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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Some of them come and some of them don’t, but in the end, Lagertha must be satisfied; her stalwart supporters are there, as are four who would take the oath. And there is even a declaration of support for her, from which she cannot hide a smile. So she doesn’t. The magician’s faith and promise is more than encouraging. Lagertha can do this. And she will, with all of their help. A Queendom is not just the Queen and her laws. It is all encompassing.

    So with a nod to Lyris and Prague, she says in regards to the General position, “The only requirements are battle prowess and to show me you are leaders.”  To those who volunteer to visit Kingdoms, she says, “Be careful at the Chamber. I will head to the Dale, if anyone wants to join me. Otherwise, it looks like it’s you and me for the rest of the Kingdoms, Rhy.” She isn’t above a long excursion – after all, she’d never visited half the Kingdoms anyway. Now is the time to learn.

    And to the four who wish to take their vows (a part of her wishes Vyx was amongst them, but the shifter is so much more fox than horse, and therefore, capricious), she beckons them forward a step. Aoi, she met in the Jungle. Sarkis, Scorch’s daughter, whom she doesn’t know but would like to. Joscelin, who is already beginning to distinguish herself, and Tessla, whom is also unknown – but any true face is a welcome face. “Fantastic. We are happy to have you, ladies. Please repeat after me. To the Jungle, I swear my service in life and death. To this kingdom, I swear my blood and my body. To my Sisters, I swear my loyalty and love.” They are words that have been said for decades upon decades upon decades. She would alter them a little bit, but it doesn’t seem right.

    “Thank you. Now… as you were.” They are dismissed. Lagertha turns to leave, seeking out Tantalize, and mentally calling for the ever appearing and disappearing Prague. They had a couple of important things to talk about.  
    Joscelin volunteers to go to the Dale and wherever else you'd like to send her.
    I think this is right based on the various posts. If I got anything wrong or anything, please let me know.

    Gates - Lyris (EDIT -per Tinsel below)
    Deserts - Sunday & Aoi
    Tundra - Rhy & Lagertha
    Dale - Jocelin & Lagertha
    Chamber - Lyris & Tessla
    Valley - Tantalize & Sunday
    Lyris is going to the Gates on a friendly visit since she lost her battle, so she could just turn it into a diplomatic visit too if you like. And then she can report back that shit went down, haha.
    Prague will go to the Chamber to help if any trouble is started and to the Gates.
    Sweeeet. Thanks guys. Sorry Lag can't read well all the time. x.x

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