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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Her hoof beats echoed louder in her head than they should have. She entered the field and paused drawing in a short breath, her eyes scanning right to left. Nothing. She thought to with a exasperated sigh. The small mare stood only 14.2 hands high and had a stocky build making her seem even shorter. Her ebony forelock hung over her eyes forcing her to constantly flick her head in annoyance. Resting her hind foot she looked to the sky, that matched her eyes in color, the blue reminding her of her family. Her mother had had the same eyes, prettier than the sky ever was Miku always thought. Her father had stood a way above her, at 16 hands high, her coat matched hers. They were the kindest souls Miku could ever imagine meeting, but now they were gone along with half of Miku's tail. A fire had come in the night, her family was resting in a valley with rock covered walls on one side, making escape nearly impossible. Miku was the first one awake that night and the fire was already closing in on the small group. She had tried to wake her family and run at the same time, but the flight instinct inside her took over and she screamed their names before turning to run. She had barely made it out herself that night leaping over a wall of flames, it took half her tail and burned her ankles. But all she could see now was when she had stopped and turned expecting to see her family close behind, she saw her mother's face as she was crying out and the flames grew over top of her. That's how she gets to remember her mother, surrounded by flames. It had only been a week since the incident and Miku was haunted every night by the picture of her mother.
    Shaking her head, Miku realized she was staring off into the distance her body trembling a little. She sighed once more and dropped her head to grab a mouthful of grass.

    He’d been having these.. thoughts lately. Thoughts of finally trying to achieve something with his life. Thoughts of Felinae and Makai and others he’d managed to subsequently come across in his travels. Within all of them was the same kind of fire that he found lacking in himself. Zeik never knew how much he could crave that flame until now. Today though, he’s alone with his thoughts, not flying across the unusually empty Field like he normally would, but instead walking. The season is bitter this year, causing his coat to grow in thicker than usual. His normally speckled blue-black fur is dark and full, making him seem broody and bigger than his usual self.

    He doesn’t expect to see anyone really out and about in this weather, but to his surprise there’s someone braving the cold like him. It’s a mare, short and hardy with a curiously half-shorn tail and what seems to be burnt hind fetlocks. She has the look of another world about her, and Zeik pauses to consider her for a moment. She shakes her head, returning to the present, and Zeik cannot seem to stifle his newly found interest, so he makes his way easily to her, ears risen in a show of goodwill.

    “A bit too cold for my liking.” He says, commenting absently on the weather. “What brings you out here?” His eyes, mahogany and depthless, peer into her own sapphire ones. The pause grows for a moment as he remembers his manners, and then he’s quick to fix his mistake. “I’m Zeik by the way.”

    Everything we are and used to be is buried and gone

    The cool air didn't bother Miku, her coat was thick and fluffy for the winter. She preferred the cold to the heat especially after the fire. Her head snapped up as she heard a male voice, she looked up seeing a large stallion approaching her. Her eyes scanned behind him for the moment he was speaking to her. No one else was around, it made her slightly uncomfortable, but he certainly didn't come off threatening other than his size.
    "Personally I enjoy the cold but it has chilled off quite a lot" A smile crossed her face as she looked up at him. His eyes were endless it seemed, it really intrigued her and she couldn't look away. To her they were oddly comforting, they had a trusting quality to them. "It's a pleasure to meet you Zeik, my names Miku" Her voice had softened. "To be honest, I don't know what brought me here." She shrugged and looked around the field a cool breeze causing her to shiver. "What brings you here in this weather?"

    He’s glad she’s not tucking tail and heading for safety when he approaches. Zeik has seen how some stallions act - like animals. Normally, he would’ve considered this just how life went, but the idea of controlling another horse's life based on your own instinctual needs is unappealing to him. She had nothing to fear from the blue roan. She seems to understand this though, and she replies to his comment with equal brevity and kindness. Zeik returns her smile, finding her company a welcome distraction from the days usual events.

    “Whatever it was, I’m glad it brought me across you.” He says, truthfully. It was hard to find others who could hold his interest for long, and Miku was certainly not like the others. She turns the question back to him, and he’s willing to answer her truthfully. No sense in lying, or trying to make his intentions flowery. Zeik was a practical character. “I’m here to find like-minded companions.” Her shiver draws his eyes, and though it may seem uncouth, Zeik extends his nose to bump her shoulder gently.

    “I can offer you protection, a home.” He says, retracting his touch so he could restore her personal space. “Even friendship.” He smiles again, looking out to the empty Field and feeling the cold begin to settle in his bones. “You’re free to turn me away, of course. But if you need somewhere to feel welcome, even if it’s only a stop on your way to something bigger, consider me.” He looks at her then, this strange mare with half a tail and a story to tell.

    It was true. If she felt his intentions were too bold, Zeik would step away and let her run her course. It wasn’t his place to force her. But, like the few others he’d come across in his travels, he’d like to see her again, to hear what she had to say. But the Field, and this inclement weather, was not the ideal place or situation for it.

    Everything we are and used to be is buried and gone

    She had never had much experience with forceful stallions. She had grown up with only her mother and father around, so she wasn't as concerned about the dangers stallions really could present as she probably should have been. Her bald colored face was relaxed and had a innocence quality to it most of the time. Her tail flicked back and forth calmly along with her delicate ears as Ziek spoke. His words made her smile and look away not used to getting compliments from other horses. Glad to have come across her? Why? She wasn't anything special to anyone before, why now?
    Her muscles tensed momentarily when he touched her shoulder, but relaxed seconds later. Her eyes were locked on him as he explained what he's looking for. Friendship? He says and she tips her head. His offer seems very open to her, she can leave if she decides she needs to go somewhere else but will be protected and even have companionship while there. Her face lights up and she's smiling and nodding before words even leave her lips.
    "I'd really like that" She said and stepped closer to him. "Whether it be long term or not, having companionship and shelter would be so good right now. I fear this weather is only going to grow harsher." She shivered again and stepped behind him a little to block some of the wind that has started blowing harder.
    "Anywhere has to be better than here"She chuckled. "Lead the way Zeik"

    He’s actually surprised at himself. But then again, the surprise comes with a quick dash of a sensibility, and Zeik thinks about the outside factors that surround their new relationship. The weather is turning, the Field is scarce, and she’s alone. It makes logical sense that she would go with Zeik - he’s level-headed, polite and rather to himself, so their pairing is a mutually beneficial one. Still, he smiles at her reply and feels a slight rush of adrenaline.

    Purpose. Miku had given him purpose. He turns away from her, ears rising to the wind while he charts the horizon. He’d had a place in mind for a while, a lonely little outcropping of riverland covered in misty woods. It was just far enough from any prominent kingdom while still central, maintaining a pleasurable temperature all year round. Never too hot, never too cold. He thinks she’ll like it there, and it won’t be long before others join them. There’s a word for this, but Zeik cannot seem to think of it. Instead, he turns back to her with a determined grin.

    “It’s not terribly far from here. Southwest around some low mountainlands and then once we come to a great lake, we follow the river due west. I hope you like it, I’ve been itching to call the woods there my home for some time now.” He takes his place then at her side, confidently stepping forward in the right direction. In normal circumstances, he would shift and fly, but he’s unaware of any traits that Miku may have so he chooses a steady pace and looks forward to getting to know her on the journey. With luck, they’ll reach their new home before dusk, and she can explore to her hearts content then.

    As they leave, Zeik recalls the word he’d been searching for: Family. With Miku in tow and hopefully Felinae to join them soon, they’ll be a family. Something he’s never had.

    Everything we are and used to be is buried and gone

    OOC: If you'd like, you can write a reply in the Misty Rapids herdland, found under the Deserts. <3

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