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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Open Your Eyes.
    Dark hooves ploded across the dirt as the lone mare reached the meadow.Long plumage dragging against the earth curling at the end.Much like her mane.Long kept up with.Curled.Snorting the mare tossed her head tossing her forelock over her left orb.Piercing they were.Her orbs.Like the sky some days.Like a dark ocean the next.The light made it change the way it reflected. 

    Her ears flatened large head turning to glance at all the others around her.She wouldn'tuldnt speak unless spoken to.Done and done.She was here to be here.If she was offered a place to stay she would go.So much had changed.COming across this new land only a year before.Yet she rememebered so little.Why?It was lost to her.On her travels before the meadow she had made only one friend.A fox who simply followed her from a far.She often caught herself speaking to it.Though it couldnt speak back she gave it  a name.Felicity.Felicity the fox.It had stopped following her days before.She assumed it got bored of following the not so adventurous mare.

    There was something so hauntingly beautiful about her sunken features.Her tired apperance.She was regal in her own way queenly without being a queen.Her dapples shined in the sun a great contrast against her ilver mane and plumage.As well as her light bay coat.

    Pale muzzle brushed against the soft grasses boredly.She didnt eat much.Just watched.And now she watched as a butterfly floated lazily upon the spring wind its bright pink hues making the seemingly sad mare smile and let out a soft whicker.
    Standing just besides the water’s edge the golden stallion lifted his head, watching a cascade of water rain down into the clear lake before him. Such an interesting place, this field, full of lush grasses and fragrant flowers. Stepping forward into the chilled lake, Tiago bobbed his head in delight while his cream mane bounced off his neck. Finally, a place to himself.

    While most stallions preferred getting acquainted with the visiting mares, the naive stallion knew little about courtship- nor did he wish to know. With a one track mind, it was hard to focus on one thing unless it involved the investigation of new land such as this field where many had come to graze and rest.  Waiting up to his knees, he pawed at the surface splattering water against his warm sides to cool himself from the radiant beams of warmth. Tiago snorted, pleased to have found such a refreshing hideaway as he paused momentarily, tasting the cool water as it soothed a dry itch as the back of his throat.

    It was dangerous to be this carefree-and alone, but having not suffered any consequences from being so.. un-sensible, he didn’t see what the problem was. After tromping through the shallow pool, the stallion returned to the lush embankment to graze although he soon strayed from his original intentions when he detected the sounds of a soft whicker. In reply he let out a hearty nicker, tossing his head up with a small rear onto his hind quarters. Perhaps here, he would find a friend of sorts. Some one to explore, or even spend the day with.  Listening for a moment, he lowered his head and stole a few bites of lush grass before raising his head again, his forelock falling over his eyes as his ears perked forward, anticipating the next response.

    It's all part of the experience.

    Another equine.Who had called upon her.Head raising she scanned the horizon lazily.Upon no sight of the other she let out a beckoning call calling the other equine forward.She could only assume it was a stallion.Rarely had a mare answered her calls.Despite the urge notto speak the sight of the unseen equine was welcoming as clouds rolled in over the field settling over her like a blanket .(sorry its so short!On the mobile xc)
    The beckoning call caught the young stallion off his guard and he stood as if he had forgotten how to operate his legs. He had faced many difficult situations before. Why was facing a mare any different? Hesitant, he extended his neck in attempt to catch the unseen mare's scent with little results and eventually started towards her general direction. He stopped only once when he neared the clearing, wondering if he should turn back, nostrils flaring as he inhaled deeply having finally caught her scent. Upon his exhale he nickered, making sure he was heading in the right direction. Should he be defensive? perhaps give her a peace offering?

    Stepping through a leafy shrub, he ducked is head to avoid the low hanging branches that offered ripe,red berries to smaller creatures who lived  n burrows under the soft grass. A stray branch  dragged lightly across his withers and his shook mane to free himself of any more debris as he stepped onto the very edge of the lush field.

    ( No worries! Smile This will have to be my last post for the night, it's waaayy past my bed time!)

    It's all part of the experience.

    She noticed only one horse upon the horizon now.To far off to make a guess as to what they looked like.She studied it for a moment before lowering her head some to think.If this was a stallion inviting him over seemed well daft to her now.How stupid could she be??Dumb enough clearly to invite the unknown closer revealing her hiding place.To late now.She was to face this alone.
    Treading carefully, Tiago cautiously ventured further into the field. His ears flickered about on high alert as he dipped his head to smell the tender grass that brushed against his knees. Upon raising his head he spotted a figure just out of sight, tossing his forelock out of his eyes in hopes of getting a better look. Was this his caller? The stillness of the field was beginning to set him on edge, yet he continued with slow rhythmic steps in hopes of locating this unknown voice.

    ( Okay, I swear this is my last on tonight. I'll come back tomorrow!)

    It's all part of the experience.

    He was approaching.Walking closer to her even in the now stiff silence of the field.She let out a whistling snort eyeing the now closer stud.She could make out his large frame now.The soft colors of his coat and mane.

    Standing taller she glanced to the other horses in the distance.How was this so hard for her?This was something that had been practiced for years before her time.'courting' or what ever this stallion had in mind.Besides she was a tough mare.Able to fight him off and high tail it out of there if she didnt like what she heard.
    It felt like ages before he finally reached her. He stopped a fair distance away, dipping his head with a soft snort of uncertainty.  His ears flickered about, unsure as to what his next action should be. Should he leave, having discovered the creator of the beckoning calls? He supposed he had never been placed in such a simple, slightly intimidation scenario. What's the worst that could happen? If anything, he knew he could simply return to the crystal lake from which he came but his own company was only so entertaining.

    " Hello, He spoke finally, his greeting sounding more like a question. Only now did it occur to him that his presence may not be welcomed, but his time to turn back was long expired. " I..hope I'm not interrupting," He continued, watching the mare and noticing the unique coloration of dapples on her coat, " I was just.. curious about who else was here."

    It's all part of the experience.

    (I now realized I posted this on the WRONG account XDDD Forgive me cx )

    Blue orbs followed his every step.He stopped.She took in air.And then released it.Taking in one more sharp breath she nodded at him.

    "Hello good sir,I am Zambie , and you are?"

    Introductions.Introductions. How cliche of her to start off a conversation with an introduction.Could It have killed her to give him a bit of mystery?Letting him get to know a dark cloud with no name?
    'Stop it.;
    She mentaly scolded looking to the side fighting the urge to bare her teeth and scream at her stupidity.How simply daft.Nothing was wrong with her but the simple misfortune of not speaking to others.What a plague.Loneliness.It spread through the wind.Whisked through the waters.And infected the best of them.Possibly if she played her cards right she would find her cure.A friend would do her so much.Much beyond words.Just the simple knowledge that someone she could talk to would be there comfoted her.
    Take my tears love,they will carry you home.
    ( It happens! xD)

    He felt like such a foal compared to her. Here she stood with a level of maturity and grace while Tiago struggled to contain his spirit of inquiry over the simplest of things. He hoped she wasn't looking for any words of wisdom from his end- he had none to offer. I am Tiago, He spoke, noticing how polite she was.

    Good sir? He glanced at his sides that were still damp from his romp through the spring, knowing he didn't deserve a title as respectful as that. Perhaps, simpleton or halfwit- but nothing close to Sir . His tail flicked as he shifted his weight, the tall grass tickling his legs. She seemed nice enough; perhaps a little withdrawn or reserved but he didn't mind. It seemed making friends became increasingly difficult after growing out of  foal-hood.

    It's all part of the experience.


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