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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    they say i'm caught up in a dream [Zara;any]
    Weir's russet head lowers in acknowledgement at her answer. She was free to choose no matter what the choice might be, he for one would not pick her path for her.

    "As you wish," he says simply, standing across from the young mare in the middle of the Field. "Right this way," a pull of his head indicating the east and the mountains. "If we begin now, we just might make it before dark." He himself truly wished to be home before then, ever since his journey with Santa the dark had made him feel at ill ease. The dark was best kept at bay, was best experienced from inside the warmth and safety of his igloo.

    Of course Weir is correct in his calculations (often he was), they arrive in the Dale just as the sun is beginning to set. He would have a good hour or so to show her around before he really must get inside, as rude as that might seem. "This is the Dale Zara," he is rather proud as he says so, his chest puffed and head held high. His home was his most favorite place to be, he truly loved this Kingdom and the subjects within it.

    "Over that way is our great river, splendid place to watch Elusor macrurus - er- river turtles that is." At the mention of turtles a light shimmers as something fades into existence, a rather large something.

    "Turtles! Oh bother turtles! Tortoises are much more interesting" A rather large Galapagos tortoise now stands next to Weir looking indignantly at the two of them discussing turtles. Weir turns his neck, looking at Darwin with amusement.

    "Ah, Darwin. Didn't see you there." He says with a laugh, lipping the creatures rough green head.

    Zara entered the kingdom named Dale prancing with her tail lifted high. The mare was in high spirits and full of life as usual, She gave a Whinny thrashing her head around as Weir announced there entrance to Dale. It was sunset now and it was hitting the kingdom in all the right places, as beautiful as shes ever seen. "Wow" she muttered at the sight. Zara could see herself here at nights, and wondering off during the day. She was curious as to who also called this kingdom home; or who ruled this kingdom. The mare gave a snort as her brain was working so fast with all the questions she had.

    Her attention quickly turned back to Weir as he spoke about a river and turtles...the mare was confused at the fascination Weir had with these creatures. They are not one she is familiar with, but wouldnt be one she would pick a fascination for. She was more fond of the eagles who soared high, or the foxes who were so sly and cunning. Her thoughts quickly faded and she snapped back to reality as a turtle stood beside her. Weir called this turtle Darwin. She was confused if this was real life or if this was another one of Weirs talents. She extended her muzzle out to the turtle curious to the life it held.
    "Indeed," Weir agrees with her, "It is a lovely place, even more so during the day but ah, suppose one can't wish for everything." He gives a small smile, breathing deep the warm air as it too begins to settle in for the night. Rich scents of birch and oak fill his nostrils, a touch of moisture from the flowing river. The Dale was a delightful place to live and it was easy on the eyes, that was a plus.

    He chuckles at Darwin, Zara's curiosity inching her forward.

    "Zara this is Darwin, he is well- he's the personification of my soul." He wasn't sure how to go about explaining that little tidbit of information. "If you so choose to make the Dale your home, you'll come to understand what exactly that means." It's clear he doesn't make intention to share the details of that to just anyone. No, not he, the souls were meant only for those who were making the Dale their home, and that he thought, was how it should be.

    Darwin blinks at the woman, watching closely the nearing of her whiskered muzzle. "I am corporeal if that is what you wonder." He pulls his head back, eyes crossing over his stubby nose as he peeks down it. "When I very well want to be." He huffs, obviously the crotchety side to Weir's personality.

    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Zara gave a sniff of the turtle before he started to back away. Zara quickly withdrew her head and gave a snort of disgruntle. Her head turned as she looked at Weir she was confused when he said Darwin, the turtle, was his soul? that doesn't even make sense, a turtle a horses soul? she thought to herself. Although Weird was quite the oddball she has taken a liking to him. He is like one of those horses you seek wisdom from.

    Zara pushed her thoughts out of her head and gazed over the Dale one last time. It was very quiet which she did not like, where is everyone? She would give the benefit of the doubt that it was night and perhaps the kingdom was sleeping. But why would Weir be out? Maybe he had night patrol. Was the kingdom so safe that only one horse needed to be on night patrol?

    "I chose to stay in Dale when I said I would visit." she spoke with fun and a little bit of teasing. The mare did not know why she wanted to stay here, perhaps because she is so fond of Wair; either way if this mare was to stay in the kingdom it would need to grow its population. "Weird, where are all the horses?" she spoke softly. She playful pranced around the stallion until she reached his opposite side.

    the tiny dancer
    "Is that so?" he wonders, tilting an eyebrow as he looks at her through honeyed irises. The setting sun sets them aglow, almost stealing the light as it begins to fade from over the tree tops. "Well, if you are sure then Welcome." He flicks his tail lazily, sending the buzzing insects lifting up from the grasses flying off in all directions.

    She dances around, rarely still it seems and he turns his head and neck as she moves. "We are a quiet Kingdom, what I mean to say-" His words are cut off by the tortoise who seems all too keen to relay the somewhat bad news.

    "What he means to say is we are few. Very few, too few.." Darwin could go on about the ghost town state of the Dale, that is if Weir would let him.

    "Indeed we are few. The King Ramiel, the Lady Elysteria, my daughter Neva is floating about somewhere." At that he looks around waiting for her to pop as though to try and spook him in play. "I've not seen much of the others for a while to be truthful." No, he rarely saw the others these days, often spending his time with Darwin or Neva. During the battle they had crawled out of the woods or wherever they had been hiding and then once more they vanished.

    "Terribly sorry but I must be getting inside, before dusk is best you know." A matter of fact nod of his head as a blizzard of flakes begins to swirl. The temperature around him drops as the flakes pack together forming a fort of snow, building itself from the ground up. Inside would be warm but the bricks would not melt, not so long as Weir willed them not to, even on a summer's eve they would hold shape.

    the words she knows the tune she hums

    The mare took note that the sun was setting fast and night was upon them. she caught the tail end of Weirs comment that the kingdom was lacking in members. She flicked her ears back with annoyance of the silent kingdom. Weir only listed off three horses aside from himself. was that all? only four horses? She shook the thought out of her head. Zara already decided to stay in this kingdom, she could not leave. She had nowhere's else to go. As much as she hated to admit it, she was afraid to be alone again. She just wanted the company of other horses.

    Zaras eyes were set on Weir "well it looks like we will be spending a lot of time together than." she said with laughter in her voice. She came to like Weir, he was a comical horse with talents he hid from her. She enjoyed his company and wondered what his daughter was like. Was she Zaras age or perhaps younger? Did his daughter share his talents with snow crafting? She had so many questions but she didn't know which one to ask first. 

    Before the mare could get a question out Weir said he had to go before nightfall. Did something bad happen if he was out when the sun set? Before her own eyes the stallion built a snow fort around him with no entrance or exit. She looked around the fast darkening fields and pinned her ears with worry. She did not know anyone else in this kingdom but Weir and was to tired to make a trip back to the field. She looked around and moved far enough away from Weir to not get any cold from his snow fort. The mare buckled her front knees followed by her back legs until she was laying down. She curled her head around her feet an tried to sleep in her new kingdom for the first night.

    the tiny dancer

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