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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Soulless - Mare - Anglo-Arabian Hybrid
    Raj x Titanica
    Color: Bay appaloosa with teal points
    Genetic Traits: Translucent appearance, Disease acceleration
    Plot idea: So I am looking for someone to mentor her and be a partner in crime. I want her to fall in love with someone who will break her heart but find someone else who is good to her. I am also open to anything you have in mind.

    Makara - Mare - Hybrid
    Kwartz x Jayhawk
    Color: Lavender palomino appaloosa
    Genetic Traits: Wings
    Plot idea: I really don't know what I want for her so please throw your ideas at me. Not sure what her personality is yet 

    Lylalina - Mare - Hybrid
    Cainell x Y'Kira
    Color: Chestnut with purple ombre, flowers in mane/tail
    Genetic Traits: Horn, Limited immortality, Shattering
    Plot idea: I see her as someone who is very careful and helpful to those in need . She is my sweet little flower girl. Throw your ideas at me.

    Alija - Mare - Hybrid
    Tywll x Rayie 
    Color: Smoky blue roan with gold roaning
    Genetic Traits: Porpoise shifting, Kelpie mimicry - Enhanced attractiveness, elongated jaw, underwater telepathy
    Plot idea: I'm not sure yet what she's going to be like. Would be happy to find her a love interest and also some family plots 

    Extraterrestrial - Mare - Hybrid - twin to Velnane
    Aeghir x Evelia
    Color: Smoky grulla tobiano
    Plot idea: I'm not sure yet what she's going to be like. Please throw some ideas her way 

    Conway - Stallion - Hybrid
    Nodens x Yatasa
    Color: Blue roan
    Genetic Traits: Kelpie mimicry - Adhesive skin, breathes underwater, sharp teeth
    Plot idea: I'm not sure yet what he's going to be like. Please throw some ideas his way 

    Dhara - Mare - Hybrid - Twin to Odinokiy
    Aodhán x Carwyn
    Color: Red roan appaloosa
    Genetic Traits: Dragon vision, Dragon mimicry
    Non-Genetic Traits: Twilight mimicry
    Defects: Brittle Bone Disease
    Plot idea: I'm not sure yet what she's going to be like. She will be cautious and careful do to her brittle bones.

    Odinokiy - Male - Hybrid - twin to Dharya
    Carwyn x Aodhán
    Color: Silver blue roan appaloosa
    Plot idea: I'm not sure yet what he's going to be like.
    Active Characters:
    Hey!  Zain is up for plotting with any of the pretties he "courted" this season!

    For Soulless, he's not a good true mentor(more gaslighting manipulator but she'll feel a little good about herself).  I'd call it more "groom her" for his own evil pleasures.  Definitely capable of breaking her heart but will try to mend it to continue the toxic cycle...
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    Beetlejuice is also down to plot with ladies he has courted xD

    I also have Lourde (who I haven't played too much) and Embark (who is an absolute sweetheart, would be open for family plots). Smile
    That would be awesome and also Soulless has had some practice with her traits. Raj had taught her a little when she was a foal. She does try to act like she has no soul but it is there hidden if that makes any sense.

    With Beetlejuice: Dharya and Alija if you want to throw some ideas for them I'm open. Dharya is Alija's aunt and Carwyn is quite protective of both girls. They would most definitely be in their children's lives also.

    Conway or Makara would be interested plots with Lourde
    Active Characters:
    Send Soulless to Pangea if you would like Smile
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*

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