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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    --the stars in her eyes;

    She wants to breath smoke.
    She wants to stare up from under the clear ice of a frozen lake.
    She wants to press her lips against the cold marble of a John Doe's tombstone.

    Every so often this happens. She breaks. The sun is too bright and the night is too black. The world turns by and she stands still like a newspaper caught on the telephone pole during the hurricane. The emotions whirl rapidly within the russet body. Screams echo in her skull as she walks, swaying and thrashing like a rabid creature. The world was too much to bear sometimes and she fought often with how to continue to survive. She was bleak. The sky was dull. She lacked something.

    The possession ceases and she regains herself momentarily. Dark pools dart over the meadow as the cool autumn freezes her bones. The tears streak her cheeks and darken the brass to a dull bronze. She doesn't know why she cries. She doesn't know why these episodes continue. It's so hard sometimes to stop.

    harder, harder...

    Thankfully there was no one around to watch this maniacal creature possessed by such emotional torture that it could break the hardest of them all. Her throat hitches as she begins to gasp. Her heart beats too fast. Her breathing too shallow. 

    Oh the pain...the FUCKING pain...

    She stumbles...falls...crumbles like a child's sandcastle under the evening tide. The fucking tears soaked her cheeks and her neck. Small speckles dot her chest. They were salty, salty, salty... She strangled on those tears. A flubbing in her chest as her heart skips and no longer can she stop it. She screams. The gods must be looking down upon the mangled mess of a creature, shaking their heavy heads and tsking at her weakness. She was weak. She was pathetic. She was fucking garbage.

    The scream fades when the chords burn. The scream fades to snotty, thick sobs. She can taste blood--her blood. Her throat was bleeding but she didn't feel it. Heavy, body shaking sobs release low from the body as she finally gives up and drops her head to the earth. The sobbing is ugly. The copper penny taste in her mouth goes unnoticed between the lungful of of hair sucked inward and heaved jaggedly in choking sobs.


    The smell of dirt is overwhelming. There is a cold sting. The copper penny taste is still there and it feels as if her throat has been ripped open but at least everything is quiet, quiet, quiet. The fat rain drop plop on her hide as she lay sprawled upon the meadow. 

    Open your eyes.

    Thick lashes lift against her conscious will. One, two...three Inhale. Exhale. The woman draws her legs beneath her and lifts her head that feels far too heavy with ugly thoughts and snot. Somewhere within that heavy head summons the mare to find her feet and rise...she does.

    Those thoughts slip away now. Back to their places locked away tight. 

    She feels reborn. She feels invincible. She has walked through the fire and breathed in the smoke with a Cheshire Cat grin. She broke the ice. She kissed the tombstone.

    She spits out the blood and grins.


    (ooc: feel free to respond if you want. this post is meant for no one in particular. needed to write something.)

    Wind gusts against the skeletons hide threatening to push him over, well that is what some people thought when they first lay eyes on the deathly demon. He was too skinny to even be alive. Well here he is walking in the meadows not really knowing why he had come here or what his own business was. His breath came out in short soft puffs of vapor before his eyes as the Autumn wind promised the arrival of Winter, lets just say the stallion was not anywhere near ready for the brutally cold temperatures and the equally bipolar winds that strike you to the bone. He throws his head long black mane scattering about his grullo neck. Then his ears prick at the sound of agony. Who could be screaming? Why were they screaming? I could be some tortured soul whisking its way along the wind, that wasn't rare to hear the tortured spirits feeling their on going pain for eternity. The skeleton almost shrugged it off when he heard it again this time closer to his position.

    "My my someone sounds upset"

    He thought to himself as he made his way towards the piercing sound. It sounded feminine nothing from a stallion in pain more like a first time mother in the middle stages of labor. Yes, he has had his fair share of hearing women cry and moan in the midst of labor, it isn't his favorite sound in the world it annoyed him to no end. Then again he was slightly fucked up, he liked to see people in pain, if he was causing it or not.

    The screams finally stopped to his dismay and he heard retched snot filled sobs coming from the embankment in-front of him. What is wrong with his equine? Why must they sound so pathetic? But he soon sighed as he saw a mare laying on her side crumpled up in pain and agony. Memories probably. They get to you some times. They can really fuck you up. He walked in the shadows observing the mare like a predator picking out its prey from a herd. She was pretty yes but he wasn't the type to force himself on the unsuspecting mare. That is only for those type of men. He watched the bronze mare get up, cough up some blood from her raw throat. Probably from all the screaming. He shook his head and glowing eyes watched her movements and a grin made its way on the mares face, not a pleasant one more like the grin Galazar had when he killed his parents and brother. He liked her already almost as fucked up as he was.

    "My my. What do we have here"

    The stallion said in his deep voice rough from disuse. He comes out of the shadows eyes glowing and glinting allowing her to peer into his world how fucked up is mind was as he gave her a wide grin his scared elongated mouth gaped and his fangs glinted in the sunlight      


    I will be here when the wold ends


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