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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    on the wings of valkyries - ramiel, sette, joscelin, aoi, any

    I am iron and I forge myself

    Just as she promised, Lagertha wakes Anguisette just as the Jungle is in that lull between nocturnal creatures falling asleep and diurnal creatures waking up. The sun is just beginning to surface over the horizon, though none of it reaches through the thick canopy and tree heavy area that surrounds their sleeping area. The air is heavy and dim, but the gray woman rouses the filly to her hooves and then leads the way to the central clearing, where they will grab a quick bite to eat and meet Joscelin and/or Aoi for their Dalean adventure. She has a personal interest in this excursion, as does Joscelin. They are breaking Rhy’s two-horse rule, by two too many, but the exception in this case is okayed by her. Children and potential diplomats must learn.

    When the Khaleesi meets her companions for the day, she gives them a small smile and a nod. “Good morning,” she murmurs before finishing her breakfast. Once Sette is ready to go, Lagertha indicates for Joscelin to take the lead and set a brisk, but not too hard of a pace. Let them all get some excercise, hmmm? She would rather arrive early in the day than at the later half. It’s not a terribly far journey. Together, the three (or four) of them set off in a Northeast direction for the Dale. As they leave the Jungle, a tiny bit of apprehension starts to smolder in the iron lady’s breast, as she wonders if her son is there, and whether or not he will come to see her. It is entirely possible that they will be ships passing in the dark of the night, but on the off chance that Dalten is around and does come looking to see who is visiting, would he be happy to see her?

    Would he be happy to meet his adoptive sister? Does he hold everything (and then some) against Lagertha? She could not blame him, if he did. She was never the coddling sort… but it must be terribly difficult to know that all your parent’s hopes and dreams rest on what you do with your life. It’s no wonder he fled into the quiet, reclusive brush.

    The horned Khaleesi calls for a slower approach as they draw near the border, and as they drop down to a walk, she moves up to join Joscelin in the front. Lagertha’s never met Ramiel, but she is eager to see who replaced Tiphon. When they reach the border, Lagertha halts and lets out a call for Ramiel and anyone else who may be nearby.  


    warrior queen of the amazons


    in the morning when I wake and the sun is coming through,
    oh you fill my lungs with sweetness and my head is filled with you

    Her barrel is quite swollen these days and she finds herself getting more and more anxious with each passing day. Her first child, by a shapeshifting stranger no less, and she was still a clean slate with not a single inkling of who or what she was. Only her name she could cling to in certainty. How was she to raise a child when she could remember nothing, had no recollection of what family and friends and parents had been like or felt like. The white mare has kept close to the trees in the rolling hills of the Dale. Winter had returned and with it she can recall the only memories she has, one of almost freezing to death in the Field till Ramiel and Eld had found her. Alone, dying, and with a broken mind. Now she looked alive and well, meat on her bones and a brightness to the stormy ocean of her eyes. And pregnant, can’t forget pregnant.

    The Dale had yet to churn up anything from her past despite the recognition of the kingdom’s name. Although she was still disappointed by her lack of memory, she was happy to be here. The Dale was slowly feeling more like a home to her and she would forever be in Ramiel’s debt for pulling her from the frozen darkness. So she would do the best she could to help him back, help his kingdom. As she leans against the rough bark of an oak tree, she sees the group approaching. Taking a few steps from her cover and squinting through the brightness, she makes out some mares and even a few foals. Of course she doesn’t remember the Amazons, doesn’t think that they may be a threat or coming to discuss Kingdom business. Instead she thinks that maybe they are homeless and seeking a place to stay. What better place than the Dale?

    She makes her way towards them, her progress slowed down by the snow and cold and her current physical state. There is a smile on her lips and her gaze is warm as she approaches. ”Welcome to the Dale! I’m Soliel.” She pauses, her gaze lingering on the filly with a surge of anxiety and sudden happiness. Deep down she thinks her own child is a girl and Sette instantly reminds her of what is soon to come. ”What brings you here today?”

    can I be close to you?


    There's a song in your lung and a dream in your eye.

    The Khaleesi comes for them bright and early that morning, ready head out for the Dale. Joscelin is unaccountably excited to go, though little of her excitement shows on her features. She does miss her family and relishes taking this opportunity to see how they are doing. No doubt her brother and mother would like to see her as well. When she had left the Dale more than a year ago now, she had been in rough shape, still recovering her deathly experience.

    Joscelin gladly takes the lead when Lagertha indicates that she should. Had she been on her own, she would have simply flown. It would have cut the travel time in a third. But given that no one else in their party has the ability to fly, that is simply not an option today. She sets a brisk pace but is careful to ensure the youngest member is able to keep up (she might have to stretch her little legs a bit, but it’s good exercise, right?).

    Given that the kingdoms are relatively close in relation to one another, even on foot, the journey does not take long. As the flat plains slowly give way to rolling hills, Joscelin begins to recognize landscapes, hills and valleys she had explored as a child. Had the Khaleesi not called up to her before moving up to her side, she would have simply kept going right past the borders of the kingdom. It is slightly surreal, having to halt at the borders of the kingdom she had grown up in. And though her loyalty lies with the Amazons, she had spent more years in this kingdom than in the jungle. It is far more familiar to her than any other place. She can see a small copse of trees not far off that she had discovered a nest of baby foxes in. And somewhere not too distant is a clearing likely still riddled with pockmarks she had been the cause of.

    But they halt and Lagertha calls for Ramiel. She knows where his favorite spot to linger is (or had been, at least), and probably could have led them straight there. But given that they are here on a diplomatic mission, she supposes it is in their best interest to adhere to the unspoken laws of diplomacy. Almost before Lagertha has let the call slip from her lips, a mare Joscelin does not recognize is approaching. Her pale sides are extended greatly, displaying a well advanced pregnancy. She greets them with open friendliness, asking after their purpose here. Joscelin dips her head slightly in greeting, just as she had seen her mother do many times.

    "Hello Soliel. I am Joscelin."

    She pauses a moment, considering what to say next.

    "We are here from the Amazon to introduce our new Khaleesi, Lagertha."

    She tips her head in Lagertha’s direction before adding a secondary introduction.

    "And her daughter, Sette."


    Tiphon x Elysteria

    html c insane | picture c mikanicole.deviantart.com

    @[Jeje], just so you know, there is an open tag in your html Wink
    Joscelin, you forgot Killdare  Big Grin


    Had he been invited? Absolutely not. 
    Did that keep him from slowly following them to the Dale? Absolutely not. 
    Killdare had feigned sleep when they left, had waited until they were a good ways ahead, then he had brought up the rear. A slow…lagging caboose. Afterall, he was Joscelin’s captive, and he wouldn’t want her to forget.

    She would miss him.

    Besides that he had never been to the Dale. He did not accompany the Chamber’s diplomats, not unless he was asked. He wasn’t good with words, so he usually just stood there. Now would be no different. He took note from Lagertha, and scoffed at himself for doing so. They had slowed, he should slow as well, and so he does.
    It’s not really what he expected, this ‘Dale’. Hadn’t he heard somewhere there was an angel king here? Maybe not, he could be mistaken, now that he thinks about it he hadn’t listened to that conversation very well. So, there he stood, watching the girls. Watching them watch yet another girl (women, women everywhere!). She was rather round, heavy with foal no doubt, and the thought pulled at his chest. He missed his children, he missed his mate.

    Dragon-Winged Tracker Colonel of the Chamber

    I yawn a bit grumpily as mama wakes me. It takes me a long sleepy moment to remember why she is nudging me, but then suddenly the trip to the Dale springs to mind and I scramble to my feet, tripping as I do so. I blink, looking around in the dim lighting. The world is nearly the same shade as my smoky black form. Mama had told me early, but the sun is not even awake yet. I can barely eat as we meet the others. I nicker playfully at all of them, easily the most energetic at this point, anxious to begin our adventure.

    (Well, for me, this is an adventure! The adults are probably a little more sedate about the whole thing.)

    As soon as we set out, I am a bundle of unbridled energy. The dynamics of our group mean very little to me. To me, they are a collection of my home and each is precious, even Aoi, who is a bit of a mystery at this point. I trot around the adults, nosing Joscelin's side and looking curiously at the world outside of the Jungle. After awhile I notice Killdare farther behind and I leave my mother's side (she seems a bit lost in thought) to greet him in delight. I tease Killdare to get him to play with me. He obliges me, and I giggle with delight as he pretends that my nips actually hurt. I am glad that Joscelin made him visit. After a bit, mama's call brings me back to her side.

    I grow serious as we stop near the border of the Dale, all wide brown eyes and pricked ears. It's cold here, so different from my jungle home. I glance up at mama, pressed against her side, a bit nervous. We are approached quickly, and she says her name is Soleil. She is very, very big and pretty. Of course, no one is as pretty as my mama. Joscelin introduces us.

    "I like the trees here, Soleil." I say with a shy smile.

    the jungle princess

    It had been years since she’d gone home.
    Or, what had once been her home. She had been born there in the Jungle, trained there, watched the Amazons closely. She knew that Scorch was a strong leader, but a controversial one - Ea often saw the other mares questioning her, both in secret and, in Lagertha’s case, directly. There were parts of Lagertha that Ea admired - she was strong-willed and dedicated to the Jungle, just as Scorch was. It was something that Ea herself had never understood, such unwavering dedication to one place. She was fond of the Jungle, just as she was fond of the Dale now, but she would never feel that strong connection to one place.

    She didn’t miss the Jungle – didn’t even think about it, mostly - only occasionally wondered how her mother was or what she was doing. It hadn’t even occurred to her that she could visit. She lived here now, and although she had officially joined the ranks, truthfully, there was not much she did to contribute. Ea was not a particularly hard worker - it had not been ingrained in her to work hard, only to be smart and careful.

    It should seem intimidating, the three Jungle women approaching the Dale borders along with what Ea could only guess was a captive or man-slave, but instead she was only curious. They smelled of the Jungle, but none of them were her mother, and surely Scorch would have come to see Ea if they were making a diplomatic visit.

    She moves towards them, tensely, even after another Dale member stops to greet them. She doesn’t recognize Soliel, but of course she wouldn’t - Ea was not usually one to socialize willingly. As she closes in, she recognizes two of the mares - Joscelin, who she had met in the Meadow with Ramiel long ago and who had been traded to the Jungle in the same deal that kept Ea here, and Lagertha.

    “New Khaleesi?” Ea repeats, calmly, focusing on the two mares she knew, even though it had been years since she had seen either one of them. There is no detectable worry in her voice, although she is surprised by the news that her mother was no longer queen. “Joscelin, Lagertha, you may not remember me,” she says casually, although she’s sure they will, before looking at the other three - Soliel, an unnamed bay stallion, and a small roan filly, the new princess of the Jungle. Sette seems too small and sweet to be Lagertha's daughter, but Ea does her best to smile warmly at the child. “I’m Ea.”

    While his blood family shrinks in number every year, his Dalean family grows.

    He takes comfort in the fact that the kingdom has filled more and more with each passing season. He enjoys the tight-knit community they’ve created, the comradery that has blossomed between the misfits and wanderers who have chosen the Dale. It’s not an active, burgeoning, bustling place like he thinks the Chamber must be. But then again, he didn’t think the residents were ready for that level of growth – not before, anyway. Before, they’d needed time to heal: Soliel with her vanished memories, Graveling with her rotting flesh, Isetnofret and Weir with the loss of their child. Sometimes, Ramiel wonders if the Dale has become the new Falls in its proclivity to take in the wounded, physically or otherwise.

    Now, he hopes they are mostly whole, or at least patched up.

    Now, there is work to be done and changes to be made. As his parents fade into the background of his life (no longer the pillars on which he can comfortably rest, should the crown become too cumbersome) and his sister moves on to make her own, he knows it is his time to step up. It’s time for the Dale, too, as well. They need to either find their place in the scheme of Beqanna or make their own. He has his own ideas on what direction to send the mountain land, but he wants to get the kingdom’s opinion on the matter as a whole before implementing them. Keeping the feeling of family alive and well has always been his first concern.

    Ramiel is mulling over the idea of calling them all together when he hears his name on the wind. An exotic, earthy smell accompanies his moniker on winter’s dying breath. The Jungle. The most easily recognized scent of all, for its foreignness from the others. Sure it is his sister, the grey stallion moves into motion immediately, abandoning his favorite place alongside the river. The ground is hard with frost, but he pays his punished joints no mind as he canters towards the border. If it is indeed Joscelin (and he thinks it must be; she’s lasted longer than he thought she would without a visit home) he wonders why she’s worried about respecting boundaries – he’d sooner ask Carnage to join the ranks than ask that of her.

    But as he draws closer, he realizes why the scent is still so strong, despite the cold winds pulling it in all directions. This isn’t a simple homecoming. The toothy grin he’d been wearing in anticipation for her half-sister fades into a proper, welcoming smile instead. Soliel is there already, and he is happily surprised to see Ea as well. He comes to stand next to Soliel, giving her a quick nudge of support before facing the Amazonians. Three grown women, a young child, and a man. A man? His gaze lingers on the winged stallion the longest, curiosity sparking in his golden eyes, but he makes no comment on the way the man seems to position himself closer to Joscelin than the other women. As wrong as he is on that thought, he spares it only a second before turning back to the largest mare among them. He already knows that she is the new Khaleesi, this Lagertha, but he nods anyway when Josc introduces her. “Congratulations, Lagertha.”

    He smiles at her before taking in the others as well. “As Soliel said, welcome.” The cracked-skinned bay introduces the young filly as a princess, and Ramiel smiles even warmer at her. She looks nothing like her steel mother, but he doesn’t comment on it, of course. She seems cold, though, so he shares a worried look with his sister. “Can you warm her with your light? It must feel like the Tundra here to you all.” He is as concerned to ask it of her as he is for the girl, since the last time Joscelin had damaged an entire meadow with her lack of control. But perhaps she’s learned since then; he hopes, anyway.

    Once that’s out of the way, he figures they should get down to business. “I’m sure you are aware of our standing agreement with Scorch?” The ghost king watches the khaleesi for signs of recognition before he continues on. “Does the arrangement still hold now that you are on the throne? For our part, we’d very much like to continue the relationship. Truthfully, we’d like to make it a working, mutual partnership rather than an alliance in name alone.” And he doesn’t say that the Amazons had gotten the better end of the bargain (that they should be in debt to the Dale for the hard-worker they’d gotten) but he wants to. Dalten had appeared only once, and though Ea had said she would stay, her presence has been quiet and elusive as she adjusts to her new home. Ramiel’s eyes find Joscelin’s, an unspoken apology for their father’s decision to ship her off reflecting in them. But she’s done alright for herself, it seems. She is confident and proud – a far cry from the broken girl he’d seen the last time. Still, he misses her here.


    ghost king of the dale

    in the morning when I wake and the sun is coming through,
    oh you fill my lungs with sweetness and my head is filled with you

    She hadn’t noticed the accompanying winged male at first as there had been so many ladies with a floral scent about them that it blocked out the musk of the stallion. She eyes him for a moment, wondering why he is so silent. Perhaps he was mute and couldn’t speak or just very shy. She gives him a soft smile, he was quite a handsome man and the wings were something new for her. She couldn’t recall ever meeting anyone with wings before (although of course she had met a varying sort of equines with traits when she had been a child, all forgotten now minus the father of her unborn child) and so she finds him quite interesting. The same with Joscelin. At first glance she thought the mare was covered in usual scars but now that she looks closer she can see how wrong she is. Her blue eyes probably expose her shock, having never seen anyone like her before. This was turning into quite an interesting day. As she wonders how many others have varying differences in this world, it makes her feel rather plain and boring. She shifts her weight slightly, partly due to the baby making her uncomfortable and partly because she is rather embarrassed at her lack of uniqueness.

    A gentle smile replaces her initial excitement as Joscelin explains why they have come. ”It’s a pleasure to meet you all. And congratulations to your new… Khaleesi.” The words are foreign in her mouth, not knowing exactly what a Khalessi is but at least understanding that it must be something important. ”You must be tired after your travel. Please feel free to rest until Ramiel joins us.” She pauses as Sette shyly points out the trees and she returns the girls smile with one of her own, that surge of warmth spreading through her as she looks at the child again. The foal in her stomach rolls heavily in her stomach and she winces slightly, still not use to the sensation. ”So do I, they are quite beautiful aren’t they?” She pauses for a moment as she compares the mare and child, noting that they don’t look very similar but doesn’t find it very important at the time. ”If your mother says it’s ok, you can go take a closer look.”

    At this point she is joined by Ea, a mare she doesn’t know but smells of the Dale and seems to know some of the faces before her. She has no problem stepping back and letting Ea take the reins of the meeting as she is familiar with part of the group. It’s not long though that Ramiel appears. He had snuck up beside her and nudges her softly, startling her for a moment and she gives an embarrassed laugh as she makes room for him. ”It seems the man of the hour has arrived.” She teases lightly, glad that she doesn’t have to navigate these diplomatic waters by herself any longer now that the two Daleans had joined her. Her curved lobes swivel forward as they begin to talk about the standing between the two kingdoms. As she doesn’t know much about the other kingdoms or how alliances work and all that, she hangs on to every word in an effort to learn. She wants to be able to give back to Ramiel and his kingdom. It’s the least she can do after he had saved her from death. ”I’m sorry to interrupt but as I’m not up to date on current affairs… What was the previous standing with the Amazons that we had before?” She asks Ramiel quietly, hoping she doesn’t look as stupid as she feels. It was an annoying thing, this lack of memories, for she really didn’t know anything anymore and it made her quite vulnerable and exposed.


    can i be close to you



    He chortles, enjoying the scampering of a fox dressed in its winter's finest. The There wasn't much for animal life this far into winter, but when there was he was never one to miss it. Well, within reason, he simply couldn't be everywhere at once. Or could he? Maybe he should look into that, perhaps there was a way. He sighed at his nonsense, gaze shifted as he catches something in his peripheral. Visitors!
    He did love a good visit, especially when he wasn't feeling so out of sorts like the last time. He turns to join them, making his way from the hills, slowly picking his path. Yes, easy does it, that was always good enough for Weir. He watched with a smile as others found their way before him, first a pale mare he hadn't really gotten to know yet. The second was Ea, he wondered what she was doing here? Caught a wild hair perhaps. Then there was Ramiel, him he knew, how could he not know his King?
    Finally reaching his destination after a slow stroll, he smiles brightly, and offers his own greeting." Hello there. Pleasant day for a road trip, yes?" He hadn't given thought to the fact that they might not know what a road trip was, or if it was a pleasant day for one. He had made it his goal to seek this meeting in a happier manner than his attendance in prior gatherings. He looks at the group of Amazons studiously, the cracked body of a bay- he should like to study that how interesting! The clear leader was a storm colored mare with horns, though she did not head the company. A young filly was also amongst their number, and a brutish looking bay male.  Weir would also be most delighted to study the dragon wings that rested at his sides- marvelous developments.

    It is not for education that they are here though (much to his dismay) and instead the roan stallion settles in to listen. This girl must be young Joscelin, older now, he wondered if her Mother would be here in time to see her.  Naturally he had not yet obtained any skills to see the future, so he had to wait and see what happened just like the rest of them.Khaleesi odd sort of title he thinks, muttering it for a length of time, trying to pick apart the word. He does nothing to hide this, his lips and eyes moving in curious ways, forming long vowels sounds, short ones, emphasizing first this part then that.

    The Dale's Eccentric Magic Manipulator
    love is a temporary madness...
    She senses them just before they reach the border. Her empathy is growing, the radius in which she can sense emotions expanding with each new dawn. It is fortunate that she has learned how to tuck the din of emotions into a corner of her mind, or she might quickly go mad. Especially in busy places such as the meadow or field. The Dale, fortunately, is usually quiet. She rarely has to worry about being overwhelmed here, especially as she had remained so secluded for the past several months.

    But when she feels who is coming, it is simply not possible for her to ignore the gathering group. She would recognize her daughter anywhere, even if it was only by her emotional signature.

    She is slow in arriving. Though her fractured shoulder is healing, it is a slow process. Walking is painful, causing her to limp as she crosses the Dale by foot. Of course she had had the rotten luck of being ensconced on very nearly the opposite end of the kingdom when she first had felt them. When she finally does arrive, it is to find quite a large group already gathered. Ramiel, Weir, and Soliel she of course knows. Ea she has seen, though they had not yet had a chance for true conversation. The only one of the Amazon’s party she recognizes, aside from Joscelin of course, is Lagertha. The rest are unfamiliar.

    She arrives just in time to catch the tail end of Joscelin’s words, enough to know that Lagertha has been crowned Khaleesi. Limping towards the group, she dips her head in her direction, a signal of respect for her new position. A warm smile curves her lips as she adds her own voice to the conversation.

    “Congratulations, Khaleesi. I would like to extend our best wishes for your reign, and my earnest hope that our alliance can continue.”

    She could say no less, for they have her daughter in their hands. Her russet gaze turns to the red and white woman (girl no longer) as the sparking in her skin intensifies, brightening. Joscelin has her golden gaze fixed upon her, eyeing the mostly healed scars littering the right side of her torso. And though nothing shows upon her stoic features, she can feel a faint hint of alarm emanating from her. She slips in next to Joscelin, hearing her daughter softly whisper a questioning ‘Mom?’ as she does. She brushes her muzzle gently, reassuringly, against her fractured neck, before settling in as the conversation continues.
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