It's gotta be a cloudy day
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Wherever I am is exactly where I'm supposed to be [Sorea, ANY]
03-28-2016, 10:28 AM
Snow has fallen and covered the beautiful lands of the falls. The water was still flowing to strong to be tamed by the winter frost. Jedi was pushing the snow around hoping to find any bits of grass when he heard voices inside the Falls entrance, It sounded like Ashara and a unfamiliar voice. Jedis ears perked up and he trotted his way over to the horses. His ears were correct, Ashara was at the entrance and a horse he had never seen. The mare was rather stunning to look at. His ears remained perked as he approached the two "Hello Ashara, is this a new horse you recruited?" he asked. Ashara had a beautiful soul and she would succeed at her job in the Falls. Her gentle character was easy to talk to and he could see any horse trusting her. He turend to the stranger to introduce him "Hello, my name is Jedi, are you new to the Falls?" the pinto stag asked he had a humble smile towards the two mares. JEDI THE JOURNEY IS YOURS.
Happily Sorea walked along side the friendly mare, her eyes keen to watch the movement of her mouth as she spoke. Ashara's words were immensely encouraging, and after three years of separation from her birth herd, the time had finally come for her to once again find a home.
"I would probably fair better as a diplomat, if I am to become anything," Sorea replied. "But Ashara, there is something I'd like to share with you." Perhaps her defect was already obvious to the mare, and she had said nothing to be polite. But perhaps years of honing her other senses and learning to judge sound by vibration had, up until now, made Sorea seem as though she could hear the life of the natural world. After a moment, Sorea finally admitted what had been on her mind. "I'm deaf," she said, rather bluntly, or so she thought. But before her new friend could reply, another horse appeared in their wake. He had trotted over to them, and Sorea pushed her uneasiness aside as his body language relayed his good nature, and seeming acquaintance with Ashara. He was well built, and one of the finer horses she had ever encountered, if based on appearance alone. "I am," she said, after reading the question that had spilled from his mouth.
03-29-2016, 08:34 PM
Ygritte moves amongst the sleepy pines that tangled in and out of the sparse brush that hibernate till spring is upon the land of the waterfalls once again. Small frosted plumes steam like that of a dragon as long limbs pull the mare over the frozen land. Amber pools catch sight of a glinting coat of Ashara first as the mare gleams like gilded armor. Lobes catch the bits of conversation as they drift over the chilled air but a voice among Ashara and now Jedi is once she does not recognize so it is only natural for the mare to investigate. Ygritte manages to intercept after there is an exchange of small talk, intros and such. Honey pools meet those of the brick dusted mare, pins forward and curious within the crown of flowers that rests upon her poll. "Welcome to the Falls. I trust Ashara and Jedi are taking care of you?" The russet woman gives a small laugh as she jests humorously but the inquiry is a serious one. Maw moves to extend to the familiar faces in greeting, bumping against the honeysuckle one of Ashara and the painted muzzle of Jedi before returning her gaze to the red woman. The very edges of her own salmon tinted lips curling and skull turning slightly. "I'm Ygritte...lovely to meet you-" She pauses as she had not caught the mare's name and waits politely for the namesake of the new face. Ygritte.
03-30-2016, 07:15 AM
Jedis attention flicked to the bay and salmon pointed queen heading over, he gave a smile as he was happy to see his Queen. She had such a gentle touch that it was nice to be around her at any time. He gave a dip of his head as Ygritte was now within talking distance. The stag smiled as Ygritte spoke of him and Ashara, it was nice to know the queen had trusted the two with there duties to the Falls. Jedis attention was quick to flick to Ashara as she began speaking about bringing the new mare, Sorea, to Phaedrus' herd. His face was quick to show the outrage he felt, why in the world would this mare come to the Falls only to be apart of Phaedrus' herd. Jedi has never met the stag they speak off, although he has heard of him. It just didn't make sense that this mare wanted to be Apart of the falls, but be courted to a Stag who was not even within the Falls. He gave a snort of dislike, but tried to relax his body so it did not make the others uncomfortable. There was no way Sorea would be able to chose a Caste, fufill her duties and be claimed by another stag. The travels from the Falls and the Dale were to great, it would take all day just to reach one. JEDI THE JOURNEY IS YOURS.
03-31-2016, 09:03 AM
Sorea, true to her nature, stayed quiet as yet a third horse appeared in their presence. Right away, she could tell the mare held an elevated rank above them, made clear by the delicate crown of flowers on her head. It was then the beautiful queen welcomed her to the Falls, and asked if the other horses had been taking care of her. Sorea gave a small nod of her head, and the queen said her name was Ygritte.
A truly unique name... Sorea thought. She would have said her own, but Ashara took the liberty to introduce her, and the mare had no complaints. When Ashara mentioned Phaedrus's herd, Sorea shifted her stance uncomfortably, remembering her nearly forgotten commitment. She had made it to the stallion before experiencing the wonderful company of the horses before her, or the serene setting of their home, The Falls. Now, she certainly didn't want to leave, but how could she stay? "There is no need to convince me to stay," Sorea said, after reading Ashara's lips. "I'd rather like too, but how can I break my agreement with Phaedrus? Isn't he certain to come for me if we never arrive?" She had asked no one in particular, and her voice, Sorea thought, must have sounded mildly frantic, for she was trying to keep her worry under control. Her eyes then fell upon Jedi, who had, to her notice, become confused and disagreeable about such a thing. Maybe the queen can do something... maybe she cannot. Perhaps I must go to Phaedrus, and somehow get him to release me... {OOC: Thanks for tagging me Ashara! I didn't properly subscribe to this thread and probably wouldn't have checked back!} |
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