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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Her Love
    As she had hoped ever so deeply for the black mare had fallen in love with the Valley the moment she entered it.It was gorgeous.The simplicity of it was comforting.The sweet smell of the rocks,the grass,the crisp air.She stood in the meadow now her head lowered eyes closed she was thinking deeply.Her ink black tail flicking over her pale legs keeping the flies at bay.It had been so long since the mare was content with just being.With the simple fact that she existed amongst these other wonderful equines.She was curious about everything.All the equines of the valley mainly.But the queer little mare was even curious about new rocks if they intrigued her enough.

    "And like the ivy on long forgotten ruins my love for this valley will continue to grow until it has no more ruins to grow upon ,and even then the love will flourish and survive."

    Her voice was a whisper a small sound that drifted upon the wind.Along with a butterfly at wich she offered a smile before going off on her way to explore.

    Many moons after her arrival at the valley Kalipso had found her away around its meadow.She stayed there mainly as she liked it best.Currently she slept dreaming of nothing in particular but the earth beneath her.The way the rocks of the valley made scraping noises under her dark hooves.The smell of the fresh breeze that tugged gently on her plumage as she dined on the thick grasses of the meadow.The sweet songs of the birds as they flited through the tall trees that cast wonderful shadows in the morning sun that shone so heavily upon the coal colored mare.She now dreamed of the ink black night.And the small flicks of stars that dotted the sky like a painter would dot a canvas.The crickets that chirped an oh so sorrowful song.The various sounds of sleep that drifted over the land.Quiet.It pleased her.She slept in the day just to enjoy the wonders of the night.She had found herself many a times gazing up at the faint stars until they disappeared.No one seemed to mind though so she continued to do it.

    Her throat clenched with thirst awoke the young mare.Yawning she shook her head curved audits swiveling about to take in the various sounds that surrounded her.Mothers calling there children.Birds chirping.Bees buzzing.The wind blowing through the trees.The faint snarl of the wolves.So very welcoming.She stood head lowered she sauntered forward on the search for water.Soon her hooves crunched upon the pebbly shore of the lake.Her muzzle dipped down to meet the cool waters of the lake where she drank greedily.Her eyes closed as she groaned in satisfaction the cool liquid sliding down her throat.She looked up eyes glimmering she waded into the lake enjoying the cool feeling washing over her heated back.She didnt wade in far enough for the need to swim only so her back was covered and her could touch the sanded bottom.She stayed there for over an hour enjoying the sounds of the soft waves and the ducks as the landed in the water then took flight once more leaving her to watch them in awe.A giggle escaped her as some curious fish began to swim around her tickling her legs and underbelly.

    Upon climbing out of the dark waters she layed on the shore tending to a cut a rock had given her.She assumed a rock from under the water had caused this as she hadnt noticed it before her 'swim'.Letting out a prolonged sigh the mare rested her head upon the ground before standing once more to walk beneath the shade of the pine trees.She smiled at a young rabbit who hoped out of the woods after its mother.They stopped to examine her small noses twitching before they sped off into the thicket once more.

    She knew at some point she would need to return to the meadow.But she was so happy here as of now that she would stay.She heard on her travels that water reflected the stars so beautifully.Maybe she could point out a few more constellations to add to her memory.She had thought many times to scratch out the star patterns onto a large rock somewhere but she had yet to find one.Glancing around the lake she noted many small rock formations.Possibly farther up the water large boulders would lay.She would look some time today.But for now she rested happily staring out at the empty lake.Jumping ever so often as another creature startled her eventualy falling into yet another peaceful slumber.

    She had been awake for awhile.Content with just laying there watching the still water as well os the gently waving trees that stretched towards the sky like fingers willing to grab the sun.She tilted her head so the sun hit it warming her entire frame.She let out a breath shaky as it was and stood wincing as she applied to much pressure to her wounded leg.She groaned limping towards the edge of the lake.Turning oddly she rested the hurt leg in the shallow bit of the lake letting out an audible sigh of relief as the cold water washed over it.

    A rustling sound in the thicket caused the mare to yank her leg out of the water turning towards the noise ready to attack.(Though we all know she wouldnt win) Her muscles relaxed as a small fawn limped out of the thicket.How relieved she was.Was.Upon further inspection she realized it was alone.And bleeding.It had been cut by what she could only assume was a wolf or mountain lion of some sorts."You poor thing.." She muttered tears forming in her eyes.She couldnt stand seeing something like this.Walking towards it she stopped as it took a step back afraid.It was shaking something awful as it collapsed its legs underneath itself laying down near the edge of the forests.This child was going to die.Kalipso was distraught.What could she do besides comfort it in its last moments of life?Cautiously walking over to the frightened fawn she layed down behind it letting out a quiet sob as it leaned against her in defeat.She couldnt speak to it for it wouldnt understand.The one thing she knew she could do was sing it to sleep.Let the poor child fall asleep to a tune that maybe would calm it.And so she did.The mare sang the fawn to sleep as it shook beside her its still dotted hide soaked.Its small head resting upon her legs.And Kalipso with tear stained eyes sang to it sorrowfully mourning for the creature.And It died under the harsh stare of the world.And it was siletn.No birds sang.No crickets hummed.And as twilight fell upon the world Kalipso sobbed.She would not star gaze tonight.

    "Oh, misty eye of the mountain below
    Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls
    And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke
    Keep watching over Durin's sons

    If this is to end in fire
    Then we should all burn together
    Watch the flames climb high into the night

    Calling out father oh
    Stand by and we will
    Watch the flames burn auburn on
    The mountain side

    And if we should die tonight
    Then we should all die together
    Raise a glass of wine for the last time

    Calling out father oh
    Prepare as we will
    Watch the flames burn auburn on
    The mountain side
    Desolation comes upon the sky

    Now I see fire
    Inside the mountain
    I see fire
    Burning the trees
    And I see fire
    Hollowing souls
    I see fire
    Blood in the breeze
    And I hope that you remember me

    Oh, should my people fall
    Then surely I'll do the same
    Confined in mountain halls
    We got too close to the flame

    Calling out father oh
    Hold fast and we will
    Watch the flames burn auburn on
    The mountain side
    Desolation comes upon the sky

    Now I see fire
    Inside the mountain
    I see fire
    Burning the trees
    I see fire
    Hollowing souls
    I see fire
    Blood in the breeze
    And I hope that you remember me

    And if the night is burning
    I will cover my eyes
    For if the dark returns
    Then my brothers will die
    And as the sky is falling down
    It crashed into this lonely town
    And with that shadow upon the ground
    I hear my people screaming out

    Now I see fire
    Inside the mountains
    I see fire
    Burning the trees
    I see fire
    Hollowing souls
    I see fire
    Blood in the breeze

    I see fire (oh you know I saw a city burning out) (fire)
    And I see fire (feel the heat upon my skin, yeah) (fire)
    And I see fire (uh-uh-uh-uh) (fire)
    And I see fire burn auburn on the mountain side"

    (SOng credit ed sheran.It just fit to me.)
    Take my tears love,they will carry you home.

    With a past so dark, that Satan'd jump out of his seat.
    But still you out in these streets, thinking you hot as can be.
    Without the knowledge to lead, so you just follow the sheep.
    Making sure your lame swag is all polished and clean

    It is when he is walking through the forest that he hears the eerie song of a young ones crying and for a moment the jaguar spotted stallion stops, the soft orange glow of the cat like markings lighting the space around him softly. His head tilts, ears flicking about before he finally finds the direction in which the wound was coming from. Slowly he turns, thickly muscled legs moving him through and around the tall pines quickly. "Hello?"

    The valley kings voice carries through the empty spaces as he searches for the crying face, the brow above his empty eye sockets arched in a curious fashion. He uses his wings as he comes to the break in the trees to feel the ground below, searching for a step off as the smell of water fills his nostrils and soon his hooves are sinking into the sand of the beaches as he steps from under the trees canopy. "Hello?"

    He can hear her. She is close. And the smell of recent death drifts on the wind, making a small flash of odd curiosity flash across his features before disappearing. He looks to the left, slowly turning that way as he follows the sound and smell, hooves carrying him slowly through the sand. It is then he finally finds her, his tall body towering over the once living fawn and the gently crying mare and his head tilts slightly, before his eye sockets come to life, balls of blue green and purple flame swirling into view and creating a set of eyes.

    He can see them now. In flame and smoke and for a moment he is quiet. "Come child. Stand up. We must do what is right for her and we can't do that with you still against her." his voice is deep but calm, encouraging her. He knows what it is like to see life and death. The smallest were always the most delicate and hardest to watch go.


    She had held the small creature close to her even after realizing it was dead.Beyond her help.She didnt even move as the sound of an approaching equine came closer.Simply ignoring his voice she  sniffed hazel eyes trained on the lake.

    "What can you do for the dead besides mourn them sir?"

    Her voice was rough.The question now burned so deeply into her mind.Finally looking towards the other equine she was slightly taken a back.His eyes.Unlike anything she had seen so far.Smoke.Multi colored smoke.It was entrancingly beautiful as well as interestingly terrifying at the same time.She let out a breath eyes trailing over his glowing coat before flitting back to his face.Once more she had caught her self being rude.To some one she didnt even know.

    "It didnt eve have its mother to calm it.It couldnt even understand me."

    She was whispering now.Wondering if she could have done anything for the poor thing.No.She couldnt.Even if it was a foal that could understand her calming it would be the best.it was wounded fataly and no one could help it.She had to remind herself this.But somewhere deep in her mind she knew it was alright now and its soul was gone to wherever a soul goes when the body dies.The song she had sung was a song she had heard on her travels through out the small world she knew.A pony whos name she didnt recall wa ssingin it to a child not its own.It was sick,it was dying.She prayed when she was holding the fawn that one day she wouldnt catch herself inging that to her own offspring.Prayed that the only song she would sing to her children would be lullabies or songs to make them smile.not to die to.And now the only thing she could think of in the presence of this stallion was . 'Will some one sing to me when I die?' SHe hoped they would.
    Take my tears love,they will carry you home.

    With a past so dark, that Satan'd jump out of his seat.
    But still you out in these streets, thinking you hot as can be.
    Without the knowledge to lead, so you just follow the sheep.
    Making sure your lame swag is all polished and clean

    He watches her, through the flame and smoke, her body licked by flame as he stands there quietly, listening to her words of sadness. It is a good question, for those who have not experienced death the way he had in his long life and with a small roll of the shoulders he answered her, his voice deep and quiet. "You can give them a proper goodbye and a decent burial." He sees her head turn and he knows she is looking at him though he can't see her eyes directly. The feeling of someone observing passing through the short space between them.

    He stands in front of the mare and fawn, silently as the raven's in the distance sound their calls and the soft sounds of gentle waves lapping against the beach fill the air. The soft warmth of summer could be felt against his back and for a moment he focused on that feeling, remembering how much he had always loved the blue skies decorated with puffy white clouds while the sun shone brightly on a mid summer day. Had he been able to, he would of closed his eyes in that moment and his body would of trembled slightly as the soft breeze wrapped around his muscular form, but that was something of the past. Something he'd probably never find himself doing again.

    Sometimes memories were better left in the past, rather than focused on and worked on to try and be recreated. It was her soft voice that pulls him back to reality slowly. And with a tilt of the head he considers her words for a moment before nodding slightly. "Ah child, but she wasn't alone. A fawn's mother is never far. Just because they are not where you can sense or see, doesn't mean they are not there." The smallest of smiles tilts at the corners of his lips in a form of reassurance to the young mare and taking a step back the jaguar painted stallion gives the mare room to stand. "Come now child, stand so we may give her a good send off."

    Unlike the mare that was so new to this world, and the valley itself Demian had never been one to be concerned about whether he would be alone in death or even concerned in the least about death at all. He had come to terms with his immortality long ago and like most who carried what was both a gift and burden he mostly feared watching his loved ones die over and over as the years passed by. Death to him was a blessing and he always considered those who died young were always given a second chance in forms of reincarnation. If anything the next fawn that was born could be the same one that had passed into the afterlife this very day. One could never know for sure.

    All the valley king knew that even though death was so hard to face for most, it was never degrading and there was always something so truly natural about it. Death always gave back to the world in so many ways and the world always did the same for the life once lived, even if in the smallest of manners.

    No, death was never meant to be feared.

    Death was simply meant to be the means to a new beginning.


    In her drifting off into the unknown she had barely listened to the stallion before her.SHe couldnt focus.

     'The mothers were always around.'

    Looking around the area her ears pinned.Her dipped head lowered to the earth a snuffing snort escaping her lips.She so badly wished to shout that she was sorry.So if the mother was around it would now that trulyly the young mare was sorry.That she wished to be forgiven for holding the child as it died.Not the poor creatures mother.To shout that she was sorry it died.That she was sorry she couldnt help it.Maybe she would be forgiven.Her ears turned slightly at his words.Looking upward her head never moving she noded yes.Putting it to rest in the ground to sleep peacefully for the rest of time seemed right in its way.

    "Yes, I suppose youre right.I sir am Kalipso ,and you are?"

    She inquired the thought to introduce herself slamming into her like a fierce wind.She shifted uncomfortably at the suns harsh gaze at her back.She had always been so sensitive to hot days.Many a time had her pale muzzle burned leaving it painful to graze.

    "I do hope I havent intervened with any of your activities.Thinking back I must have been rather loud singing and all."

    She wasnt sorry deep down.She had done all she could.Maybe just maybe the fawn realized this and passed peacefully,and now with this stallions help thats the only thought that would rest in her mind.

    'Its ok now.'
    Take my tears love,they will carry you home.

    Gazing at the moonlight, satan comes close to me.
    He says you can have everything if you leave your soul with me

    He could almost instantly sense the change that takes place within her when he mentions the fawn’s mother. It Her emotions are mixed, making a sense of confusion run through him. At first she seems as though she is being protective. Then suddenly the younger girl is saddened, her internal struggle clear as day even to someone like him who couldn’t exactly see her in all entirety. He stands there quietly, patiently waiting for her to work up the courage to step away and when she does he steps back further, encouraging her to follow.

    It wasn’t every day that one got to witness mother nature’s course. But to witness it was to be given a gift and of course a lesson on just how fragile life could be. It was a simple reminder to never take one’s life for granted, for so quickly the world could strip you of your soul, pulling you to into the afterlife to make room up top for another. It wasn’t always fair, but it was just how things worked and there was just something so natural about it that the reasoning couldn’t be explained.

    If you were to ever ask the Jaguar king why he thought the world took certain souls, even children. He’d probably tell you that it was simply the way it was meant to be. He believed that souls were brought too early into the world, in order to effect another’s life in great ways. To teach them lessons, and when those lessons were done and taught the God’s stripped the soul that was sent back to the afterlife to wait for its next moments to return to the top.

    To him it made sense. To others it was nonsense. But ah, isn’t that the beauty of the world? How we can all view things differently? How interesting would it be if we all saw it the same way? One large cult spreading across an entire planet. It seemed quite ridiculous in fact and was highly unlikely. There would always be that one mind that would question them all. That would wonder why they all had to think the same, or even simply just did.

    “Kalipso, It’s nice to meet you,” He steps aside, turning slightly towards her so that she can see his face. “I’m Demian, the King of this Kingdom.” A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips before turning back towards the fawn. He waits a moment, his lips turning down in a thoughtful frown before tilting his head slightly. “Now Kalipso, I’m about to do something, but I don’t want you to panic. Just trust me.” He turns his head back to her for a moment before facing forward once more.

    Sighing softly, he concentrates on the fire within him, the flames building and rolling within his veins. It spreads quickly, the warmth traveling up his legs and into his shoulders. The moment the fire within reaches the ends of his wings the wings burst into flame changing into the form of blue, purple and green flames and silently he steps towards the fawn. The space that surrounds them is lit in the eerie glow of the cosmic fire and for a moment he stands over the fawn before lowering a wing and gently brushing it across the fawn’s forehead all the way to its hind end slowly.

    It takes a few moments, but they seem like minutes and at first the fawn is whole and preserved but then quickly it begins to turn to ash, it’s body disappearing with the wind. “I shall see you again soon little one.” His words are almost silent as he says a soft goodbye before allowing the fire to pull back within him, his wings whole and feathered once more. Slowly he turns back to Kalipso. “She is at peace.” He stands there for a while, allowing them to both take in the silence and listen to the surrounding creatures of the forest as they begin to chatter their approval.

    It is her next statement that surprises him though. It wasn't something he was expecting and with a soft chuckle, he rolls his shoulders in a soft shrug. "You didn't bother me. I've just never heard anyone sing here and it grabbed my attention. Well... First the crying, then the singing honestly." His smile is slightly awkward as it tugs at the corners of his lips a bit more. "Sing as loud as you want, whenever you want Kalipso. This kingdom could use a bit of a tune every now and then."


    Her ears pinned dark orbs widening.Shouldnt she have known that she was in the presence of a king?She didnt even know how to go about this...Bow?...Or was that to much of a 'cliche' as some would call it.

    "Despite possibly popular belief I dont sing often...I just drift away sometimes and cant truly help it."

    She nodded at the truth.More to think of it she only sang when she had her 'episodes' her moments of drifting away in the peace of the world.To places only she could truly understand.Her version of reality.A place where death didnt occur...A place where the birds sang sweeter songs...where the rabbits and the wolves could get along...But really.Her world was dysfunctional.None of that could happen.For without death you would live forever..how sad it must be?To watch your children grow old and die.To watch anyone you care for in life to die.To leave you.

    She would never understand it.no matter how many times someone explained it.or how many times she tried to explain it to herself.She never could truly understand life as a whole.The whole 'dying' thing...the whole 'living' thing....She just couldnt understand that big idea. That word that was so unknowingly thrown into the lions den.The big word that was used without a second thought.The word that meant so much more.The word was life.
    Take my tears love,they will carry you home.

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