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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A Rose in the Rain [Keeva]

    Like a thorn to the holy ones


    It had been a trying few days and it was evident in the blood bay stallions eyes. Usually his pools were deep, rich...lively. Today, they seemed shallow, sunken...burdened. Nymphetamine had been all over these lands, figuring out what he was to do. He had wanted a simple life, some time to lay back after his long travels. That didn't seem to be the life the gods want for him. He was far from settled- and his life was probably only going to get more complicated. A smirk played across his maw as he thought about the life he was preparing for himself. The young stag was probably crazy for finding his situation exciting, fun even; it didn't take away from the worry and danger that accompanied the thrill. 

    The young stallion decided that he needed something simple, pleasant and without the twists and plots that was everything else in his life. He thought back to the mare who had joined his conversation briefly, a smile crossed his maw. He was curious about her. She was sweet, but felt there was a bit of sass under her kind eyes. He allowed his long pillars to carry him to the meadow, he had told the fae that he would meet her here. He could only hope she would oblige him. 

    The sun gleamed off his coat, making the red reflect even more than usual, the mahogany shimmering as the light danced off him. He smiled as the sun warmed him. He may not be a goody-light, but he did enjoy the warmth the light gave. His daggers had planted in an open area of the meadow, where he could be seen from most angles. There as little else to do but wait, but on the off chance she was waiting on the outskirts of the meadow he let me voice ring clear in deep tones, announcing to Keeva that he was here.

    Sweet fae I hope I didn't make you wait to long, for I may have to go find you....I don't think we were meant to simply pass

    He shook the thought away- for he didn't want to think about if he had made the mare cross with him. He had been as quick as he could but the journey he took for a private word was not quick. He hoped she would be understanding- though he didn't know if she would be when he would not be able to give here more than a vague reason. It was for her safety- as if his path continues this way- befriending him could be a danger, and he would protect her from that- keep her innocent of him, or at least his knowledge. 

    OOC: was getting tired while writing this- it's a little weak sauce. x_X

    Cold was my soul 
    Untold was the pain 
    I faced when you left me 
    A rose in the rain.... 
    So I swore to the razor 
    That never, enchained 
    Would your dark nails of faith 
    Be pushed through my veins again 
    Bared on your tomb 
    I'm a prayer for your loneliness 
    And would you ever soon 
    Come above onto me? 
    For once upon a time 
    On the binds of your lowliness 
    I could always find the slot for your sacred key 
    Six feet deep is the incision 
    In my heart, that barless prison 
    Discoulours all with tunnel vision 
    HTML Copyright To Tay.

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    Show me the world as you know it

    Sunshine was welcomed in the mares eyes, it shone and warmed her cold bones as she made her way to meet the interesting young stallion she met some time ago, Nymphetamine, the young blood bay stallion with deep poles of darkness that made the mare wonder to herself. What lay behind those dark pools? All she could do is wonder that is all the fea does in her spare time, wondered if the world will stop turning, wondered why the sun shone, wondered why the creek babbled, and why it was music to her ears. She loved this time of year, not yet spring but not quite winter in the middle of cool and warm. Keeva the young chestnut rabicano mare with wide unique lilac blue eyes walked to a hill where she could be spotted by the young stallion.

    Sure enough she spotted his blood colored coat in the distance and a small playful smile made its way onto her lips, she marveled on how the sun hit his coat making the red seem brighter. But as he walked closer his eyes were not as bright as they were when they has met in the field, this made her cock her small arab head to the side making her fluttery mane fall delicately to the side along with her forelock. "Hello Nymphetamine!" she called when he got closer to her. Something deep insider that she had not yet discovered yearned to hear him speak more or less call her lass. Whatever he was doing to her, she didn't want him to stop. She being the observant, wondrous mare she is relished the feeling of something unknown stirring to life inside of her.    


    Art by

    Like a thorn to the holy ones

    His spires stood on alert as he heard his name ring above the murmur of conversation around him. He looked over and saw the fae with the rare coat and eyes. He wasn't sure if it was the fae herself of the relief he associated with her, but his breath caught for just a moment when his eyes met her lavender tinted ones. As his mind came back to him he exhaled the hitched breath. The relief he had about seeing her, no, seeing her happy to see him came out in a single word whispered on that breath


    Nymphetamine hadn't realized how much he wanted to spend time around her. He was right in thinking she would do his mind good. A smile couldn't help but come forth, a bit of brightness returning to his eyes. The stag wasn't his usual self, his mind still whirled, but it had stilled some. The wind blew her scent to him, and its coursed through him making him feel as if he needed to be closer. There was the slightest of shifts in his weight as he instinctively went to move closer, but didn't. He couldn't- how would he feel if his life turned on him and she was targeted? He knew her little, but knew he already cared for her safety wanted to protect her. He eyed her, taking inventory of her coat, as if already looking for any sign he had caused her harm.

    I am glad to you came, I worried you might have decided not to. You look well, the time away from the drama is suiting you.

    The blood bay had forgotten that she was not free, that she was in a herd... already under the protection of another.  A bitter taste found it's way to his mouth; his temper flared and if he wasn't in the presence of a lady he would have stomped his daggers ground his teeth. But he swallowed those feelings, trying to bring his focus back to the fae that stilled his mind.

    Tell me about your home; your life. I feel I know little about the maid who called to me so happily just a moment ago.

    Nymphetamine's voice was rich, drunk with masculine tones. He allowed his daggers to slowly carry him forward toward the fae no longer able to keep himself back. As he moved closer her sent only grew stronger and a shiver ran through him. The blood bay stag was close enough to touch her but he held back. She was not his to touch, and while he believed the strong got what they wanted, he was young and still respected claims others held over herdmates. In fact, this close the scent of her home was there faintly. He exhaled and shook his head, mane flipping back and forth over his crest, trying to shake the drunken feeling of his body almost vibrating in her presence.

    The intoxication wasn't just the physical attraction he felt for her, he wasn't sure but it was there. Nymphetamine knew there was something mental, some connection he has made with her to some hidden need that was still shielded from his consciousness. He closed his eyes as he heard the fae start to speak, he was allowing himself to not be in control and he couldn't allow that. He had to focus. So he forced himself to move a step or two away, but as if the boy inside of him was laughing at the man trying to be in control, he reached out and just barely brushed his muzzle against her neck. It was a fleeting moment, but the hum running through him subdued and his focus was back. He was clear headed and in control. Spires alert and taking in the lasses words.  He knew his time was limited but all that mattered to him now was Keeva and her story.

    [ooc] oooh Nymphetamine is a little saucy tonight...

    [ooc update] I just reread this- and I had a case of the "he"'s and some stupid typos from writing this late at night... so I fixed what i found. nothing major just flows better with a little less repetition of the word "he" HA!

    Cold was my soul
    Untold was the pain
    I faced when you left me
    A rose in the rain....
    So I swore to the razor
    That never, enchained
    Would your dark nails of faith
    Be pushed through my veins again

    Bared on your tomb
    I'm a prayer for your loneliness
    And would you ever soon
    Come above onto me?
    For once upon a time
    On the binds of your lowliness
    I could always find the slot for your sacred key

    Six feet deep is the incision
    In my heart, that barless prison
    Discoulours all with tunnel vision


    HTML Copyright To Tay.


    Show me the world as you know it

    As the wind wrapped itself around the pair, Keeva smiled softly as the stallion before her whispered her name, her ears barely catching the hushed tone. "Nymphetamine" She whispered back her voice wavering slightly for some unknown reason. She met his eyes and smiled again "I would always accompany someone like you Nymphetamine, Your company is what I was looking forward to when I left you with Magnus and Killdare" She said smiling softly "Time away from the drama as relaxed me, the stallion and the mare are to focused on making a family and I'm just in the background watching it all happen before my eyes." She said a soft glint in her eyes as she looks him over more or less making sure he was okay.

    He wanted to know more about her, this statement made her smile and walk towards him as he walked hesitantly towards her, "I really don't know where to start, there isn't much to speak about I am afraid. But I have a twin brother Riordan, we came from a far off land away from Beqanna. We came here in our early stages of life more or less yearlings. I have roamed the Fields and this very Meadow for most of my life awaiting someone to take me to their kingdom or herd, well one day I got my wish and it isn't what I had expected. I am not one for standing in the background I like to be involved but not the center of attention. If that makes any sense at all." She rambles her eyes watching him slightly as she told her life story to the stag before her. His warm musky tone made her skin crawl ( In a good way) she closes her eyes briefly and relishes the warm safe feeling he gives her.

    When he touches her tentatively on her neck and breaths in, she hums softly in response. She does the same to him running her muzzle from his withers to his neck breathing in his musky masculine scent. Keeva's body responded with the want and need to be close to him touching him. But she subdued the feelings and stood close to him almost touching him again driving her mind mad.


    Art by

    Like a thorn to the holy ones

    The mahogany stallion freezes as she reciprocates his touch. The fae inched forward, moving with him so that she cancelled out any distance he had tried to place between them. He heard her hum with contentment, and decided not to move away, only to accept the closeness while he could. He hid a smile as she said she enjoyed his company, that she looked forward to it. Nymphetamine wouldn't really call himself a light, he harbors hatred at his core, making it incapable of him to see the best in others as most lights he had met do. Keeva however, had him bubbly, light as a feather; there was nothing negative in this fool's paradise he was experiencing.  Somewhere deep down he knew he would have to break this shimmering world he was in, but he wanted to let it linger.

    Just as the thought was fading from the outskirts of his mind, Keeva spoke h i s name. KILLDARE. How did she know he spoke to him? Had she followed him from his conversation with Killdare to the one with Magnus? What else did she know? Where else could she have followed him? Did she know about the plan? If she knew about Killdare, had she told others about his conversation with Magnus? 

    The fantasy he was in with Keeva shattered into a million shards. They crashed down around him in tiny, imaginary, glittering pieces. It was as if he watched them fall; watched them slice at him; rip at his heart, his mind. Mentally he was immediately curing himself for being too trusting; so foolish. He was mentally curing the fae too for fooling him...how else would she have known about--h i m? He saw no other way. The glimmering shell that surrounded them was gone- the colors back to normal, the glimmering edges gone, leaving stark crisp lines behind. How could he have been so blind?!?!?! His spires were signaling his brain that she was talking about her life, her heard. Not a things she said mattered now so he didn't bother to process what she was saying. It h a d to be a lie, he had figured that out already, she was some witch sent to spy on him, sent to ruin him by Chamber... or Gates... or some unknown enemy.

    How COULD she!??! His daggers staggered backwards, every inch of him must have looked like a drunk pirate. His eyes grew hard, cold and removed. If his dark pools could kill, his eyes were throwing daggers at the enchantress before him. How dare she! The minx. She had played him for a fool. His tones shot forward. Nymphetamine knew he sounded cruel, harsh, and hateful- he hoped it crushed her... made her feel even an ounce the betrayal she had cause him. The imp.

    You stand here, playing me like a fool! HA! They must have found you right off, had you follow me, you harlet, allowing someone to c a r e about you. And you-- Oh you must love just take every tidbit to him. What would have happened had I gone to Chamber without realizing. I would be DEAD, I bet!!! Ha! What else do you  know, minx? Don't you D A R E lie to me wench, or I will haunt your last breath. Do not test me lass.

    He was shaking his anger, betrayal, and hurt. His laughter sounded like the cackle of someone whos mind was about to crack. His eye might as well have been rolling in his head. His control was on the verge of breaking. The hatred that lived deep inside him fermenting up from within. He had just gained the trust of those that could help him revenge his past, give him closer and the trollop before him had taken it away. The blood bay stag stood tall, demanding, and seething. There was NO way this jade would dare take a step without answering him. His position, eyes, and every muscle in his body spoke that he would follow through with every single word he spoke to her.  His nostrils flared with each breath as he waited for her to speak.  

    OOC: I think you might have mentioned Killdare by mistake? But it worked out PERFECTLY for the twisty turns we discussed in PM. I hope you don't mind that I jumped on the opportunity. I am sure with our muse-ness with these two you can come up with a fabulous story... i'll edit it if you don't want to though-no prob.

    Cold was my soul
    Untold was the pain
    I faced when you left me
    A rose in the rain....
    So I swore to the razor
    That never, enchained
    Would your dark nails of faith
    Be pushed through my veins again

    Bared on your tomb
    I'm a prayer for your loneliness
    And would you ever soon
    Come above onto me?
    For once upon a time
    On the binds of your lowliness
    I could always find the slot for your sacred key

    Six feet deep is the incision
    In my heart, that barless prison
    Discoulours all with tunnel vision


    HTML Copyright To Tay.

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    The young fea enjoyed the blood colored stallions touch it made her feel safe and protected. She wanted to stand there and relish his touch, Nymphetamine  turned her into a giddy little school girl who has a crush on the bad boy at school. But the tender moment didn't last long. She felt his mood change even before he spoke those terrible words to her. Her heart cracked painfully as he called her terrible names "Harlet, Minx" He accused her of being a chamberling. How dare h e think that she was up to something, more or less a spy for the retched Chamber folk. She was NOT a monster, far from the equines that lived there, she had heard stories on how they raped their mothers,ate helpless animals, and killed just for the hell of it. She was nothing close to that. She enjoyed life and watching it thrive. She finally got the courage to speak to the furious stallion before her. Her ears pinned just slightly as her eyes darkened with anger and anguish, tears gathered in her soft eyes as she looked at the stallion, now cold and angry. She spoke;

    "How dare I? I had no idea that you even had a plan with that winged beast. I saw him on the way out of the field. He flew over me and seemingly landed where you and Magnus were. How DARE you think that I was a spy or worse sided with any one of those kingdoms! You knew that I was nothing but a background piece! A LAWN ornament for a stallion at Echo Falls. I wanted out and I traveled to the field, and that is where I saw you and Magnus, and I just so happened to see Killdare fly over on my way out. I have no association with that winged monster. Do you know what the Chamber is like? I have heard what it is like from others. Do I look like a monster who kills for fun? Who rapes their mother? Who likes the taste for innocent flesh? How dare you accuse me of being one of them. I was just beginning to trust and explore my feelings for you. Now I'm scared to death that you will hurt me. What more do you want from me Nymphetamine?"

    She finished her speech with tears rolling out of her sad unique eyes that were once happy and content. But the turn of events broke her pretty little red heart in two leaving it bashed and bleeding. The tears made dark marks on her chestnut and white cheeks as she watched the mahogany stallion that she had become attached to grow cold and distant from her, the thought of losing him made her bow her head in defeat a quiet whimper escaping her lips.    

    the hills are full of marble before the world blooms with statues

    Nymphetamine felt the anger coursing through him. He held so much anger about his past, the anger drove him more than he consciously knew. The anger sometimes took hold, driving him forward pushing him deeper into darkness. The scariest thing was that he liked it, was that he wasn't always frightened when he dove into the abyss of hatred within him. He bore down the fae before him his eyes still burning as she absorbed his words. Absorbed would be too gentle for how she reacted absorbed was not right. no, his words crushed her, as if they weighed more than a crumbling mountain falling atop her rare hide.

    Nymphetamines anger relented for a moment, curiosity taking over. His sided still heaved with the effort of controlling himself physically, to keep from lashing out, But if someone were to study his eyes he they would see the difference, they were just ever so slightly softer.  That was when the fae started crying. and her words full of hurt, and abandon struck. Nymphetamine froze. Her reaction was not of a lying foul harlet, he had made a terrible terrible mistake. The anger drained from him, he was a beast of words, not a warrior, he could pick up on the mixed messages and the deeper undertone of hidden meaning. How could he have been so wrong? His nerves about his plans with Gates had made his rash- and ill-tempered. Keeva did not deserve this---deserve to have to worry about him and how he might treat her due to his mission. His whole body seemed to shrivel up at this realization that he was the danger to her- not Chamber. He was thinking of just turning and running- not sure how to fix this not sure if he could face her disappointment now that his anger was settling back in the pit from which it came. Nymphetamine's head hung low, his eyes closed, dagger about to turn him away in complete disgrace. But she whimpered, and he looked up. She verbally lashed him for thinking of her with such disdain, but when her words fell behind them was hurt and sadness. He could have left had she been mad, and he would have left. But she wasn't really angry...she was hurt, so he couldn't.

    His words fell in complete disarray- he fumbled over himself as he beat himself up internally for being so brash. He didn't know where to start, and didn't know if it would matter. He had never felt small before- but he did now. 

    I-well... urgh...I am sorry, Keeva... its just that... I didn't mean to.... my mission....Chamber..... and there was you... and Gates.... I get so angry....But I hurt you. I'm sorry.

    He tried to put thoughts together, tried to make them come forward with some grace, but it just wouldn't happen. He knew he had to go, Killdare and Chamber were waiting, he didn't have time to explain. He knew he had to free the fae- he couldn't keep hurting her- Chamber would make him dark and twisted- but he knew he had to go to revenge his own past. He wanted to tell her- to fix this- but there was simply no time. He still was awkward, his words falling slightly scattered, but he knew he had to do this...for Keeva, and not himself.

    I...I owe you more, you deserve more. I can't give you- you wont be safe... I just can't do this-- to you. I'm sorry. I am......I have to go

    The last three words barely fell from his mouth. He turned began to walk away, slowly picking up his pace. He didn't look back out of embarrassment and fear that he would be able to keep from returning. He knew there are more to their story- it just would have to wait. What a fool he was, what a damned fool indeed. Keeva would want nothing to do with him, he was sure of it- but it was time to face Chamber and stay true to his word. He would have to find Keeva later- if he survived his meeting with Killdare at the boarder of Chamber, that is.


    cold was my soul, untold was the pain I faced when you left me: a rose in the rain


    Sides heaving but his anger gave away to curiosity, but the fea still saw his control over his form straining with the aftermath of his anger. But there in his eyes, she saw the softness still, this gave her a little hope. When she spoke as the tears ran down her face she saw the blood bay freeze, she resisted the urge to breath out a sigh of relief as she saw the anger leave him like someone as snuffed out a light. But when his handsome head hung low and his eyes closed, he looked defeated, she sidled her nose to his and breathed in his exhale to calm him and herself. That lash out was caused by her ignorance to the situation, she shouldn't have talked about it anyways. Where would they be if she hadn't spoke that name? Still sharing tender moments in the sun? Or walking and talking their day away without a care in the world? But then he spoke tumbling words out of his mouth in broken fragments. "Shh shh Nymphetamine, everything is going to be alright. You just scared me" She said her voice a soft bell like whisper by his ear. Then he said the words that brought life to a halt before her eyes. "No..No You don't owe me anything. I don't deserve more. I just want you!" She cried her eyes wide with panic as he turned away from her. "No Nymphetamine.. Don't leave me" But he did anyway turning his back on her and walking away picking up his pace to where he was away from her for quite a distance. Thats when her heart broke and she trotted a short ways in his direction but it was useless he was to far a head of her. "Nymphetamine!" She called and cried out for him until her voice was hoarse and ragged.

    "So this is what heartbreak feels like" she thought to her self as she turned and walked into the shadows of the trees her head hung low and tears flowing like raging rivers from her sad eyes. Will her Nymphetamine come back? She dearly hopes so because he was a ray of sunshine and made her feel new and exciting things and she loved it. But right now she can't feel anything beside the occasional sharp pang of her heart shattering slightly

    the hills are full of marble before the world blooms with statues

    OOC: This post made me cry. Seriously! I am totally emotionally attached to these two

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