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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    New H O M E <Lokii>
    "It's wonderful!" I say, letting a sigh escape. Kii was amazing. His voice like waterfalls. his mane like silk. He was just an all-around amazing guy (from what Nadyah could see). "Kii, could you show me around?"

    this isn't mischief

        He can barely contain his excitement upon receiving another damsel for his hastily thrown together herd. He can feel the essence of chaos in the marrow of his bones (it’s excited, raging deep inside him with a feeling equivalent to a wolf being fed) and it sends a thrill through his body. They all think him to be a knight-in-shining-armor (a brown-eyed, strong stallion that would comfort them if they cried and love them if they doubted) and he almost laughs every time he thinks upon it. They think him to have a sultry, deep voice (not the true tenor and smirking one he has). They think him to have coffee-brown, gentle eyes (not the true blue and black, blue and white mischievous ones he has). They think him to be tall, strong, and smoothly handsome (not the true sharp cheekbones and sinewy muscle and gangly-legs that he is).

        They walk toward Echo Trails at a steady pace. The wind sings through the trees, bringing with it the hint of a taste of fall. Thankfully, Echo Trails is heavily populated by pine trees, allowing for plenty of shelter during the fall and winter months when nighttime is dreadfully cold and shelter can be hard to find among naked trees. The mare’s voice pierces through his mind and the trickster forces his eyes to remain neutral while he internally refrains from rolling them.

        “It would be my honor, Miss Dya,” he says (although he’d really rather just let her explore alone and find her once breeding season rolls around). There aren’t too many significant features to the territory (a creek that winds between the pine trees, a grassy clearing perfect for grazing, and adventurous walking trails to explore spread throughout) but he points out the most important places. “It’s a very nice home for you, miss, and a lovely place for children come spring.”

        His gaze (coffee brown, warm and gentle to her) turns toward the mare. “That’s assuming you would want my child, Miss Dya. When you live in my home, I expect you to be loyal and faithful to me.” His lips turn into a gentle, soothing smile, but the hidden undercurrent of law is found in his voice.


    this is mayhem

    After we do the tour, he and I go to the creek. "Kii, this is amazing. Simple, yet pretty. I would love to have your child. Your the nicest guy I've met. You've prommised me a home, children, and a wonderful mate for life." I say, looking deep into his eyes. There's something he's hiding my gut tells me. I ignore it and nose his silky smooth neck.

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