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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [PQ - in progress] like a world of noise
    -- a dreamer neither lost nor found ;
    Only now, some two centuries after his birth, does Everclear approach the Mountain with intent. All this time before he has been content in his life, wary of asking for anything more than he has been given, but now he has decided that perhaps he may be worthy of venturing here with a true wish in mind.

    It feels rather odd to even consider asking for more than he feels he deserves, but he believes in his purpose now. He believes that, with just a touch of extra power beyond his natural abilities, he may be better able to serve his beloved home.

    So he treks through the stones, up the slopes, silent all the while for he knows the faeries work on their own whims despite what pleas may be made. Eventually he stops and waits in one of the more well-traveled landings, quiet and alone but for the warming winds around him.

    Everclear is questing for the 4-space Angel-Shifting trait.

    5 posts which explain why he wants this power:
    5 other posts (most of which also subtly explain or indicate his desire for this power):
    It watches him from behind the stones, eyes bright. The fairy had felt Everclear coming long before he began his trek to the Mountain. It intends to watch him for much longer still, to see how far he makes it down the path that he began many years ago.

    What the protective stallion needs is not the fairy’s to give, and yet…

    Surely there is no harm in removing obstacles along the path of one as good-hearted as this?

    Having convinced itself, the fairy slips away, sinking into the world around it, leaving behind just a bit of magic. It is carried on the wind, nothing but a little orb of glowing light, and it brushes warmly against the dapple stallion’s forehead before seeping into him.

    Return when you have mastered these.

    It is not immediately clear what ‘these’ are, or even where the words had come from. Soon enough, Everclear will understand. For now, he is left alone atop the Mountain.

    Everclear successfully rolled for a quest. Everclear has been granted wings, which he will need to develop (in whatever way you choose - wakes up with them fully formed, grow slowly, etc) and learn to use over the span of at least three threads. Link those threads in a response here to receive the next part of the quest.

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