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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    skylines and cityscapes/any

    When you're immortal, it seems like things come and go. Faces, names, rulers, you name it. But it's certainly not every day that you stumble upon a new part of Beqanna.

    So the whole immortal thing...

    When you're around 100 years old...okay, okay 130 but who's counting? You kind of get use to things. Beqanna is a revolving door of horses but the land never changes. Storms hit, meteors crash and fire burns but the land always regenerates. So on this lovely summer day, our buckskin heroine is placidly catching a warm gust of wind when suddenly she looks down, expecting to find little clods of ponies hanging out and shmoozing but whoa! There's a...forest? Where...? What...?

    So now we all know curiosity killed the cat but when you're immortal...well...

    With not much convincing at all the mare decides to head on down and check things out. The tawny mare can not believe her eyes as she finds a comfortable place to find the ground, feathered appendages resting against her spine. Large eyes looking up and down and all around, pinnacles flickering rapidly at the sounds and cries of birds. Hopefully some other faces would show soon so the mare knew she wasn't dreaming. "Hello...? Anyone?"


    antidote x cuerva lista

    ((not a great starter but yay! new land!))

    He'd already settled into the life at the Gates, but he was bored. He had spent the last few weeks merely wandering about the area, and he had explored so thoroughly that he had become bored. He needed something to do, some sort of drama to push him into action. He was used to a battle lifestyle, to one of constant action and danger. So he wandered back towards the field, where he'd first wandered, but he noticed a group of trees that he hadn't laid eyes upon before. 

    So he wandered over and began to explore, weaving through trees, breathing in the piney air that surrounded him. It took him back to his childhood, to playing in the woods with his friends when they were young. The birds were chirping overhead, the grass growing green and sweet while the flowers bloomed bright and fragrant, and he couldn't keep a smile off of his normally-serious expression. It put a spring into his step and he felt young again, like a child, and it was glorious to actually feel relaxed for once in his life. 

    He heard her before he saw her, and her voice drew his attention instantly; it was better than any birdsong he'd heard, any mare, and he moved towards her, ears perked as he walked. She was a beautiful color, a tawny that rivaled anything he'd seen. "Hello." He greeted her with a cocky smile, full of confidence. He felt less battle-scarred and more spontaneous, and he planned on using that to his advantage. Perhaps it was the weather or the change in scenery, but he felt more alive than he'd felt in weeks.


    >> drawn to the things you cannot find <<


    Well you'd think in the almost century and a half Illinois would have learned a thing or two about horses...you'd think...

    Dark eyes meet those of a granite cut stallion. A ripple rolls down the woman's spine. A shiver? Excitement? She was not sure and it spooked her a bit. He did not just to seem to look at her but look through her and this was a bit unnerving. The chiseled skull cocks slightly to the side with the raise of a nonexistent eyebrow as she tries to read him. Illy even goes as far as to look behind her in case he was looking at something else but to only realize it was her. Yes, her.

    A small smile ends up curling her lips without much effort. He seemed nice enough so what the heck? Long limbs draw the svelte form closer, feathered appendages flick outward in the dapples of warm sunshine before repositioning them across her spine. "Oh gosh, I'm happy to see you!" She speaks like she had known him a lifetime as she rushes up to him, breathless and of soprano tones. A small laugh follows as the smile blooms fully across her lips. "I was afraid I was dreaming..." She pauses as she give herself a little shimmy to iterate her waking from a dream state. "I'm Illinois, by the way."

    Despite her actual age, the mare appears no more than a fresh five year old mare. Her eyes are bright and her smile is genuine as she stands before the stag. Of his flaws, she does not take notice for her eyes keep his gaze as she extends her muzzle to him in a friendly greeting.


    antidote x cuerva lista



    He saw her shiver and could guess it was not from the cold, and he couldn't help but meet her eyes with a smirk. His eyes looked over her delicate body and he found his head bobbing slightly in approval; she seemed to be confused by his attention and he chuckled to himself as her head turned to view behind him. Was she unused to attention? He would find that surprising - such a beautiful mare as her shouldn't be surprised to a stallion's attention. His eyes locked onto hers again, gaze steady. He felt that he could learn much about someone's personality by seeing how they reacted to his steely gaze, and she seemed curious but not afraid - which was good.

    She strode towards him and he couldn't help but cock his head at her exuberant greeting; they had never met before, and now she was addressing him as an old friend? But she was nothing if not graceful and his eyes flicked over her dainty body once again, pleased with what he saw. He was not a man of pleasures, he was one of war, but every stallion had his needs, and she could sate him if his instincts chose to arise. She shook her coat, as if awaking from a dream, and he gave her a smirk in response to her smile. 

    "Syden." He told her his name with a dip of his head, smirk still tugging at his lips, muzzle extending her own velvety one. Her excitement, aliveness, sparked something in him that had been hiding for some time, and he was finding that he quite enjoyed it.


    >> drawn to the things you cannot find <<


    Large dark pools flicker to the stallion's own as the smile still lingered on the velveteen lips. He seems kind, warm and inviting. The mare feels drawn to him after they delicately touch muzzle. She pulls back with a little laugh, girlish and soft before composing herself as she should. "Syden." The small smile spreading to engulf her lips and brightening her features as she speaks. The taste of his name is pleasant and Illy likes the way it rolls off her tongue. "It's nice to meet you." She sighs the words with breathy tones as the dark pools drift to their surroundings and the sounds of birds chattering about. Visage turns to meet the rather attractive stranger, her body tugging at her mind to draw closer.

    It was fall and her body, even after so many years, still plays it's role. Hijacking her senses and betraying her. Long tresses flick and lash over her hind end and she tips her skull slightly to look to Syden. "Would you like to walk with me?" Tones lower to a rich velvety smooth soprano as she moves to side towards her newfound companion. The raven black wings ruffling slightly and settling as her smile turns a bit coy. It was lovely to have someone to talk to after so very long and a rather handsome companion at that.


    antidote x cuerva lista

    ((so sorry it took so long to post! holidays and so forth but I promise they'll come quicker now <3))


    Her smile was kind and so were her eyes, darker than the blackest midnight and just as enticing. He found himself drawn to them, eyes locked onto hers as their muzzles touched ever-so gently, exchanging gentle breath and sharing scents. She was tantalizingly sweet, and he knew what the hints in her scent were; he knew the time of year it was, for he had smelled the sweet tang of heat in every mare he had happened to pass, but he knew he would have to have self control. He would not force himself on such a sweet mare, for he was so much more gentlemanly than that. He chuckled to himself, knowing that was a lie, but he would at least pretend he had the lasting manners. 

    Her voice was gentle and breathy, a smile on her lips, her delicate skull dipping towards his own. He was drawn to her, unmistakably, and he didn't know whether it was because she was so damned innocent or because her heat just taunted him so. Never had a mare drawn him to her so much, and he was intrigued since she had managed to do just that. She was teasing him, inviting him closer, and he was more than obliged to incline. So he stepped closer on lengthy legs, side brushing against her own, feathers tickling his spine as a coy, self-assured smile slowly spread across his lips. "I would be honored to take a walk beside you, Illinois." He knew how to talk to mares, to be a gentleman and play to their senses, how to make his voice deeper and more seductive, more appealing. Her own tones were pleasing to his ear, and he was inclined to do the same.

    >> drawn to the things you cannot find <<

    OOC: it's not a problem hon! Mine should be coming faster now as well <3))

    Illinois finds herself enjoying Syden's company more and more. If he has darkness in his bones...well, the mare did not see it. She felt clutched in his gaze and dreamy. His voice is like silk across bare skin and it enticed her even more.

    Ever so gently, he touches her. The carass ignites a warmth like a slow burning ember in her chest. Her heart skips and she attempts to maintain her composure but clearly there is a bit of a fluster in her as she softly draws in a short breath. There was a web being woven around but Illinois does not see the invisible spider silk. Syden is all she sees.

    The gray stag moved closer after her invitation and she likes the closeness. She likes that she is in his company as they begin their walk. Their sides brushing from time to time from their magnetism. Illinois quietly reveling in it that and surely a seasoned male like Syden notices no matter how hard Illinois attempts to cover it.

    "Where do you live, Syden?" The inquiry is genuine and honest. Illinois wanted to learn of her new friend. She finds herself listening intently, dark eyes flickering under the black mane to steal little glimpses of him. Lobes flickering to catch the velvety vocals of the male. His masculinity entices the woman. He attracts her in a primal way, strong and composed. The heat between them increasing as they maintain their stance as they moved about the forest. Her attention flicks to the birds calling out, flying to seek warmer weather. Syden seemed to be the only warmth she sought, she needed. Gaze returns to the stallion as she listens -hypnotized- by his voice, a small dreamy smile curling the very edges of her pale lips.


    antidote x cuerva lista


    He knew he had her drawn in from the moment she asked him to walk with her, and it was only further proven by the quick breath she took when he touched her. He would be a liar if he said he wasn't pleased by how quickly she fell into his embrace, into his gentle touches and silky compliments. He could smell a different kind of warmth on her skin and his nostrils flared as it tugged at his animal instincts. He was focused on her, and only her, and he could tell she was focused on only him, drawn towards his scarred ruggedness and smooth voice. 

    A smirk tugged at his lips, slightly, as they walked, sides brushing gently against each other as they adventured through this forest; he could tell she wanted to be closer, as the frequency of their touches increased, and so he obliged, walking closer so their shoulders touched with every step. This closeness was intoxicating, and he wanted her. But he could be patient, and so he would be, until she presented herself to him. He would not force her, no matter how badly he wanted to.

    "I live in the Gates." He kept his silky, low tones as he spoke to her, feeling the heat between them, feeling electricity when her wings brushed gently across his back. Never had he been so focused on a conquest before and he was finding that he enjoyed the single-mindedness of their time. "I found, however, that I enjoy meandering much more than staying in one place." He flashed her a smirk, cocky and confident - he'd found that mares loved when a stallion showed his strength, his confidence, and judging by her dreamy smile, she was no exception - before letting his muzzle gently nudge against her neck. "I especially like it when my adventures lead me to such a beautiful mare as you."

    >> drawn to the things you cannot find <<


    She can not fight the little secret smile that bloomed on her lips when she feels the light graze on her neck, like a lover murmuring sweet words against her skin. She does fight the eye contact that she wants to make but instead savors the tingle of his lips. Lobes flicker to catch his words. Low and hushed are his tones and so she must lean a bit closer to catch them, her own cheek grazing against him, their heads bowed together.

    Their limbs fall into sync as they move though he is taller. He speaks of the Gates and how nomadic his soul tends to be. He is dangerous and he is rugged. He represents the sides of her that have not manifested but she does not know it. He makes her feel warm and safe.

    Be careful

    Illinois hesitates but a moment as she shakes the headiness away and those eyes look for Syden's, bright and aware. Were his intentions predatory? Was there alternate means? His words soothe her, lull her. And she can't help but laugh softly whe he calls her a beautiful mare, already a million miles away from the thought that he may not be as sincere and genuine as she was believing. Surely she was not the first to hear these words form the attractive stallion and surely she would not before the last but she lets the moment ebmrace her as she finds herself gently nudging against his lower cheek with her poll in a playful manner. "The skies are my home..." She starts- "But I do not have a permanent residence." Features turn slightly troubled as she thinks about her lack of establishment but then again she had never really felt safe enough with anyone to really even think of residing some place.


    antidote x cuerva lista



    He knew she was wrapped around his metaphorical finger by the way she smiled at his touch, her skull gentle in its touch against his own. He kept his voice low and silken, to keep her drawn in, to keep her close to his body, and kept his eyes kind - he would not betray this moment by letting his eyes show his intentions. He was a damn good player, and he was starting to consider keeping this mare around for more than just the season. Perhaps she would join him at the Gates, and even though he was no recruiter, he wanted her there all the same.

    She matched his pace well, despite his height, and he continued to let his shoulder rub gently against hers, reassuring her silently that all was well. His head turned to meet her eyes, finding them bright and searching, while his own showed nothing but kindness. Had this mare been more rough, more rugged as himself, he would have no problem asserting himself and taking what he wanted. But she was delicate, and he refused to break her. He wanted to reassure her, to get rid of her fears, to make her love him so she would go along with whatever he wanted. He had no idea if she was that weak-willed, but the prospect of such a stunning toy excited him.

    Her laugh was exactly what he wanted to hear, and he lets out a quiet nicker at her soft touch of her poll to his cheek, and her voice was quiet as she spoke in response. He saw the troubles in her eyes and stopped his movement to nibble lightly at her mane, tugging it playfully; he wouldn't allow for a future toy to be bothered with troubles. "I've always wished to explore the sky." He glanced at her wings before turning his head up, to gaze at the sky through the leafy expanse above. "Do you wish for a permanent home, little raven?" He felt confident using a pet name, giving her a playful smile as he used it, before returning his gaze to hers once more, making sure he only portrayed sincerity in both silken tone and body language. "I know your presence at the Gates would only make it lovelier."

    >> drawn to the things you cannot find <<


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