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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS [Twins]

    Life was short… for some unfortunate mortal beings of their world.  Succumbing to sickness and disease; a cesspool of wonderful chaos unleashed upon the inhabitants of Beqanna. 

    Though he was not exempt to these things, they did not affect him the same. He wondered though if his spawn were in fact destined to an untimely fate.

    They cross the undead things mind more these days.  It had already been a year since they were born into this cruel world.  That was enough time for them to enjoy their childhood wasn't it? 

    Dare he say he misses seeing them…  So these musings bring him to the Dales border.  He's unsure if they still reside within the kingdom but he has a hunch they have remained in the isolated protection of the land.

    His decomposing body steps begrudgingly into the spring waters of the kingdom's moat.  He thought wings to be below him but in times like these he wished he could avoid contact with the land. 

    Once at the other side his red glowing eyes scan the terrain.  They shouldn't be hard to spot, being on fire and all.

    A sound creeps up behind him and he turns to find an unusual sight.

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS

    This will be the steal post for the twin flames(Escence and Eviction). Beetlejuice will be joining. Steal terms are for one BQ year starting the day of success.

    @ Escence 
    @ Eviction
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke

    Beetlejuice had lurked in the shadows for some time now. Beqanna had grown and changed with the seasons, becoming more peaceful as the years went on. The days of plagued illness and evil-sworn kingdoms were long over.

    It made him sick.

    Chaos was his general state of being. He’d spent long enough cracking the necks of birds and digging up moles from beneath the earth, suffocating them with the dirt they called home to know that it is only in chaos that things seem truly interesting. Beqanna might be peaceful, but he was not, and he desired something more fun than simply sitting in the shadows practicing.

    So, he tracked down his old pal Zain to the Dale. He knew that fucker always had something up his sleeve, and since their old motley crew had dissolved and disappeared, he thought maybe they could start anew.

    He knows he probably looks like quite a sight to behold. He’s much older now, as evidenced by the gray flecks in his otherwise ebony coat. His icy azure mane and tail are long and grown out with knots, locs, and mats. He speaks in a low, gargled voice - not used to talking to another.

    “Zain…” he says with a grumbling giggle. “Long time no see, ugly fuck. What shit have you gotten into these days?”

    god called in sick today

    @ Zain

    The sight takes the undead thing back to his ambitious youth.  Not much has changed, cept the obvious age of his cult brother.  A smirk crawls across his grotesque face at the others jest and he replies promptly with his own. "BJ!  Where you been hiding?  Under a rock no doubt," the glow of his eyes appraises the black and blue stallion, "Aging does NOT look good on you." He says in a laughing sneer.

    With a slight roll of his shoulder he continues, "Oh you know.  Same old shit different day."  Turning to look back in the direction he was headed he adds, "Just coming to get something of mine... Walk with me."  His large stride moves him forwards and into the kingdom farther, his glowing eyes rove over the area as he searches for signs of his offspring.

    "What havoc have you been wreaking on the world?  Nothing profound I'm guessing since I haven't heard your name muttered in decades," he is about to tsk in shame when a scent of burnt vegetation catches his attention.  Shifting his path just slightly he heads towards the lake and maintaining an ear on his comrade.

    The sight of the living flames that is his daughter, and the skeleton appearance of his son causes him to halt.  That devilish glint appears in the glow of his orbs as he looks upon them with pride.  "Ah... There it is," his tone satisfactory.

    He watches them for only a moment more before approaching.  They were out on a sand bar that extended into the lake, doing what he was unsure.  

    Escence has a look of shock on her face, Eviction a look of concern.  He muses just what has transpired as he brings himself to stand on the lakeshore.  "Eventful day?" He says simply, his gaze shifting between them.  Upon seeing him their looks do not change much, as expected.

    Father?  What are you doing here? 

    He smiles at his daughter's words and answers without hesitation, "I've come to bring you home child."  They undead things hardly bothers with introductions as all BJ needs to know is what has already been given.

    The focus of his eyes land on Vic to gauge his response and anticipated protest.  Escence would be effortless to convince to come with him, but Eviction wasn't so easily swayed, understandably.  That day in the orchard didn't settle well with the young colt and it reflects in the burning of his pit-less eyes still.

    "I promised I would be back for you both and it has been a year.  A year spent with your mother and so I wish for the same.  A year spent with me.  That is all I ask.  A year to get to know my children," his sly plea flows easily from his lips as his focus now turns to Escence.

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS

    @ Escence 
    @ Eviction 
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    With Vic beside me I continue to think of all the reasons I had just spewed fire across the lake water.  I was made of mostly fire and so I don't think it impossible, but it is concerning just the same.

    Vic consoles me, pressing his muzzle into my shoulder so that I know he is there.  Even with my warning to stay away he did not heed it.  With a few deep breathes I feel the burning subside but still my shocked expression remained.

    We were about to turn and head back to the grassland when a distant familiar voice catches my attention.  My red eyes land upon the distinct decomposing form of the bay stallion that is my father.  "Father?  What are you doing here?" My question warranted as I haven't seen him since the incident of the fall.

    He is quick to provide his intentions and I smile, a warmness enveloping my heart as I remember our time together, me nestled against his broad chest.  I can sense Vics apprehension though and look to him sheepishly, his glowing eyes piercing and his face tense.

    There is a moment of stagnant silence before a deep answer echoes from within my brother's chest, No.

    My heart sinks as I look back to our father and his dark companion.

    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance-Fire Breathing-Water Immunity\\
    Fire Mimicry- Foxfire, Phoenix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings

    It had been decades since they'd seen one another, but they go back to joking around with ease. Beetlejuice laughs at Zain's taunts, rolling his eyes playfully. "Well, the years have been good to you," He says trotting around the stallion and looking him up and down. "Ah, just as I thought. No extra skin peeling off. What a miracle!" He lets out a loud, grotesque cackle. 

    They stand on the edge of the kingdom, and when Zain requests BJ follow him to retrieve something, the ebony pony does not question. He trots to keep up with Zain's much longer strides, listening to him as he asks what the ghost had been doing all those years. "I hate to admit it, but you're right," Beetlejuice replies to Zain's suggestion that he hadn't done much over the past few decades. "I figured you're always up to some fuck-shit. So, why not get up to our old shenanigans? I'm sure my powers could be of use to you." A devilish grin crawls across his face at the suggestion. Who might they torture? Who might they kill? The thought sends a tingle down his spine. 

    Suddenly, Zain turns, making a beeline through a thin patch of trees. "Ah, there it is..." He mutters, and Beetlejuice peers around his comrade's rump to see what he was referring to. 

    The two yearlings stand at the edge of the lake on a stretch of sand. Beetlejuice follows Zain as he approaches the pair, stalking quietly from behind. A menacing grin pulls at the edge of his lips as he follows, wondering what is was his undead companion wanted with them. 

    It doesn't take long for Beetlejuice to put together his answer. The filly's question comes as a surprise to BJ, who perks his ears up at the suggestion that Zain is their father. What mare would want to fuck him? The ghost wonders, brows furrowing as the group exchanges words. 

    It is the defiant no of the colt that brings BJ's shadowy figure to Zain's side. "No?" The ghost's laughter starts as a haunting snicker before erupting into a full-blown, crazed guffaw. "NO?!" He repeats, continuing to chortle before stopping suddenly, eyes narrowing on the colt. 

    "You think you have a choice?"


    @ Zain 
    @ Escence 
    @ Eviction

    As his gaze settles on the fire licked filly the only notable recoil to the colts rejection of his proposal is a flick of his dreadlock tail.  

    The minute reaction on the filly's face is enough to convince him his plea would not end here.  She could be manipulated, and he had an inkling that her twin would not allow her to leave unattended.

    It is Beetlejuice's words that cause him to retort, "Easy my old friend."  His view then shifts lazily to the colt, "I know we got off on the wrong hoof Eviction, but I'd like to make amends.  Come with me to Pangea and if anything churlish happens then you are free to go.  I wish to spend time with you both..."  Even though his gaze holds the colts he can see Escence eagerly waiting for Vics reply, a hopeful twinkle in her blood red eyes.  This would be almost too easy.

    He goes on to add quickly, "but if you do not wish to come Vic, then we can have some father daughter time," his gaze redirects to the filly, his lips creasing into a much kinder smile than thought possible for such a hideous beast.  She looks to him then, beaming happily at the mere thought of an adventure past the Dales borders.  The apprehension she held only moments ago a distant memory.

    His pause is brief, watching the unwavering glare of his son's glowing white eyes, before he begins to turn with a shrug of his shoulder, "Come daughter, we have much catching up to do!  Tell me, what have you been learning so far?"  As expected, she is not far behind him as she begins to chatter about her discoveries.  With her on one side and BJ on the other, he gives Beetlejuice a sly grin and wink as they begin to depart from the area.

    Not more than a few paces off the lakeshore he can hear the dragging clatter of heavy hoofbeats behind the trio.  He hardly catches what the filly has all said to him, his mind lost in his own devious musings.

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS

    Since the steal was rolled successful we can conclude this thread and I'll throw up a starter for the group in Pangea! >:]
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke

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