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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    OPEN: the dead are coming home; ALL KINGDOM [MANDATORY]
    We double checked, this thread/plot is approved and we can move forward with it! Yasss >Smile

    you say I'm crazy, but I think I'm freaking amazing.
    Have you ever wondered what it would be like if true peace reigned over an entire land? I'm sure you have. I can even say I bet you thought it would be the most blissful type of life. No problems. No hatred. No prejudice. No war.

    But what if I were to tell you those were necessities of life? What if I told you that you would eventually grow bored? That you, like the rest, who weren't brainwashed by the peaceful life you've been handed, would begin to question every way of living that was required to keep the peace reigning over your homes?

    What if I told you you'd begin acting out, unable to tell why even though the reason was right infront of you, lingering like an invisible omen?

    What if I told you that peace cannot survive without its opposite...


    Peace had hung over Beqanna for a long time. Years had passed without any action. Only small tiffs and disagreements had filled only the tiniest of cracks. And now Beqanna was growing antsy. The way any land does when peace lasts too long. Kingdoms were growing bored. Rulers were becoming antsy. Moves were being made to force the change hanging in the air forward and into action. Too many were striving for something to do. And chaos was the best way to get what they wanted. Acts that wouldn't normally being committed were being pushed into play.

    And for this reason Demian met with a small group in the dead of night. Making their plans in order to protect the Valley. A barrier of silence had been formed around them, thanks to Eight and after hours of much discussion they had decided what they were to do. Once the barrier  had been broken, Demian had found his way from the group and towards the Valleys borders. Walking along with Eight in silence, he kept his body loose and relaxed so it would seem to the passing eye that they were merely taking a small walk together in the crisp evening air.

    It was after a small amount of time that the Magician and Jaguar made it to the border and with a look towards Eight, Demian stepped out, placing himself directly ontop of the border that separated their kingdom from the rest of Beqanna. A few seconds passed and with a deep breath the Jaguar king closed his eyes and concentrated on the fire within his soul. He could feel it swirling, dancing carefully spreading first into his legs and then up and into his belly and chest. Still he holds his breath, waiting and as a few more minutes pass the fire is finally swirling up into his neck and head and down his tail and through his wings.

    It is only when he lets his breath go, a large gush of air exiting his lips and nostrils quickly that his body erupts into fire, changing from a solid and into the purple, green, and blue flames of cosmic fire. It is now that he opens his eyes and looks to Eight, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips before finally he spreads his wings and slowly lowers them, allowing the edges of the their fire to dance across and lick the border. "Eight, if you'll do the honors." For now they are alone. It would be the sudden rise of the wall of eternal fire that would drive the members to them in search of an explanation. Once the wall rose it would be at the height of a few stories, blue purple and green flame dancing towards the sky rather than the typical red, orance and yellows.

    And simply of course, because the Valley was as cold as she was, the Magic of Eight and the tree would make sure that the kingdom did not break her. As the borders intentions were to protect, and not harm. It is when Eight finally does what is needed, that Demian feels the energy of the flame spreading and it takes what seems like hours for the fire to suddenly explode from the tips of his wings and shoot down the borders lines. From their spot, they can see how the flames suddenly begin to surround the valley, finally meeting at a center point and only when it is finished does Demian raise his wings to his side and step away from the border. Yet as he does the a large crack rings through the silent air, directing his attention towards the center of the kingdom.

    A large circle of cosmic fire erupts through the trees, burning branches and leaves and it only takes moments to realize what has happened. Unknowingly Demian had sacrificed part of himself to create a similar border around their growing magical tree. And only when his body returned to it's natural form would he realized in order to do so, he had burned his own eyes from his skull. Right now he could see the world in fire. But once the flames fell silent within him he would be blind, constantly needing the fire's aide in order to see and of course the tree had gone unharmed. The smaller border within the kingdom had quickly surrounded the entire meadow in which the tree sat in the middle of.

    With big acts, came great sacrifices. And Demian had most definitely placed a part of him that he would hate to lose up as a gift to Eight and the God's in order to protect the one thing they had demanded they take care of and make sure saw no harm. Silently he looked towards Eight and nodded, and with time his body began to cool, everything but his wings and eyes changing back into their natural form before the rest arrived. None of them would have seen him in full form. He and Eight had made sure of that. In silence he waited by the walayah magician. Waited for the rest to come.

    It is only when they are all there, does he step forward to speak. "Hello Everyone. I need you to understand that there is no reason to worry. The Valley is not under attack. We are not burning to the ground." He chuckles slightly as the smirk tugging at the corners of his lips grows a bit. "We are now simply protected from any and all outside forces... This wall is a mixture of cosmic and everlasting fire. The color is unusual simply because cosmic fire burns at much higher heat levels than the average." Why he explains it, he isn't sure. But he felt they should know the severity of what they were dealing with. "This wall will prevent any unloyal members or outside forces who wish the valley ill harm from getting inside. Someone who is not a member cannot cross without a truly loyal member. If they try to cross with you, and they mean ill harm, they will be burned and if they do not turn around, and leave there is a chance they could be horribly disfigured, or worse." He allows the threat to hang softly in the air. He means them no harm, he simply wishes to let them know the rules.

    "If someone tries to fly over the wall of fire, flames will shoot up to reach them. If they try to dig under, the fire will sink to them. There is no in and out for those who are not with a member, or a member themselves. Eight and Tree's magic also help prevent our wall from being broken by other magicians." He looks towards Eight for a moment before turning to look for Flamevein. Once he finds the fire stallion he nods quietly before looking towards the rest. "Which brings me to my next announcement. We are going to be doing something new in the Valley. To assure your safety from the flames and to show the world you belong in your home and are loyal to it." Slowly he looks to each, catching their eyes for a moment before settling his gaze on the Entire group.

    "We will be taking marks to prove our loyalty.... A small Flame flickering V by the corner of your left Eye will be executed by Flamevein. The tattoo in turn will be kept there by Eight's magic. You have a right to choose to take it or not. You will have half a year (2 RL weeks) to make your choice. But be warned... If you take this mark and turn on the valley, the tattoo will create a burning sensation (for 2 RL weeks) inside of your head. It will constantly feel like your mind is on fire. It will be excruciating. And at the end of the two weeks, your mark will turn into a bloodied scar, having burned its way out of you. And it will be there until the day you die to show the world that you turned against a home you were once loyal to. This will be possible because the mark will link directly to your soul, heart and mind. It will know, before anyone else, potentially even yourself if you mean harm against the Valley."

    He pauses then for a time to allow them to think of their choice. They have a right to choose. As Demian is not a dictator. He simply strives to protect the Valley and make it a kingdom all in it's own class. With a nod towards Flamevein, he allows the stallion to approach and before anything he speaks a small statement, "I pledge myself to the Valley. I promise to do what is needed of me in order to serve and protect. I promise to do right by it's members, who I consider my family. I sacrifice myself to the kingdom and it's heart until my life is no longer required in this realm. I understand that I must make sacrifices in the coming days in order to prove my loyalty. I swear to never turn my back on my kingdom or on my family. I, Demian, am the Valleys." He then grunts softly in order to let Flame know that he is ready. And within moments, he is gritting his teeth as the fire wielder burns him with a a small curvy v.

    The flames dance around the edges of the small mark and singe the touching hair until finally they are localized in the small curves of the letter, dancing and twisting with one another in an elegant dance. It was then his body warmed again, much more than usual as the power of the mark tied to his heart, his mind and his soul. In response the jaguar king found himself closing his eyes as he felt the binds being created and with a sigh he let the process take it's place... Opening his eyes, cosmic flames of blue green orange and yellow licking at the corners of his sockets swirl faster than usual as he watches them all. "Now," rolling his shoulders like it was nothing, "Whose next?"

    demian; the jaguar king

    OKAY. SO. I know this is  A LOT to read, but i wanted to explain it all the best I could. If there are any questions, concerns, etc. Pleass PM me so as to leave ooc stuff out of the thread.

    Eight is making all of this possible because he's a super duper magician and a badass.

    Rules of the wall:
    x. those with the mark can pass through the wall unharmed..
    x.anyone without a mark need someone with one to escort them through. unless you have fire shifting, or some ability that could allow you to cross fire without being harmed. In which case, go ahead and use those traits.
    x. The wall can't be brought down. But.. It's temporary and an awesome plot addition will lead to it''s destruction Wink
    x. there's a wall of fire that now also surrounds the meadow our magic tree sits as an added form of security. In order to do this, demian sacrificed his eyes. He doesn't know yet though. Even if the border around the valley is somehow broken, the one around the tree will remain. It was a sacrifice demian made deep in his soul to prove his loyalty to the valley and the gods.
    x. allied kingdoms rulers, will have the choice to take on the mark. they can only take them from eight, flamevein and demian. if they turn on the valley, the mark will have the same effects it would on members who turned against the valley
    x. this is a wall of everlasting / cosmic fire. it is here in order to PROTECT the valley from anyone and everyone that means harm.
    x.. you have 2 Real Life weeks to decide if your character wants to take on the mark. (this includes ranked and unranked horses)
    x. If they don't want the mark, yet want to continue to live here, if they cross over the border, they must cross with a member that has the mark in order to cross safely.
    x. any children of the valley do not need to decide to make an oath until they are 3 years old (3 RL months). children under 3 yrs must ALWAYS cross the border with a loyal adult member.
    x. new members: have 2 RL months to decide to take on the mark, if they aren't truly loyal the effects of the border still goes. because they are new and dont have the mark, they require a member to cross borders with them.
    x. This wall can't be used to burn down other kingdoms or beqanna. Or kill ponies... so magicians, and fire weilders please don't get weird lmao. This is literally a protective force.

    Outside Allies:
    1. Kings/Queens of allied kingdoms have the option to take the v mark. It will have the same effects for valley members.
    2. Other kingdoms members that want to ally with the valley apart from their kingdoms may also take the mark. It will have the same effect for valley members.

    Time to imagine the V:
    1. The v is literally to be carved by flame into the characters face under their left eye (think kind of like a gang tat)
    2. Inside the carving flames will dance and swirl (without harm) together
    3. The v is elegant and curvy like cursive hand writing in a way.
    4. The v is not made of cosmic fire. It is made of the typical type of fire that flamevein would create. So think red, orange and yellow flames.
    5. The mark is temporary and will go away with out harm when the wall disappears.

    If you want to act like you were near the tree when the second wall shot up into the air and then settled and your horse freaked out and ran to find everyone, go ahead. The wall will not have harmed them until it was all settled at it's true height and fully formed. So they would have had about say... 15 minutes to get out. Smile have fun with your reactions! Your character is allowed to respond in any way that would be appropriate for them.

    Speech: I want you to all create your own speeches/promises/etc to the valley when/if you take on the mark. Smile It will make it more fun that way and I feel the valley is too independent for a typical solid speech.

    He had felt the change coming.

    It slipped over the horizon like the coming of a summer storm. The air thick and heavy, teaming to the brim with the impending electricity. It crackled and sizzled and too soon the clouds would break. The fire-veined stallion felt the electricity on his skin, smelled the chaos on the winds. It was an intoxicating scent, and he drank of it like a drunk slugging on a bottle of dime store wine. This, this was his element, his reason for being. He was not built for peace, but for war and chaos. He was, after all, a son of the Dark God.

    Flamevein was no stranger to Eights magic, and he felt the crackle of it immediately. Perhaps it was the own traces of magic in his own veins, or something else entirely, but he knew immediately when the magician was wielding his powers. And so he went towards the commotion, thriving on it, feeding off of it. Their plans were coming into fruition. His own fire crawled gracefully up his legs and along his underbelly and caressing him all the way. The fire in the distance was something larger though and he knew this was the source of the magical disturbance. A grin splits his mouth, but it’s almost grotesque in its manner and certainly doesn’t reach past his mouth. His eyes are full of fire and fire alone. In the distance he can see the king, and he’s quite impressed at the way he allows Eights magic to ravage through his body. It takes a brave soul to let such old magic travel through ones veins, and Demian clearly is sparing nothing. Flamevein watches quietly as the fire builds from him, and all around them the borders erupt. Ah, yes… he thinks, his own flames leaping at the sight of new ones. This is his element.

    Finally he pulls himself from the show at the border, heading in the direction the winged king had went. It doesn’t take him long, and he wastes no time coming to his side. He knows what will be said and knows what will be done. They can swear themselves and be marked by the Valley, or they can leave, or they can be scarred as traitors. Their choice, though it seemed as though only one was logical. The king turns to him, and Flamevein returns his oath with that same smile he’d worn at the border raising. “Of course, your majesty.” He blows softly from his nose. At once the air turns to fire, and the fire fashions its self into a hand. With a pointer finger extended, a “V” is drawn on the kings cheek, beneath his eye. Inhaling he draws the fire back into himself, extinguishing all but the flames that crawled up his legs. “I too swear myself to the Valley. I am the blood of her blood, and to her I give my life. I hope She and I can serve one another, until I’m no longer of service.” he said, all emotion gone from his face. Closing his eyes, he felt the fire spring onto his face. Gritting his teeth the “V” traced itself out- it was only through Eight’s magic that he could feel this bit of fire at all. Finally he was done, the flickering marking standing stark against his black and nebula face. He stood beside the king, his eyes glittering with fire and something else, something seldom seen there.

    i set fire to the rain

    Ooc - Ok, so if you want to swear yourself and get your tattoo, feel free to use Flamevein however you’d like. He can touch you, make the hand of fire, or have it simply show up…use him how you’d like!
    "Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. What I've tasted of desire I'll hold with those who favor fire." - R. Frost

    What the actual fuck.

    I have seen magic tear the land apart, and I have seen magic heal impossible cracks. I have watched horses posessed by it and others who used it to further their mission of love. I have seen creatures from the depths of hell inflict untold horrors upon arguably innocent souls. But this, the walls of flame that tower above the Valley, is a new one for me.

    Can you blame me if my first thought (well second, actually, after the eloquent profanity that pours forth from my lips) is of my son? I swear to the gods if he has anything to do with this... my second is of Flamevein, the Valley's resident pyro. I don't hear screams, however, and as I pause to watch the tree become engulfed by the ring of fire I scan the minds of those around me. No one is hurt, although some are startled. Instantly I know exactly who I need to find.

    Going for dramatics now, are we, Demian?” I say wryly as I approach the trio of stallions. “You know you brought down the value of the place by blocking the view.

    I swear to the gods that they probably all got together after drinking one night and thought, You know what we should do? Let's build a wall. Yeah! A flaming wall. Yeah! It'll be fucking awesome! And then we'll invite babes, and only let people in if they have a password! And the password will be dicks!

    Gods, and their minds. They are doing the mind equivalent of pumping fists.

    Frat boys. I live in a land governed by fucking frat boys.

    Still, I am ridiculously open minded. So open-minded, in fact, that I can grasp the fervor with which Demian has pursued the protection of the Valley. I know, perhaps before he does, the extent to which his sacrifice will haunt him. And though I will never say it, my respect for the jaguar king grows. The Valley is in more than capable hands.

    As long as the next thing you do isn't asking us to drink the Kool-Aid, I'm game.” I say easily, shifting the weight of my pregnant belly to alleviate the pressure on my hips.

    When I step forward, however, my eyes light with fire and my voice is more serious than anyone here has ever heard it. See, I will think with amusement as I look back on this day, I can act my age.

    I am the Valley. She is in me and I am in her, and no one will tear us apart. For ages I have lived here and for ages more I will stay. I, Gallows, dedicate myself in service to her.

    Short and sweet and to the point. I am nothing less.

    I cast Flamevein an amused look, breaking the spell of solemnity. “Aim well, pyro boy.

    He does that, at least. I grin as he marks me, his enthusiasm for his flames infectious, blending into my thoughts. It doesn't hurt as much as I expected but I close my eyes and focus my breathing.

    I have always been willing to lay down my life for the Valley. Now, it seems, there will be an outward sign of the devotion I have always had.

    I step back when Flamey is done, waiting to see who else will step forward.

    G A L L O W S
    We must all hang together or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.


    the darkest nights produce the brightest stars

    Fennick feels like a man who has finally taken a lover after years and years of determined bachelorhood. In truth, he has done no such thing, but the affect is the same. His needs are no longer his first propriety, his thoughts are not for himself. Always, always, he is planning for the future, and it is not for his own future that he plans.

    The black stallion stretched his massive wings and held them aloft, admiring the way the snow fell along the inky feathers. Still, he has not flown on them. He’s waiting for the right moment, he’s waiting until they are strong. They were a gift to him, but more than that, they are a reminder of the duty he owes, of the sacrifices he must make.

    Already he has made sacrifices, small things here and there. He’s trying to hold himself with pride and speak with dignity. Demian has put his faith with him, and to do anything other than deserve it would be a slight to his king and kingdom. That, is not an option. Still, Fennick has been pushing himself hard, in his efforts to become what he can be, and the effort has left him a little tired.

    He has decided to allow himself a night of rest, a chance to be the awkward boy he is in his heart. Tomorrow he will strive to be the man he wants to be, but tonight he will sit under his favorite tree and count the stars, saying not a word to anyone.

    The thought causes a happy little smile to twitch to his lips.

    Fennick was at star 214, his wings pulled up around his ears to protect them from the cold. As he purred in satisfaction at star 215, a resounding crack sent Fennick to his feet. The black stallion reared in surprise, eyes going white around the edges.

    He only had a minute to react before the flames erupted, and he unleashed a whinny that split the air. Could it be that the Chamber had broken oath? Were they burning like the Gates? Fennick’s nostrils flared wide and his eyes crinkled in anger.

    Like hell they would.

    With a great heave he leapt into the air, poised to turn himself into a falcon flying overhead. Yet, there his no need, his own great wings respond to his call. Leaves and snow scatter in his wake and a few heartbeats later he is airborne, swooping to get a better view of their attackers.

    Yet, there is no attacker. Fennick dips and sways in the air. It is only Demian, Eight and Flamevein. From his view high above, Fennick looked at his king, alight with cosmic fire in his eyes and on his wings. Confusion clouded Fennick’s mind and he began a descent, more free fall than landing. Fennick landed in the middle of the gathering group with an almighty thud. Snow, dirt, and black feathers showered around him.

    Even to his own eyes, Fennick looked quite wild. He quickly righted himself. Stamping in his flurry to come to attention.

    “Demian —“ Fennick barked, oblivious to the silent, somber mood that was gathering around him. He was trying to learn social queues. He hadn’t mastered them. Yet, before Fennick could continue on, no doubt prattling a stream of unedited thoughts, Demian spoke, and effectively silenced him.

    The large stallion listened in silence, his expression unreadable. He watched as Demian said his words, and then Flamevein himself.  Gallows quickly stepped up next, and Fennick was not surprised. From the little he knew of Gallows, he understood that she didn’t need a tattoo to pledge herself. That oath was made long ago, even if she had not said the words.

    Finally, with what felt like a great deal of trust, Fennick stepped towards the fire wielder. He looked Flamevein in the eye, cast his eyes over Eight, and finally peered into Demian’s cosmic fire. Simply, and with all the dignity he could muster Fennick spoke.

    “I will go next.” He said the words slowly, but with conviction. He had wandered into the Valley the very minute Demian became king. Fennick had the oddest feeling that since that moment, he had been waiting for this one.

    This promise had been looming large before him, and Fennick had felt it, like an ever present shadow. Finally, he met the shadow and found that it was warm, and bright. He took a deep breath in, but when he spoke his words were soft and clear. A murmured pledge on a dark night.

    “I, Fennick, pledge all that I am and all that I will be to the Valley. I shall be reborn in her fire, and I shall die by her name. Let none trespass against her, for evil done to her is evil done to me. I shall be her hands that cradle, her eyes that see and her tongue that speaks. From this day forth and evermore, I do so pledge.” It is, perhaps, the most words he has ever said in a row, and yet he cannot lay claim to them. They came through him, pulled from his gut by an invisible hand. Fennick knows, like a child knows its mother, that the Valley has pulled her oath from him.

    All that is left is the fire that binds. The mark singed hotly beneath his eye, and Fennick grinned. The flames felt good, they felt like home.

    Whale and Rea's amorphous, ever-changing son
    Gonna get a post up w/ Eight shortly- but the same goes for him as w/ Flamey/Dem - feel free to use him in your posts to give yourself the mark (:


    Vulgaris x Zelena

    Snakes among sweet flowers do creep

    Sleep, sweet sleep. It is mostly that until the fires burn. Firelight laces up the valley borders, and Arise starts awake. They had nestled in the same copse since they had arrived, besides, that black guy with wings said they could stay. Well, he said they could eat, so he might as well have invited them to stay here.

    She watches them grow, building forever on almost until they crest some unseen peak. She is too startled to move, frozen in place curled next to her brother. Lucky for them both they are not wandering to or from the kingdom tonight. Slowly her hummingbird heart eases, until it has reached somewhat normalcy, and then she can think. What a terrible reaction in truth, a dangerous one, but she is just a child still. She nudges Grice hoping to stir him, and when he does not she bites him smartly on the ear. "What do you suppose that means?" she gestures the flickering flames, fascinated by the way they change a multitude of colors. The light that reflected in her venom green eyes, made them seem ethereal.

    Dunno..find out.. sleep and yawn punctuated words, but they are better than nothing, probably the best she can hope for right now. She spies a familiar black shape in the sky, steadily gains her legs, and she sets off. Well, wherever he was going had to be the right way right? He lived here, surely he would know what was going on. She can hear Grice stirring behind her, on his way to really waking and joining her. She keeps slow but steady pace, allowing time for him to catch up, to not completely lose her in the still unfamiliar parts.

    She steps through the trees with caution, though she does not lack for confidence by stepping through at all. Her bravery is met with a gathering of multiple horses, all older than herself, all waiting and looking to a spotted male. That must be the leader, she thinks, Grice brushing against her dark side. She felt slight next to them all, still a yearling and growing, but they were both finely built. An obvious favoring to the Friesian breed, with well built, chiseled spanish-type heads. They had a bit of feathering as well, but overall were in between a robust baroque and a finer boned sport.

    The words went on, she had never been to a meeting, of any kind. Didn’t know that horses would stop and converse at such lengths with each other, would make such a fanfare of it, but she liked it. Soon the stink of burning flesh filled her nostrils, turning her nose to wrinkles, yuck. She wasn’t sure if she would mess up her pretty face like that, perhaps she could convince the firey male to find a more discreet place, if or when her time came.

    Art/photograph by Ignasi Monreal

    she slept with wolves without fear

    She joins the meeting with all the rest, slipping in quietly behind the group of gathered horses. She had noticed the fire barrier of course - she’d have to be blind not to - and like the others, she wants answers.

    And when she gets them she’s not impressed.

    She doesn’t like the idea of her freedom being restricted - of having to swear an oath to be able to go wherever she likes. It’s restrictive and annoying … isolating, too. A far cry from the Beqanna she knows so well, and she has a feeling it could come back to bite them. With a system like this, their allies won’t be able to help them if they are ever in need.

    But she steps forward to the say the words all the same.

    Not though, because her loyalty particularly lies with the Valley. Her loyalty is to herself, and herself alone. And to the Queen Illuminate in a way, though that loyalty had of course been bought.

    No, she steps forward to say the words because it lies in her best interest. Interesting things are happening in the Valley right now. It will pay to be here in the thick of things. And really, she bears the Valley no ill will, she simply wishes to observe (which is why the mark should still work for her).

    She skirts the outside of the group, quietly approaching the dark, fire-wielding stallion. “I pledge myself to the Valley, to serve her as she serves me. May she rise above the rest and prosper.” Then she grits her teeth and closes her eyes, letting the fire-wielder do his work.

    for the wolves knew a lion was among them


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