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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    baby, you were born to sparkle; any
    baby, you were born to sparkle

    Lobes prick to catch the drift of words passed between to equines. Sequined frame moving to seek this place called the forest. The young mare did not have  home but she had resided with the Amazons for the passed two years. They had been kind, almost accepting but they knew of her plans and of her debt owed to Prague to stay with them in gratitude (more so of exchange) of the brilliant coat.

    The sequined woman moved like a million tiny diamonds. Her form grabbing bits of sunlight as it breaks through the dapple of the leaves above. Her form had grown, matured and become a woman. It was strong and hardened by the jungle but feminine and sift to the touch despite looking like bits of broken diamonds. Dark pools look for other faces. Lips remain sealed for the moment as she continues her drifting pace. This really was her first time outside the jungle and so far ir was pleasing. Lithe frame nears a small stream and she drops the delicate skull to sip the cool waters. Thankfully spring was upon Beqanna and the peeking sunrays warmed young woman.


    Belgarath is feeling restless tonight. The winter gets him all riled up; like calls to like and the ice in his bones feels like it wants to pop out of his freaking skin and join the outside world. It lingers with him, often for weeks after the last snowflake has melted and the frost only comes in the night. So he plays with it to alleviate the itchiness, shooting ice darts and ice clouds at birds until they eventually learn to avoid him. More than a few fell dead to the forest floor, though. Birdbrains. That’s what a steep learning curve will do. Birds aren’t the only ones with steep learning curves, though. Sometimes little girls have that problem too.

    The area around Bel can only be described as a winter wonderland. Spring starts up abruptly again outside of a certain circumference, but inside his little world, it is all ice and crystals and is almost just as sparkly as the little girl that wanders unexpectedly towards him. A heavy limb cracks under the weight of icicles hanging from its underside, and falls to the ground with a resounding crash, sending shards of ice everywhere, and echoing throughout the forest.

    Belgarath smiles deviously. Goddamn, that’s a beautiful sound. Music to his ears.


    baby, you were born to sparkle

    Ok so let's get this straight. When you're around a whole two-three years old and you're going along your merry way (which is quite warm and pleasant and filled with sunshine) and suddenly a frozen tree limb comes smashing and splintering to the ground you're bound to about damn lose your mind.

    And that just about what happens.

    Lips drew cool water in daintiest of sips when the water became FREEZING. Imo lifts her head in surprise, droplets falling away just as frost slithered across the water and then -crash!-. She about jumps out of her skin and shock only to meet the gaze of a granite colored stallion. Ice surrounds him like a cloak, a trail, and frozen embrace. The girl can not help but watch with wide, wide eyes. She doesn't notice the exhale of her breathes forming small frosted clouds. She can only stare at the pit-less pools. Deep and sinister. They take in her form and hold it there.

    She swallows slowly.

    Uh oh

    "Um, h-hello." That's all she can really come up with honestly. What else should she say? Hi you're a pony-sicle? No, no. Not the brightest thing to say to someone who is clearly changing the environment around them because he is only a few paces away from putting her in his surroundings and a frozen Imo is not on today's agenda. Limbs finally get it together and she takes a step in reverse, his chill causing her tiny shiny scales to shiver and cloud with frost.


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