Astara than asked were to find shelter and gave a small chuckle "anywhere is safe, Weir put up a border of ice, no one unwanted can get in" the magical powers that Weir had to create snow, he made a boarder protecting the Dale from the war. "I don't sleep much anymore, so Ill be up if you want to sleep" she gave a small nicker nudging the mare to sleep if so desired.

    the tiny dancer
    Seeing that it would soon be evening, Astara didn't think sleep was such a bad idea, though she didn't want to find a resting place at the entrance of the Dale. Instead, she longed to do a little exploring before the daylight was gone altogether.

    "I suppose I'll go off and find my way around before the sun sets," she said, with a flick of her tail. It was then Astara began her way leisurely through the snow, indifferent as to whether or not the pregnant mare followed. It was possible the day (or Astara) had tired Zara, and she would choose not to do so. If not, Astara felt a small hope rise inside her that they would encounter each other again.

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