You are correct!
If anyone has any objections, speak now, because time is running out  SO EXCITED
04-29-2015, 07:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2015, 08:15 PM by Zariah.)
Going to be the odd ball out, but I've always imagined the jungle "magic" coming from within the Jungle itself. So many of the plots have been played off of this (Echion's death, Hakeem's death and quite a few others that I can't think of right now as I'm suppose to be doing other things) that I think a magical "tree " (or something, IDK, suppose to be doing other things xD) would be more fitting to plots already made. I've always liked the feel of promising oneself TO the Jungle and the Jungle returning that promise with the tattoos. With the patronus, it feels like the promise would be made more towards that single figure (more in a god like way) where, if you anger the god (betray your promise) it will mark you. IDK, just kind of odd for me.
Don't get me wrong, a Jaguar patronus would be pretty epic, just not what I imagined as a source of it's magic
I'm suppose to be invoicing for our business right now since I work tomorrow, but just wanted to throw this out there.
I see what you mean Zariah. But wouldn't the 'patronus' more be a way for the jungle to express itself, rather than the Jungle itself? If that makes any sense?
04-29-2015, 08:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2015, 09:01 PM by Zariah.)
I just feel like the Jungle magic has always been really fluid and more of an "essence" kind of thing where tying it to a single creature makes it feel more god-like. I've always enjoyed the more fluid magic.
(Like, for example when Malka got mind-blocking from becoming Ambassador it just sort of "happened" during the meeting and next thing Kag knew, she couldn't find Malka's mind to communicate with her. Or when Jadis' kingdom tattoo transferred to Hakeem after they created Malka in the 'Falls. And then again when it faded after Jadis re-found him n the Meadow)
If the Jungle starts to represent itself as a single figure would that figure be able to be all places at once or would it be tied to a single event at a given time? Would "it" be present at all kingdom meetings? Would "it" have to be present in order for the Jungle magic to work? Could players still play "it" at will as we've done previously (with owner permission, of course)?
Could we kill Scorch and stuff her in a tree? Then we could have the most opinionated, stuck-up, leaf-less tree guardian ever!
Lmao Z!! XD
No, but srs. My first response here totally reflects what you're saying. I totally agree with you in that I imagine the magic being from the Jungle itself, like an essence. But if it absolutely HAS to have a THING I think it should be that, with the Jaguar patronus (just a semi-physical representation of the Jungle's magic) appearing for the tattoos and whatnot (maybe not always? Depending on the characters, sometimes it is a visible thing and sometimes it's not?)
Simeon - Malyk - Navarro - Idina - Reilly - Triske - Pesky - Smidgen - Zoryn - Briske - Amara - Shona - Damali - Benjemin - Juciphena - Neal - Tatum - Skyfire - Dizorien - Badden - Rokja - Zavage - Silke
I was seeing the Jaguar more as an expression of the Jungle magic, rather than a source or a god or anything. Like a way for the essence of the Jungle to manifest itself to the Sisters. I don't think I'd want a tree, because there are multiple other kingdoms discussing using trees as theirs. If not the patronus idea, I'm fine with it being the nonspecific essence of the Jungle. I just like the idea of giving the Jungle an optional physical representation. It doesn't have to be used all the time. It doesn't have to change anyone's relationship with the Jungle's magic. It just adds a possible dynamic to play with.
Yes, all of that ^
Simeon - Malyk - Navarro - Idina - Reilly - Triske - Pesky - Smidgen - Zoryn - Briske - Amara - Shona - Damali - Benjemin - Juciphena - Neal - Tatum - Skyfire - Dizorien - Badden - Rokja - Zavage - Silke
I definitely take back all other ideas except the asshat Scorch tree. There can be no other source of very very very angry magic.
Actually though, I definitely wasn't trying to make it seem like a physical entity, because I too like and have played with the evasive jungle 'magic.' But remember that a Patronus is most definitely not physical, its a representation and manifestation of a soul, in this case, the Jungle's soul. I don't think it will be at all kingdom meetings, but it will appear when IT wants. It cannot be summoned, except to initiations, but only if the person wants it. That way it can be played as it was before, or it can be played with this new Jaguar idea.
Ooor perhaps even with initiations it can't necessarily be summoned. The sisters can call on it, but if it doesn't feel that someone is ready to say the words, then it won't appear.
Does the representation of the jungle's magic have to take only one single form? Following the idea of the "essence" of the Amazon, maybe it could take many. Every time a Sister gets tattooed, it appears as something different, or random. It might appear in a physical form, a spirit jaguar, or as a spirit bird, or whatever other creature. Other times it might manifest itself in the form of vines or a spirit tree that brands her upon touch. Sometimes you can just feel the magic of the jungle in the wind. It would make each sister's covenant experience unique.
If the only way the "essence" physically effects the sisters is the tattooing, then I don't think there should be a problem with its expression being able to take various forms and not just one, just for thematic purposes
(Sorry, I know I don't play anyone in the jungle right now, I'm just super interested! And I thought Zariah brought up a really good point about tying the magic of the jungle to one single creature)