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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Patchouli diplomacy
    [Image: ca94dsg_by_calltherp-dcioghd.gif]
    The board has been updated! Please let me know when or if there are more to add; I know breeding season is upon us and we may have a few foals in our midst. :)

    Congratulations, @[Brynmor] has been promoted for his immense dedication to the kingdom even in the quietest times and for being the most diplomatic of the bunch. :D

    @[devin], will Brennen be remaining in the Tundra? :) If so, let me know what caste (or both) he will be in so that I can reassess his position and/or resort him into his position as General. <3
    Oh dear,

    Ianto is around. Mostly resident is there one of those? If not....he will put as little effort as possible into diplomacy. <3 At least for now.
    There is residency. Big Grin It's up to you, lovely! I can put him as a resident or as a brother.
    Aemar and Raelyx are Brennen's sons and are coming to live with their father and do things for the kingdom. They're babies right now but they'll be happy to join the peace caste.
    Nihlus is resident asshole (:
    Awesome, thank you Sid! Smile
    I think Bryn's boy can be added too. He's played by Queenie but she said she wanted to play Tundra pony.

    Henson (Brynmor x Anahera)
    I think his mom is coming to the Tundra too, but not sure.

    #English is not my native language.

    Amorette - Gyps - Jinju - Kylin - Reeva
    All are only semi-active.
    Yay, okay. Big Grin
    I have good old G'ren here, she's still open for claiming but was before with Raelnyx but came here for a new life, away from some.. reminders of bad memories,
    I'll add her to the board. Smile

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