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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    lone mare
    naledi grazed on some nearby grass thinking to herself i hope that a stallion will not force claim me better yet no stallion could claim me for all i care. she swayed her white tail nervously sniffing the air to see if any stallions were nearby , happily none were around. she sighed in relief she ran around the field happily bucking up her long legs and rearing neighing at the sky.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam was stalking the field in the shadows, he knew many new comers came around here and he wondered if anyone of interest would come. shortly after arriving he noticed a beautiful mare running around the field. Her soul was free and she was a content horse. He gave a smirk before trotting over ot her. Breeding season had ended and he had no desire to force a mare, although having her join his herd and carry his kin the next breeding season surely was on his mind.

    The giant bay roan approached the mare and gave a nicker, his ears were perked forward with joy. "Hello, I am Archam. Are you looking for a home?" he asked the mare hoping not to startle her.


    she neighed in fright at the giant stallion who had approached her and then she heard his question and replied " i might be and i might not depends on who you are and why you want to know." she replied her voice sounding like water running over rocks.
    Hi Jaysong167, and welcome to Beqanna. Please make sure you join your character on the join board so we can get you added to the database and officially part of the game. Thanks!
    The Nokota stallion lets out a snort of frustration, as, for the second time in a week, the stallion by the name of Archam beats him to his target. This time, he sizes him up, wondering if he could stand up to the stallion in a fight if it came to that. He's around the same age as Titanium, perhaps a few seasons older, though Titanium knows all too well that a few seasons of experience can make all the difference in a fight. He is wary of approaching the same mare as Archam for a second time, but he resolves that he has no reason to be afraid of this stallion. Besides, he must claim his herd land before anyone else can beat him to it, and Archam is a possible threat to that.

    So he sidles up to the pair, watching Archam carefully. He is not sure how to strategize this claim, certainly not forceful, so he will have to resort to other, more slippery tactics. "Hello," He nickers hesitantly, shaking his mane. "My name is Titanium. Would you care for some assistance?"

    Bleeehhhh my writing's so lazy today. Oh well.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The stag gave a smirk watching the mares movement. She was looking for a home, the questions was, Archams home? "May I ask your name?" the stag asked. He stepped closer to the mare "I can offer you a home in the Falls, you will belong to my herd but you can do as you please with the kingdom" he spoke the truth. The mare could pick a caste if she chose, but she would belong to Archams herd and he would expect a foal from her at some point in the near future. 

    The stag was quickly annoyed as for the second time this week the stag known by Titanium has approached the same mare Archam as talking to. Archams anger was quickly light when the stag came sizing him up. Archam puffed his chest out and flicked his ears back, he was afraid of no contender and would fight if this stag questioned his position again. Archam was generally a gentleman in the public eye, but should someone challenge him, he will not back down. A tiny fire lit in him as all he wanted to do was rip the stag before hims throat out. Although Archam knew allowing the stag to see his anger would please him so he remained calm but kept his eye on him. Although he wanted this mare to join his herd, if she chose to go with Titanium he would not throw a fit. The mare would come looking for the Falls, no stag could compare to Archam. He lifted his head high, looking bigger than he really was.


    Archam is certainly quick to the point, Titanium thinks to himself, grudgingly giving the other stallion credit. Had he not come along, this could have been a quick and easy grab for Archam. His ears prick as the other stallion names his home casually in conversation, though he is still wary. He himself had arrived in Beqanna, though he had familiarized himself around different areas. Thankfully, Archam's seemingly chosen land was nowhere near his, though, the other stag could be lying. It was all too possible. His ears pin as the other stallion steps close to the mare who he had already begun calling 'his' subconsciously. Titanium is nothing if not possessive, and persistent.

    As he arrives, he can feel the other stallion's glare. He knows he is angry, he is angry himself at the whole situation. It was only unfortunate circumstances that continued to bring them together, nothing more. He is only slightly shorter than the other stallion, but his quiet presence and sure confidence raises him another few inches, at least in his eyes. He does not say a word either, only keeps his eyes on his mare, trying to ignore Archam. Keeping the other stallion in his sight will only make himself anger, and he hoped to simultaneously rattle his rival by doing so. Still, he can't help looking out of the corner of his eye, and can barely contain a snort of derision at his arrogance. Thankfully, that gives him an opening to try the humble approach. "Well, I can't offer that," He says, offering a smile instead. "I haven't picked a place yet, maybe if you come with me, you'd get to help me decide." A lie. But she doesn't have to know that.
    naldei flicked her tail she had two stallions right next to her obviously they didn't like each other much " my name is something of the night." she replied speaking in riddles as she often did, she looked at Archam she looked at him closely she looked to see how strong he was he didn't look to bad she knew that they knew she had a spirit she was a rebel alright. she looked to the no name stallion and thought carefully he looked like he was trying to hard she suddenly stomped her left front hoof then swiveled her ears forward then making sure she had their attention she smiled a charming smile then trotted off then walked slowly around one then the next. She kept going until she reached Archam ten lifted her nose high in the air and shoved him suddenly not hard enough to hurt him just enough so he would feel it she reared then and waited to see what happened she made a descion if one of them got aggressive towards her she would go with the other or if they were both aggressive she would leave she moved so her silken mane and tail and coat were shimmering under the sun she kept smiling waiting for his reaction. she came up with another test i will see if they will help if someone is weak or hurt.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The stag rolled his eyes at Titaniums attempt to court the mare, he didnt even have a home to offer her! were would he bring the mare? back to the meadow? how pathetic.  Before he could finish his thoughts the mare trotted off, she was obvious to read the body language and she knew the intent the stags had for her. Before he knew it the mare had pushed herself against him, Archam was unsure what the mares desires were with this move but he couldnt resist himself; he gave a nicker and flicked his ears up ignoring the other stag beside them. He extended his nuzzle playfully grabbing her mane, letting it fall out as she moved. He kept his neck extended runing his muzzle against her body as she trotted past. This mare was playing a game that he was interested in playing. 

    He enjoyed a mare who could keep him interested....he had to have her now, he would not let titanium get in his way. 


    naledi smiled then reared again she kicked out her back legs then nudged him again then galloped off swiftly neighing playfully.

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